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PM: Bayesian Models and Methods

Room 301 - 303

Moderator: Eric Nalisnick

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Wed 20 July 10:15 - 10:35 PDT

Bayesian Continuous-Time Tucker Decomposition

Shikai Fang · Akil Narayan · Robert Kirby · Shandian Zhe

Tensor decomposition is a dominant framework for multiway data analysis and prediction. Although practical data often contains timestamps for the observed entries, existing tensor decomposition approaches overlook or under-use this valuable time information. They either drop the timestamps or bin them into crude steps and hence ignore the temporal dynamics within each step or use simple parametric time coefficients. To overcome these limitations, we propose Bayesian Continuous-Time Tucker Decomposition. We model the tensor-core of the classical Tucker decomposition as a time-varying function, and place a Gaussian process prior to flexibly estimate all kinds of temporal dynamics. In this way, our model maintains the interpretability while is flexible enough to capture various complex temporal relationships between the tensor nodes. For efficient and high-quality posterior inference, we use the stochastic differential equation (SDE) representation of temporal GPs to build an equivalent state-space prior, which avoids huge kernel matrix computation and sparse/low-rank approximations. We then use Kalman filtering, RTS smoothing, and conditional moment matching to develop a scalable message passing inference algorithm. We show the advantage of our method in simulation and several real-world applications.

Wed 20 July 10:35 - 10:40 PDT

Approximate Bayesian Computation with Domain Expert in the Loop

Ayush Bharti · Louis Filstroff · Samuel Kaski

Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a popular likelihood-free inference method for models with intractable likelihood functions. As ABC methods usually rely on comparing summary statistics of observed and simulated data, the choice of the statistics is crucial. This choice involves a trade-off between loss of information and dimensionality reduction, and is often determined based on domain knowledge. However, handcrafting and selecting suitable statistics is a laborious task involving multiple trial-and-error steps. In this work, we introduce an active learning method for ABC statistics selection which reduces the domain expert's work considerably. By involving the experts, we are able to handle misspecified models, unlike the existing dimension reduction methods. Moreover, empirical results show better posterior estimates than with existing methods, when the simulation budget is limited.

Wed 20 July 10:40 - 10:45 PDT

Discrete Probabilistic Inverse Optimal Transport

Wei-Ting Chiu · Pei Wang · Patrick Shafto

Inverse Optimal Transport (IOT) studies the problem of inferring the underlying cost that gives rise to an observation on coupling two probability measures. Couplings appear as the outcome of matching sets (e.g. dating) and moving distributions (e.g. transportation). Compared to Optimal transport (OT), the mathematical theory of IOT is undeveloped. We formalize and systematically analyze the properties of IOT using tools from the study of entropy-regularized OT. Theoretical contributions include characterization of the manifold of cross-ratio equivalent costs, the implications of model priors, and derivation of an MCMC sampler. Empirical contributions include visualizations of cross-ratio equivalent effect on basic examples, simulations validating theoretical results and experiments on real world data.

Wed 20 July 10:45 - 10:50 PDT

Easy Variational Inference for Categorical Models via an Independent Binary Approximation

Michael Wojnowicz · Shuchin Aeron · Eric Miller · Michael Hughes

We pursue tractable Bayesian analysis of generalized linear models (GLMs) for categorical data. GLMs have been difficult to scale to more than a few dozen categories due to non-conjugacy or strong posterior dependencies when using conjugate auxiliary variable methods. We define a new class of GLMs for categorical data called categorical-from-binary (CB) models. Each CB model has a likelihood that is bounded by the product of binary likelihoods, suggesting a natural posterior approximation. This approximation makes inference straightforward and fast; using well-known auxiliary variables for probit or logistic regression, the product of binary models admits conjugate closed-form variational inference that is embarrassingly parallel across categories and invariant to category ordering. Moreover, an independent binary model simultaneously approximates multiple CB models. Bayesian model averaging over these can improve the quality of the approximation for any given dataset. We show that our approach scales to thousands of categories, outperforming posterior estimation competitors like Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference (ADVI) and No U-Turn Sampling (NUTS) in the time required to achieve fixed prediction quality.

Wed 20 July 10:50 - 10:55 PDT

Streaming Inference for Infinite Feature Models

Rylan Schaeffer · Yilun Du · Gabrielle K Liu · Ila R. Fiete

Unsupervised learning from a continuous stream of data is arguably one of the most common and most challenging problems facing intelligent agents. One class of unsupervised models, collectively termed \textit{feature models}, attempts unsupervised discovery of latent features underlying the data and includes common models such as PCA, ICA, and NMF. However, if the data arrives in a continuous stream, determining the number of features is a significant challenge and the number may grow with time. In this work, we make feature models significantly more applicable to streaming data by imbuing them with the ability to create new features, online, in a probabilistic and principled manner. To achieve this, we derive a novel recursive form of the Indian Buffet Process, which we term the \textit{Recursive IBP} (R-IBP). We demonstrate that R-IBP can be be used as a prior for feature models to efficiently infer a posterior over an unbounded number of latent features, with quasilinear average time complexity and logarithmic average space complexity. We compare R-IBP to existing offline sampling and variational baselines in two feature models (Linear Gaussian and Factor Analysis) and demonstrate on synthetic and real data that R-IBP achieves comparable or better performance in significantly less time.

Wed 20 July 10:55 - 11:00 PDT

Optimizing Sequential Experimental Design with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Tom Blau · Edwin V Bonilla · Iadine Chades · Amir Dezfouli

Bayesian approaches developed to solve the optimal design of sequential experiments are mathematically elegant but computationally challenging. Recently, techniques using amortization have been proposed to make these Bayesian approaches practical, by training a parameterized policy that proposes designs efficiently at deployment time. However, these methods may not sufficiently explore the design space, require access to a differentiable probabilistic model and can only optimize over continuous design spaces. Here, we address these limitations by showing that the problem of optimizing policies can be reduced to solving a Markov decision process (MDP). We solve the equivalent MDP with modern deep reinforcement learning techniques. Our experiments show that our approach is also computationally efficient at deployment time and exhibits state-of-the-art performance on both continuous and discrete design spaces, even when the probabilistic model is a black box.

Wed 20 July 11:00 - 11:20 PDT

Function-space Inference with Sparse Implicit Processes

Simon R Santana · Bryan Zaldivar · Daniel Hernandez-Lobato

Implicit Processes (IPs) represent a flexible framework that can be used to describe a wide variety of models, from Bayesian neural networks, neural samplers and data generators to many others. IPs also allow for approximate inference in function-space. This change of formulation solves intrinsic degenerate problems of parameter-space approximate inference concerning the high number of parameters and their strong dependencies in large models. For this, previous works in the literature have attempted to employ IPs both to set up the prior and to approximate the resulting posterior. However, this has proven to be a challenging task. Existing methods that can tune the prior IP result in a Gaussian predictive distribution, which fails to capture important data patterns. By contrast, methods producing flexible predictive distributions by using another IP to approximate the posterior process cannot tune the prior IP to the observed data. We propose here the first method that can accomplish both goals. For this, we rely on an inducing-point representation of the prior IP, as often done in the context of sparse Gaussian processes. The result is a scalable method for approximate inference with IPs that can tune the prior IP parameters to the data, and that provides accurate non-Gaussian predictive distributions.

Wed 20 July 11:20 - 11:25 PDT

Variational Inference for Infinitely Deep Neural Networks

Achille Nazaret · David Blei

We introduce the unbounded depth neural network (UDN), an infinitely deep probabilistic model that adapts its complexity to the training data. The UDN contains an infinite sequence of hidden layers and places an unbounded prior on a truncation L, the layer from which it produces its data. Given a dataset of observations, the posterior UDN provides a conditional distribution of both the parameters of the infinite neural network and its truncation. We develop a novel variational inference algorithm to approximate this posterior, optimizing a distribution of the neural network weights and of the truncation depth L, and without any upper limit on L. To this end, the variational family has a special structure: it models neural network weights of arbitrary depth, and it dynamically creates or removes free variational parameters as its distribution of the truncation is optimized. (Unlike heuristic approaches to model search, it is solely through gradient-based optimization that this algorithm explores the space of truncations.) We study the UDN on real and synthetic data. We find that the UDN adapts its posterior depth to the dataset complexity; it outperforms standard neural networks of similar computational complexity; and it outperforms other approaches to infinite-depth neural networks.

Wed 20 July 11:25 - 11:30 PDT

Personalized Federated Learning via Variational Bayesian Inference

Xu Zhang · Yinchuan Li · Wenpeng Li · Kaiyang Guo · Yunfeng Shao

Federated learning faces huge challenges from model overfitting due to the lack of data and statistical diversity among clients. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a novel personalized federated learning method via Bayesian variational inference named pFedBayes. To alleviate the overfitting, weight uncertainty is introduced to neural networks for clients and the server. To achieve personalization, each client updates its local distribution parameters by balancing its construction error over private data and its KL divergence with global distribution from the server. Theoretical analysis gives an upper bound of averaged generalization error and illustrates that the convergence rate of the generalization error is minimax optimal up to a logarithmic factor. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms other advanced personalized methods on personalized models, e.g., pFedBayes respectively outperforms other SOTA algorithms by 1.25%, 0.42% and 11.71% on MNIST, FMNIST and CIFAR-10 under non-i.i.d. limited data.

Wed 20 July 11:30 - 11:35 PDT

Wide Bayesian neural networks have a simple weight posterior: theory and accelerated sampling

Jiri Hron · Roman Novak · Jeffrey Pennington · Jascha Sohl-Dickstein

We introduce repriorisation, a data-dependent reparameterisation which transforms a Bayesian neural network (BNN) posterior to a distribution whose KL divergence to the BNN prior vanishes as layer widths grow. The repriorisation map acts directly on parameters, and its analytic simplicity complements the known neural network Gaussian process (NNGP) behaviour of wide BNNs in function space. Exploiting the repriorisation, we develop a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) posterior sampling algorithm which mixes faster the wider the BNN. This contrasts with the typically poor performance of MCMC in high dimensions. We observe up to 50x higher effective sample size relative to no reparametrisation for both fully-connected and residual networks. Improvements are achieved at all widths, with the margin between reparametrised and standard BNNs growing with layer width.

Wed 20 July 11:35 - 11:40 PDT

Bayesian Deep Embedding Topic Meta-Learner

Zhibin Duan · Yishi Xu · Jianqiao Sun · Bo Chen · Wenchao Chen · CHAOJIE WANG · Mingyuan Zhou

Existing deep topic models are effective in capturing the latent semantic structures in textual data but usually rely on a plethora of documents. This is less than satisfactory in practical applications when only a limited amount of data is available. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that efficiently solves the problem of topic modeling under the small data regime. Specifically, the framework involves two innovations: a bi-level generative model that aims to exploit the task information to guide the document generation, and a topic meta-learner that strives to learn a group of global topic embeddings so that fast adaptation to the task-specific topic embeddings can be achieved with a few examples. We apply the proposed framework to a hierarchical embedded topic model and achieve better performance than various baseline models on diverse experiments, including few-shot topic discovery and few-shot document classification.

Wed 20 July 11:40 - 11:45 PDT

Efficient Approximate Inference for Stationary Kernel on Frequency Domain

Yohan Jung · Kyungwoo Song · Jinkyoo Park

Based on the Fourier duality between a stationary kernel and its spectral density, modeling the spectral density using a Gaussian mixture density enables one to construct a flexible kernel, known as a Spectral Mixture kernel, that can model any stationary kernel. However, despite its expressive power, training this kernel is typically difficult because scalability and overfitting issues often arise due to a large number of training parameters. To resolve these issues, we propose an approximate inference method for estimating the Spectral mixture kernel hyperparameters. Specifically, we approximate this kernel by using the finite random spectral points based on Random Fourier Feature and optimize the parameters for the distribution of spectral points by sampling-based variational inference. To improve this inference procedure, we analyze the training loss and propose two special methods: a sampling method of spectral points to reduce the error of the approximate kernel in training, and an approximate natural gradient to accelerate the convergence of parameter inference.