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SA: Privacy-preserving Statistics and Machine Learning

Room 307

Moderator: Amartya Sanyal

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Wed 20 July 13:30 - 13:35 PDT

Improved Regret for Differentially Private Exploration in Linear MDP

Dung Ngo · Giuseppe Vietri · Steven Wu

We study privacy-preserving exploration in sequential decision-making for environments that rely on sensitive data such as medical records. In particular, we focus on solving the problem of reinforcement learning (RL) subject to the constraint of (joint) differential privacy in the linear MDP setting, where both dynamics and rewards are given by linear functions. Prior work on this problem due to (Luyo et al., 2021) achieves a regret rate that has a dependence of O(K^{3/5}) on the number of episodes K. We provide a private algorithm with an improved regret rate with an optimal dependence of O(√K) on the number of episodes. The key recipe for our stronger regret guarantee is the adaptivity in the policy update schedule, in which an update only occurs when sufficient changes in the data are detected. As a result, our algorithm benefits from low switching cost and only performs O(log(K)) updates, which greatly reduces the amount of privacy noise. Finally, in the most prevalent privacy regimes where the privacy parameter \epsilon is a constant, our algorithm incurs negligible privacy cost—in comparison with the existing non-private regret bounds, the additional regret due to privacy appears in lower-order terms.

Wed 20 July 13:35 - 13:40 PDT

Differentially Private Community Detection for Stochastic Block Models

Mohamed Mohamed · Dung Nguyen · Anil Vullikanti · Ravi Tandon

The goal of community detection over graphs is to recover underlying labels/attributes of users (e.g., political affiliation) given the connectivity between users. There has been significant recent progress on understanding the fundamental limits of community detection when the graph is generated from a stochastic block model (SBM). Specifically, sharp information theoretic limits and efficient algorithms have been obtained for SBMs as a function of $p$ and $q$, which represent the intra-community and inter-community connection probabilities. In this paper, we study the community detection problem while preserving the privacy of the individual connections between the vertices. Focusing on the notion of $(\epsilon, \delta)$-edge differential privacy (DP), we seek to understand the fundamental tradeoffs between $(p, q)$, DP budget $(\epsilon, \delta)$, and computational efficiency for exact recovery of community labels. To this end, we present and analyze the associated information-theoretic tradeoffs for three differentially private community recovery mechanisms: a) stability based mechanism; b) sampling based mechanisms; and c) graph perturbation mechanisms.Our main findings are that stability and sampling based mechanisms lead to a superior tradeoff between $(p,q)$ and the privacy budget $(\epsilon, \delta)$; however this comes at the expense of higher computational complexity. On the other hand, albeit low complexity, graph perturbation mechanisms require the privacy budget $\epsilon$ to scale as $\Omega(\log(n))$ for exact recovery.

Wed 20 July 13:40 - 13:45 PDT

Understanding Clipping for Federated Learning: Convergence and Client-Level Differential Privacy

xinwei zhang · Xiangyi Chen · Mingyi Hong · Steven Wu · Jinfeng Yi

Providing privacy protection has been one of the primary motivations of Federated Learning (FL). Recently, there has been a line of work on incorporating the formal privacy notion of differential privacy with FL. To guarantee the client-level differential privacy in FL algorithms, the clients' transmitted model updates have to be clipped before adding privacy noise. Such clipping operation is substantially different from its counterpart of gradient clipping in the centralized differentially private SGD and has not been well-understood. In this paper, we first empirically demonstrate that the clipped FedAvg can perform surprisingly well even with substantial data heterogeneity when training neural networks, which is partly because the clients' updates become similar for several popular deep architectures. Based on this key observation, we provide the convergence analysis of a differential private (DP) FedAvg algorithm and highlight the relationship between clipping bias and the distribution of the clients' updates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that rigorously investigates theoretical and empirical issues regarding the clipping operation in FL algorithms.

Wed 20 July 13:45 - 13:50 PDT

Hermite Polynomial Features for Private Data Generation

Margarita Vinaroz · Mohammad-Amin Charusaie · Frederik Harder · Kamil Adamczewski · Mi Jung Park

Kernel mean embedding is a useful tool to compare probability measures. Despite its usefulness, kernel mean embedding considers infinite-dimensional features, which are challenging to handle in the context of differentially private datageneration. A recent work, DP-MERF (Harder et al., 2021), proposes to approximate the kernel mean embedding of data distribution using finite-dimensional random features, which yields an analytically tractable sensitivity of approximate kernel mean embedding. However, the requirednumber of random features in DP-MERF is excessively high, often ten thousand to a hundred thousand, which worsens the sensitivity of the approximate kernel mean embedding. To improve the sensitivity, we propose to replace random features with Hermite polynomial features. Unlike the random features, the Hermite polynomial features are ordered, where the features at the low orders contain more information on the distribution than those at the high orders. Hence, a relatively low order of Hermite polynomial features can more accurately approximate the mean embedding of the data distribution compared to a significantly higher number of random features. As a result, the Hermite polynomial features helpus to improve the privacy-accuracy trade-off compared to DP-MERF, as demonstrated on several heterogeneous tabular datasets, as well as severalimage benchmark datasets.

Wed 20 July 13:50 - 13:55 PDT

How to Steer Your Adversary: Targeted and Efficient Model Stealing Defenses with Gradient Redirection

Mantas Mazeika · Bo Li · David Forsyth

Model stealing attacks present a dilemma for public machine learning APIs. To protect financial investments, companies may be forced to withhold important information about their models that could facilitate theft, including uncertainty estimates and prediction explanations. This compromise is harmful not only to users but also to external transparency. Model stealing defenses seek to resolve this dilemma by making models harder to steal while preserving utility for benign users. However, existing defenses have poor performance in practice, either requiring enormous computational overheads or severe utility trade-offs. To meet these challenges, we present a new approach to model stealing defenses called gradient redirection. At the core of our approach is a provably optimal, efficient algorithm for steering an adversary's training updates in a targeted manner. Combined with improvements to surrogate networks and a novel coordinated defense strategy, our gradient redirection defense, called GRAD^2, achieves small utility trade-offs and low computational overhead, outperforming the best prior defenses. Moreover, we demonstrate how gradient redirection enables reprogramming the adversary with arbitrary behavior, which we hope will foster work on new avenues of defense.

Wed 20 July 13:55 - 14:00 PDT

Deduplicating Training Data Mitigates Privacy Risks in Language Models

Nikhil Kandpal · Eric Wallace · Colin Raffel

Past work has shown that large language models are susceptible to privacy attacks, where adversaries generate sequences from a trained model and detect which sequences are memorized from the training set. In this work, we show that the success of these attacks is largely due to duplication in commonly used web-scraped training sets. We first show that the rate at which language models regenerate training sequences is superlinearly related to a sequence's count in the training set. For instance, a sequence that is present 10 times in the training data is on average generated 1000x more often than a sequence that is present only once. We next show that existing methods for detecting memorized sequences have near-chance accuracy on non-duplicated training sequences. Finally, we find that after applying methods to deduplicate training data, language models are considerably more secure against these types of privacy attacks. Taken together, our results motivate an increased focus on deduplication in privacy-sensitive applications and a reevaluation of the practicality of existing privacy attacks.

Wed 20 July 14:00 - 14:05 PDT

Private frequency estimation via projective geometry

Vitaly Feldman · Jelani Nelson · Huy Nguyen · Kunal Talwar

In this work, we propose a new algorithm ProjectiveGeometryResponse (PGR) for locally differentially private (LDP) frequency estimation. For universe size of k and with n users, our eps-LDP algorithm has communication cost ceil(log_2 k) and computation cost O(n + k\exp(eps) log k) for the server to approximately reconstruct the frequency histogram, while achieve optimal privacy-utility tradeoff. In many practical settings this is a significant improvement over the O~(n+k^2) computation cost that is achieved by the recent PI-RAPPOR algorithm (Feldman and Talwar; 2021). Our empirical evaluation shows a speedup of over 50x over PI-RAPPOR while using approximately 75x less memory. In addition, the running time of our algorithm is comparable to that of HadamardResponse (Acharya, Sun, and Zhang; 2019) and RecursiveHadamardResponse (Chen, Kairouz, and Ozgur; 2020) which have significantly worse reconstruction error. The error of our algorithm essentially matches that of the communication- and time-inefficient but utility-optimal SubsetSelection (SS) algorithm (Ye and Barg; 2017). Our new algorithm is based on using Projective Planes over a finite field to define a small collection of sets that are close to being pairwise independent and a dynamic programming algorithm for approximate histogram reconstruction for the server.

Wed 20 July 14:05 - 14:25 PDT

The Poisson Binomial Mechanism for Unbiased Federated Learning with Secure Aggregation

Wei-Ning Chen · Ayfer Ozgur · Peter Kairouz

We introduce the Poisson Binomial mechanism (PBM), a discrete differential privacy mechanism for distributed mean estimation (DME) with applications to federated learning and analytics. We provide a tight analysis of its privacy guarantees, showing that it achieves the same privacy-accuracy trade-offs as the continuous Gaussian mechanism. Our analysis is based on a novel bound on the R\'enyi divergence of two Poisson binomial distributions that may be of independent interest. Unlike previous discrete DP schemes based on additive noise, our mechanism encodes local information into a parameter of the binomial distribution, and hence the output distribution is discrete with bounded support. Moreover, the support does not increase as the privacy budget goes to zero as in the case of additive schemes which require the addition of more noise to achieve higher privacy; on the contrary, the support becomes smaller as eps goes to zero. The bounded support enables us to combine our mechanism with secure aggregation (SecAgg), a multi-party cryptographic protocol, without the need of performing modular clipping which results in an unbiased estimator of the sum of the local vectors. This in turn allows us to apply it in the private FL setting and provide an upper bound on the convergence rate of the SGD algorithm. Moreover, since the support of the output distribution becomes smaller as $\varepsilon \ra 0$, the communication cost of our scheme decreases with the privacy constraint $\varepsilon$, outperforming all previous distributed DP schemes based on additive noise in the high privacy or low communication regimes.

Wed 20 July 14:25 - 14:30 PDT

Faster Privacy Accounting via Evolving Discretization

Badih Ghazi · Pritish Kamath · Ravi Kumar · Pasin Manurangsi

We introduce a new algorithm for numerical composition of privacy random variables, useful for computing the accurate differential privacy parameters for compositions of mechanisms.Our algorithm achieves a running time and memory usage of $polylog(k)$ for the task of self-composing amechanism, from a broad class of mechanisms, $k$ times; this class, e.g., includes the sub-sampled Gaussian mechanism, that appears in the analysis of differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD).By comparison, recent work by Gopi et al. (NeurIPS 2021) has obtained a running time of $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{k})$ for the same task.Our approach extends to the case of composing $k$ different mechanisms in the same class, improving upon the running time and memory usage in their work from $\widetilde{O}(k^{1.5})$ to $\wtilde{O}(k)$.

Wed 20 July 14:30 - 14:35 PDT

The Fundamental Price of Secure Aggregation in Differentially Private Federated Learning

Wei-Ning Chen · Christopher Choquette Choo · Peter Kairouz · Ananda Suresh

We consider the problem of training a $d$ dimensional model with distributed differential privacy (DP) where secure aggregation (SecAgg) is used to ensure that the server only sees the noisy sum of $n$ model updates in every training round. Taking into account the constraints imposed by SecAgg, we characterize the fundamental communication cost required to obtain the best accuracy achievable under $\varepsilon$ central DP (i.e. under a fully trusted server and no communication constraints). Our results show that $\tilde{O}\lp \min(n^2\varepsilon^2, d) \rp$ bits per client are both sufficient and necessary, and this fundamental limit can be achieved by a linear scheme based on sparse random projections. This provides a significant improvement relative to state-of-the-art SecAgg distributed DP schemes which use $\tilde{O}(d\log(d/\varepsilon^2))$ bits per client. Empirically, we evaluate our proposed scheme on real-world federated learning tasks. We find that our theoretical analysis is well matched in practice. In particular, we show that we can reduce the communication cost to under $1.78$ bits per parameter in realistic privacy settings without decreasing test-time performance. Our work hence theoretically and empirically specifies the fundamental price of using SecAgg.

Wed 20 July 14:35 - 14:40 PDT

Private Adaptive Optimization with Side information

Tian Li · Manzil Zaheer · Sashank Jakkam Reddi · Virginia Smith

Adaptive optimization methods have become the default solvers for many machine learning tasks. Unfortunately, the benefits of adaptivity may degrade when training with differential privacy, as the noise added to ensure privacy reduces the effectiveness of the adaptive preconditioner. To this end, we propose AdaDPS, a general framework that uses non-sensitive side information to precondition the gradients, allowing the effective use of adaptive methods in private settings. We formally show AdaDPS reduces the amount of noise needed to achieve similar privacy guarantees, thereby improving optimization performance. Empirically, we leverage simple and readily available side information to explore the performance of AdaDPS in practice, comparing to strong baselines in both centralized and federated settings. Our results show that AdaDPS improves accuracy by 7.7% (absolute) on average---yielding state-of-the-art privacy-utility trade-offs on large-scale text and image benchmarks.

Wed 20 July 14:40 - 14:45 PDT

Secure Quantized Training for Deep Learning

Marcel Keller · Ke Sun

We implement training of neural networks in secure multi-partycomputation (MPC) using quantization commonly used in said setting. Weare the first to present an MNIST classifier purely trained in MPCthat comes within 0.2 percent of the accuracy of the sameconvolutional neural network trained via plaintext computation. Moreconcretely, we have trained a network with two convolutional and twodense layers to 99.2% accuracy in 3.5 hours (under one hour for 99%accuracy). We have also implemented AlexNet for CIFAR-10, whichconverges in a few hours. We develop novel protocols forexponentiation and inverse square root. Finally, we presentexperiments in a range of MPC security models for up to ten parties,both with honest and dishonest majority as well as semi-honest andmalicious security.

Wed 20 July 14:45 - 14:50 PDT

Private optimization in the interpolation regime: faster rates and hardness results

Hilal Asi · Karan Chadha · Gary Cheng · John Duchi

In non-private stochastic convex optimization, stochastic gradient methods converge much faster on interpolation problems---namely, problems where there exists a solution that simultaneously minimizes all of the sample losses---than on non-interpolating ones;similar improvements are not known in the private setting. In this paper, we investigate differentially private stochastic optimization in the interpolation regime. First, we show that without additional assumptions, interpolation problems do not exhibit an improved convergence rates with differential privacy. However, when the functions exhibit quadratic growth around the optimum, we show (near) exponential improvements in the private sample complexity. In particular, we propose an adaptive algorithm that improves the sample complexity to achieve expected error $\alpha$ from $\frac{d}{\diffp \sqrt{\alpha}}$ to $\frac{1}{\alpha^\rho} + \frac{d}{\diffp} \log\paren{\frac{1}{\alpha}}$ for any fixed $\rho >0$, while retaining the standard minimax-optimal sample complexity for non-interpolation problems. We prove a lower bound that shows the dimension-dependent term in the expression above is tight. Furthermore, we provide a superefficiency result which demonstrates the necessity of the polynomial term for adaptive algorithms: any algorithm that has a polylogarithmic sample complexity for interpolation problems cannot achieve the minimax-optimal rates for the family of non-interpolation problems.

Wed 20 July 14:50 - 14:55 PDT

Differentially Private Coordinate Descent for Composite Empirical Risk Minimization

Paul Mangold · Aurélien Bellet · Joseph Salmon · Marc Tommasi

Machine learning models can leak information about the data used to train them. To mitigate this issue, Differentially Private (DP) variants of optimization algorithms like Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) have been designed to trade-off utility for privacy in Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) problems. In this paper, we propose Differentially Private proximal Coordinate Descent (DP-CD), a new method to solve composite DP-ERM problems. We derive utility guarantees through a novel theoretical analysis of inexact coordinate descent. Our results show that, thanks to larger step sizes, DP-CD can exploit imbalance in gradient coordinates to outperform DP-SGD. We also prove new lower bounds for composite DP-ERM under coordinate-wise regularity assumptions, that are nearly matched by DP-CD. For practical implementations, we propose to clip gradients using coordinate-wise thresholds that emerge from our theory, avoiding costly hyperparameter tuning. Experiments on real and synthetic data support our results, and show that DP-CD compares favorably with DP-SGD.

Wed 20 July 14:55 - 15:00 PDT

Private Streaming SCO in $\ell_p$ geometry with Applications in High Dimensional Online Decision Making

Yuxuan Han · Zhicong Liang · Zhipeng Liang · Yang Wang · Yuan Yao · Jiheng Zhang

Differentially private (DP) stochastic convex optimization (SCO) is ubiquitous in trustworthy machine learning algorithm design.This paper studies the DP-SCO problem with streaming data sampled from a distribution and arrives sequentially.We also consider the continual release model where parameters related to private information are updated and released upon each new data.Numerous algorithms have been developed to achieve optimal excess risks in different $\ell_p$ norm geometries, but none of the existing ones can be adapted to the streaming and continual release setting.We propose a private variant of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm with recursive gradients for variance reduction to update and reveal the parameters upon each data.Combined with the adaptive DP analysis, our algorithm achieves the first optimal excess risk in linear time in the case $1