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Optimization/Reinforcement Learning

Room 310

Moderator: Kaiqing Zhang

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Thu 21 July 7:30 - 7:35 PDT

Adapting k-means Algorithms for Outliers

Christoph Grunau · Vaclav Rozhon

This paper shows how to adapt several simple and classical sampling-based algorithms for the k-means problem to the setting with outliers. Recently, Bhaskara et al. (NeurIPS 2019) showed how to adapt the classical k-means++ algorithm to the setting with outliers. However, their algorithm needs to output O(log(k)·z) outliers, where z is the number of true outliers, to match the O(log k)-approximation guarantee of k-means++. In this paper, we build on their ideas and show how to adapt several sequential and distributed k-means algorithms to the setting with outliers, but with substantially stronger theoretical guarantees: our algorithms output (1 + ε)z outliers while achieving an O(1/ε)-approximation to the objective function. In the sequential world, we achieve this by adapting a recent algorithm of Lattanzi and Sohler (ICML 2019). In the distributed setting, we adapt a simple algorithm of Guha et al. (IEEE Trans. Know. and Data Engineering 2003) and the popular k-means‖ of Bahmani et al. (PVLDB2012). A theoretical application of our techniques is an algorithm with running time O(nk^2/z) that achieves an O(1)-approximation to the objective function while outputting O(z) outliers, assuming k << z << n. This is complemented with a matching lower bound of Ω(nk^2/z) for this problem in the oracle model.

Thu 21 July 7:35 - 7:40 PDT

Accelerated, Optimal and Parallel: Some results on model-based stochastic optimization

Karan Chadha · Gary Cheng · John Duchi

The Approximate-Proximal Point (APROX) family of model-based stochastic optimization algorithms improve over standard stochastic gradient methods, as they are robust to step size choices, adaptive to problem difficulty, converge on a broader range of problems than stochastic gradientmethods, and converge very fast on interpolation problems, all while retaining nice minibatching properties~\cite{AsiDu19siopt,AsiChChDu20}. In this paper, we propose an acceleration scheme for the APROX family and provide non-asymptotic convergence guarantees, which are order-optimal in all problem-dependent constants and provide even larger minibatching speedups. For interpolation problems where the objective satisfies additional growth conditions, we show that our algorithm achieves linear convergence rates for a wide range of stepsizes. In this setting, we also prove matching lower bounds, identifying new fundamental constants and showing the optimality of the APROX family. We corroborate our theoretical results with empirical testing to demonstrate the gains accurate modeling, acceleration, and minibatching provide.

Thu 21 July 7:40 - 7:45 PDT

Online Algorithms with Multiple Predictions

Keerti Anand · Rong Ge · Amit Kumar · Debmalya Panigrahi

This paper studies online algorithms augmented with {\em multiple} machine-learned predictions. We give a generic algorithmic framework for online covering problems with multiple predictions that obtains an online solution that is competitive against the performance of the {\em best} solution obtained from the predictions. Our algorithm incorporates the use of predictions in the classic potential-based analysis of online algorithms. We apply our algorithmic framework to solve classical problems such as online set cover, (weighted) caching, and online facility location in the multiple predictions setting.

Thu 21 July 7:45 - 7:50 PDT

Parsimonious Learning-Augmented Caching

Sungjin Im · Ravi Kumar · Aditya Petety · Manish Purohit

Learning-augmented algorithms---in which, traditional algorithms are augmented with machine-learned predictions---have emerged as a framework to go beyond worst-case analysis. The overarching goal is to design algorithms that perform near-optimally when the predictions are accurate yet retain certain worst-case guarantees irrespective of the accuracy of the predictions. This framework has been successfully applied to online problems such as caching where the predictions can be used to alleviate uncertainties. In this paper we introduce and study the setting in which the learning-augmented algorithm can utilize the predictions parsimoniously. We consider the caching problem---which has been extensively studied in the learning-augmented setting---and show that one can achieve quantitatively similar results but only using a \emph{sublinear} number of predictions.

Thu 21 July 7:50 - 7:55 PDT

RUMs from Head-to-Head Contests

Matteo Almanza · Flavio Chierichetti · Ravi Kumar · Alessandro Panconesi · Andrew Tomkins

Random utility models (RUMs) encode the likelihood that a particular item will be selected from a slate of competing items. RUMs are well-studied objects in both discrete choice theory and, more recently, in the machine learning community, as they encode a fairly broad notion of rational user behavior. In this paper, we focus on slates of size two representing head-to-head contests. Given a tournament matrix $M$ such that $M_{i,j}$ is the probability that item $j$ will be selected from $\{i, j\}$, we consider the problem of finding the RUM that most closely reproduces $M$. For this problem we obtain a polynomial-time algorithm returning a RUM that approximately minimizes the average error over the pairs.Our experiments show that RUMs can {\em perfectly} represent many of the tournament matrices that have been considered in the literature; in fact, the maximum average error induced by RUMs on the matrices we considered is negligible ($\approx 0.001$). We also show that RUMs are competitive, on prediction tasks, with previous approaches.

Thu 21 July 7:55 - 8:00 PDT

Quant-BnB: A Scalable Branch-and-Bound Method for Optimal Decision Trees with Continuous Features

Rahul Mazumder · Xiang Meng · Haoyue Wang

Decision trees are one of the most useful and popular methods in the machine learning toolbox. In this paper, we consider the problem of learning optimal decision trees, a combinatorial optimization problem that is challenging to solve at scale. A common approach in the literature is to use greedy heuristics, which may not be optimal. Recently there has been significant interest in learning optimal decision trees using various approaches (e.g., based on integer programming, dynamic programming)---to achieve computational scalability, most of these approaches focus on classification tasks with binary features. In this paper, we present a new discrete optimization method based on branch-and-bound (BnB) to obtain optimal decision trees. Different from existing customized approaches, we consider both regression and classification tasks with continuous features. The basic idea underlying our approach is to split the search space based on the quantiles of the feature distribution---leading to upper and lower bounds for the underlying optimization problem along the BnB iterations. Our proposed algorithm Quant-BnB shows significant speedups compared to existing approaches for shallow optimal trees on various real datasets.

Thu 21 July 8:00 - 8:05 PDT

Robustness in Multi-Objective Submodular Optimization: a Quantile Approach

Cedric Malherbe · Kevin Scaman

The optimization of multi-objective submodular systems appears in a wide variety of applications. However, there are currently very few techniques which are able to provide a robust allocation to such systems. In this work, we propose to design and analyse novel algorithms for the robust allocation of submodular systems through lens of quantile maximization. We start by observing that identifying an exact solution for this problem is computationally intractable. To tackle this issue, we propose a proxy for the quantile function using a softmax formulation, and show that this proxy is well suited to submodular optimization. Based on this relaxation, we propose a novel and simple algorithm called SOFTSAT. Theoretical properties are provided for this algorithm as well as novel approximation guarantees. Finally, we provide numerical experiments showing the efficiency of our algorithm with regards to state-of-the-art methods in a test bed of real-world applications, and show that SOFTSAT is particularly robust and well-suited to online scenarios.

Thu 21 July 8:05 - 8:25 PDT

The Unsurprising Effectiveness of Pre-Trained Vision Models for Control

Simone Parisi · Aravind Rajeswaran · Senthil Purushwalkam · Abhinav Gupta

Recent years have seen the emergence of pre-trained representations as a powerful abstraction for AI applications in computer vision, natural language, and speech. However, policy learning for control is still dominated by a tabula-rasa learning paradigm, with visuo-motor policies often trained from scratch using data from deployment environments. In this context, we revisit and study the role of pre-trained visual representations for control, and in particular representations trained on large-scale computer vision datasets. Through extensive empirical evaluation in diverse control domains (Habitat, DeepMind Control, Adroit, Franka Kitchen), we isolate and study the importance of different representation training methods, data augmentations, and feature hierarchies. Overall, we find that pre-trained visual representations can be competitive or even better than ground-truth state representations to train control policies. This is in spite of using only out-of-domain data from standard vision datasets, without any in-domain data from the deployment environments.

Thu 21 July 8:25 - 8:30 PDT

COLA: Consistent Learning with Opponent-Learning Awareness

Timon Willi · Alistair Letcher · Johannes Treutlein · Jakob Foerster

Learning in general-sum games is unstable and frequently leads to socially undesirable (Pareto-dominated) outcomes. To mitigate this, Learning with Opponent-Learning Awareness (LOLA) introduced opponent shaping to this setting, by accounting for each agent's influence on their opponents' anticipated learning steps. However, the original LOLA formulation (and follow-up work) is inconsistent because LOLA models other agents as naive learners rather than LOLA agents.In previous work, this inconsistency was suggested as a cause of LOLA's failure to preserve stable fixed points (SFPs). First, we formalize consistency and show that higher-order LOLA (HOLA) solves LOLA's inconsistency problem if it converges. Second, we correct a claim made in the literature by Schäfer and Anandkumar (2019), proving that Competitive Gradient Descent (CGD) does not recover HOLA as a series expansion (and fails to solve the consistency problem).Third, we propose a new method called Consistent LOLA (COLA), which learns update functions that are consistent under mutual opponent shaping. It requires no more than second-order derivatives and learns consistent update functions even when HOLA fails to converge. However, we also prove that even consistent update functions do not preserve SFPs, contradicting the hypothesis that this shortcoming is caused by LOLA's inconsistency.Finally, in an empirical evaluation on a set of general-sum games, we find that COLA finds prosocial solutions and that it converges under a wider range of learning rates than HOLA and LOLA. We support the latter finding with a theoretical result for a simple game.

Thu 21 July 8:30 - 8:35 PDT

A Self-Play Posterior Sampling Algorithm for Zero-Sum Markov Games

Wei Xiong · Han Zhong · Chengshuai Shi · Cong Shen · Tong Zhang

Existing studies on provably efficient algorithms for Markov games (MGs) almost exclusively build on the ``optimism in the face of uncertainty'' (OFU) principle. This work focuses on a distinct approach of posterior sampling, which is celebrated in many bandits and reinforcement learning settings but remains under-explored for MGs. Specifically, for episodic two-player zero-sum MGs, a novel posterior sampling algorithm is developed with \emph{general} function approximation. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the posterior sampling algorithm admits a $\sqrt{T}$-regret bound for problems with a low multi-agent decoupling coefficient, which is a new complexity measure for MGs, where $T$ denotes the number of episodes. When specializing to linear MGs, the obtained regret bound matches the state-of-the-art results. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first provably efficient posterior sampling algorithm for MGs with frequentist regret guarantees, which extends the toolbox for MGs and promotes the broad applicability of posterior sampling.

Thu 21 July 8:35 - 8:40 PDT

A Framework for Learning to Request Rich and Contextually Useful Information from Humans

Khanh Nguyen · Yonatan Bisk · Hal Daumé III

When deployed, AI agents will encounter problems that are beyond their autonomous problem-solving capabilities. Leveraging human assistance can help agents overcome their inherent limitations and robustly cope with unfamiliar situations. We present a general interactive framework that enables an agent to request and interpret rich, contextually useful information from an assistant that has knowledge about the task and the environment. We demonstrate the practicality of our framework on a simulated human-assisted navigation problem. Aided with an assistance-requesting policy learned by our method, a navigation agent achieves up to a 7× improvement in success rate on tasks that take place in previously unseen environments, compared to fully autonomous behavior. We show that the agent can take advantage of different types of information depending on the context, and analyze the benefits and challenges of learning the assistance-requesting policy when the assistant can recursively decompose tasks into subtasks.

Thu 21 July 8:40 - 8:45 PDT

Learning Stochastic Shortest Path with Linear Function Approximation

Yifei Min · Jiafan He · Tianhao Wang · Quanquan Gu

We study the stochastic shortest path (SSP) problem in reinforcement learning with linear function approximation, where the transition kernel is represented as a linear mixture of unknown models. We call this class of SSP problems as linear mixture SSPs. We propose a novel algorithm with Hoeffding-type confidence sets for learning the linear mixture SSP, which can attain an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d B_{\star}^{1.5}\sqrt{K/c_{\min}})$ regret. Here $K$ is the number of episodes, $d$ is the dimension of the feature mapping in the mixture model, $B_{\star}$ bounds the expected cumulative cost of the optimal policy, and $c_{\min}>0$ is the lower bound of the cost function.Our algorithm also applies to the case when $c_{\min} = 0$, and an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(K^{2/3})$ regret is guaranteed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm with a sublinear regret guarantee for learning linear mixture SSP. Moreover, we design a refined Bernstein-type confidence set and propose an improved algorithm, which provably achieves an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d B_{\star}\sqrt{K/c_{\min}})$ regret.In complement to the regret upper bounds, we also prove a lower bound of $\Omega(dB_{\star} \sqrt{K})$. Hence, our improved algorithm matches the lower bound up to a $1/\sqrt{c_{\min}}$ factor and poly-logarithmic factors, achieving a near-optimal regret guarantee.

Thu 21 July 8:45 - 8:50 PDT

Difference Advantage Estimation for Multi-Agent Policy Gradients

yueheng li · Guangming Xie · Zongqing Lu

Multi-agent policy gradient methods in centralized training with decentralized execution recently witnessed many progresses. During centralized training, multi-agent credit assignment is crucial, which can substantially promote learning performance. However, explicit multi-agent credit assignment in multi-agent policy gradient methods still receives less attention. In this paper, we investigate multi-agent credit assignment induced by reward shaping and provide a theoretical understanding in terms of its credit assignment and policy bias. Based on this, we propose an exponentially weighted advantage estimator, which is analogous to GAE, to enable multi-agent credit assignment while allowing the tradeoff with policy bias. Empirical results show that our approach can successfully perform effective multi-agent credit assignment, and thus substantially outperforms other advantage estimators.

Thu 21 July 8:50 - 8:55 PDT

Plan Better Amid Conservatism: Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Actor Rectification

Ling Pan · Longbo Huang · Tengyu Ma · Huazhe Xu

Conservatism has led to significant progress in offline reinforcement learning (RL) where an agent learns from pre-collected datasets. However, as many real-world scenarios involve interaction among multiple agents, it is important to resolve offline RL in the multi-agent setting. Given the recent success of transferring online RL algorithms to the multi-agent setting, one may expect that offline RL algorithms will also transfer to multi-agent settings directly. Surprisingly, we empirically observe that conservative offline RL algorithms do not work well in the multi-agent setting---the performance degrades significantly with an increasing number of agents. Towards mitigating the degradation, we identify a key issue that non-concavity of the value function makes the policy gradient improvements prone to local optima. Multiple agents exacerbate the problem severely, since the suboptimal policy by any agent can lead to uncoordinated global failure. Following this intuition, we propose a simple yet effective method, Offline Multi-Agent RL with Actor Rectification (OMAR), which combines the first-order policy gradients and zeroth-order optimization methods to better optimize the conservative value functions over the actor parameters. Despite the simplicity, OMAR achieves state-of-the-art results in a variety of multi-agent control tasks.

Thu 21 July 8:55 - 9:00 PDT

Pessimistic Minimax Value Iteration: Provably Efficient Equilibrium Learning from Offline Datasets

Han Zhong · Wei Xiong · Jiyuan Tan · Liwei Wang · Tong Zhang · Zhaoran Wang · Zhuoran Yang

We study episodic two-player zero-sum Markov games (MGs) in the offline setting, where the goal is to find an approximate Nash equilibrium (NE) policy pair based on a dataset collected a priori. When the dataset does not have uniform coverage over all policy pairs, finding an approximate NE involves challenges in three aspects: (i) distributional shift between the behavior policy and the optimal policy, (ii) function approximation to handle large state space, and (iii) minimax optimization for equilibrium solving. We propose a pessimism-based algorithm, dubbed as pessimistic minimax value iteration (PMVI), which overcomes the distributional shift by constructing pessimistic estimates of the value functions for both players and outputs a policy pair by solving a correlated coarse equilibrium based on the two value functions. Furthermore, we establish a data-dependent upper bound on the suboptimality which recovers a sublinear rate without the assumption on uniform coverage of the dataset. We also prove an information-theoretical lower bound, which shows our upper bound is nearly minimax optimal, which suggests that the data-dependent term is intrinsic. Our theoretical results also highlight a notion of ``relative uncertainty'', which characterizes the necessary and sufficient condition for achieving sample efficiency in offline MGs. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first nearly minimax optimal result for offline MGs with function approximation.