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APP: Neuroscience, Cognitive Science

Room 301 - 303

Moderator: Tom Blau

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Tue 19 July 13:15 - 13:20 PDT

Bayesian Nonparametric Learning for Point Processes with Spatial Homogeneity: A Spatial Analysis of NBA Shot Locations

Fan Yin · Jieying Jiao · Jun Yan · Guanyu Hu

Basketball shot location data provide valuable summary information regardingplayers to coaches, sports analysts, fans, statisticians, as well as playersthemselves. Represented by spatial points, such data are naturally analyzed with spatial point process models. We present a novel nonparametric Bayesianmethod for learning the underlying intensity surface built upon acombination of Dirichlet process and Markov random field. Our method has theadvantage of effectively encouraging local spatial homogeneity when estimating a globally heterogeneous intensity surface. Posterior inferences are performedwith an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Simulation studiesshow that the inferences are accurate and the method is superior comparedto a wide range of competing methods. Application to the shot location data of $20$ representative NBA players in the 2017-2018 regular season offers interestinginsights about the shooting patterns of these players. A comparison against thecompeting method shows that the proposed method can effectively incorporatespatial contiguity into the estimation of intensity surfaces.

Tue 19 July 13:20 - 13:25 PDT

On the Effects of Artificial Data Modification

Antonia Marcu · Adam Prugel-Bennett

Data distortion is commonly applied in vision models during both training (e.g methods like MixUp and CutMix) and evaluation (e.g. shape-texture bias and robustness). This data modification can introduce artificial information. It is often assumed that the resulting artefacts are detrimental to training, whilst being negligible when analysing models. We investigate these assumptions and conclude that in some cases they are unfounded and lead to incorrect results. Specifically, we show current shape bias identification methods and occlusion robustness measures are biased and propose a fairer alternative for the latter. Subsequently, through a series of experiments we seek to correct and strengthen the community's perception of how augmenting affects learning of vision models. Based on our empirical results we argue that the impact of the artefacts must be understood and exploited rather than eliminated.

Tue 19 July 13:25 - 13:30 PDT

Deep Squared Euclidean Approximation to the Levenshtein Distance for DNA Storage

Alan J.X. Guo · Cong Liang · Qing-Hu Hou

Storing information in DNA molecules is of great interest because of its advantages in longevity, high storage density, and low maintenance cost. A key step in the DNA storage pipeline is to efficiently cluster the retrieved DNA sequences according to their similarities. Levenshtein distance is the most suitable metric on the similarity between two DNA sequences, but it is inferior in terms of computational complexity and less compatible with mature clustering algorithms. In this work, we propose a novel deep squared Euclidean embedding for DNA sequences using Siamese neural network, squared Euclidean embedding, and chi-squared regression. The Levenshtein distance is approximated by the squared Euclidean distance between the embedding vectors, which is fast calculated and clustering algorithm friendly. The proposed approach is analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The results show that the proposed embedding is efficient and robust.

Tue 19 July 13:30 - 13:35 PDT

How Faithful is your Synthetic Data? Sample-level Metrics for Evaluating and Auditing Generative Models

Ahmed Alaa · Boris van Breugel · Evgeny S. Saveliev · Mihaela van der Schaar

Devising domain- and model-agnostic evaluation metrics for generative models is an important and as yet unresolved problem. Most existing metrics, which were tailored solely to the image synthesis setup, exhibit a limited capacity for diagnosing the different modes of failure of generative models across broader application domains. In this paper, we introduce a 3-dimensional evaluation metric, (α-Precision, β-Recall, Authenticity), that characterizes the fidelity, diversity and generalization performance of any generative model in a domain-agnostic fashion. Our metric unifies statistical divergence measures with precision-recall analysis, enabling sample- and distribution-level diagnoses of model fidelity and diversity. We introduce generalization as an additional, independent dimension (to the fidelity-diversity trade-off) that quantifies the extent to which a model copies training data—a crucial performance indicator when modeling sensitive data with requirements on privacy. The three metric components correspond to (interpretable) probabilistic quantities, and are estimated via sample-level binary classification. The sample-level nature of our metric inspires a novel use case which we call model auditing, wherein we judge the quality of individual samples generated by a (black-box) model, discarding low-quality samples and hence improving the overall model performance in a post-hoc manner.

Tue 19 July 13:35 - 13:40 PDT

Error-driven Input Modulation: Solving the Credit Assignment Problem without a Backward Pass

Giorgia Dellaferrera · Gabriel Kreiman

Supervised learning in artificial neural networks typically relies on backpropagation, where the weights are updated based on the error-function gradients and sequentially propagated from the output layer to the input layer. Although this approach has proven effective in a wide domain of applications, it lacks biological plausibility in many regards, including the weight symmetry problem, the dependence of learning on non-local signals, the freezing of neural activity during error propagation, and the update locking problem. Alternative training schemes have been introduced, including sign symmetry, feedback alignment, and direct feedback alignment, but they invariably rely on a backward pass that hinders the possibility of solving all the issues simultaneously. Here, we propose to replace the backward pass with a second forward pass in which the input signal is modulated based on the error of the network. We show that this novel learning rule comprehensively addresses all the above-mentioned issues and can be applied to both fully connected and convolutional models. We test this learning rule on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100. These results help incorporate biological principles into machine learning.

Tue 19 July 13:40 - 13:45 PDT

How to Train Your Wide Neural Network Without Backprop: An Input-Weight Alignment Perspective

Akhilan Boopathy · Ila R. Fiete

Recent works have examined theoretical and empirical properties of wide neural networks trained in the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) regime. Given that biological neural networks are much wider than their artificial counterparts, we consider NTK regime wide neural networks as a possible model of biological neural networks. Leveraging NTK theory, we show theoretically that gradient descent drives layerwise weight updates that are aligned with their input activity correlations weighted by error, and demonstrate empirically that the result also holds in finite-width wide networks. The alignment result allows us to formulate a family of biologically-motivated, backpropagation-free learning rules that are theoretically equivalent to backpropagation in infinite-width networks. We test these learning rules on benchmark problems in feedforward and recurrent neural networks and demonstrate, in wide networks, comparable performance to backpropagation. The proposed rules are particularly effective in low data regimes, which are common in biological learning settings.

Tue 19 July 13:45 - 14:05 PDT

Contrastive Mixture of Posteriors for Counterfactual Inference, Data Integration and Fairness

Adam Foster · Arpi Vezer · Craig Glastonbury · Páidí Creed · Sam Abujudeh · Aaron Sim

Learning meaningful representations of data that can address challenges such as batch effect correction and counterfactual inference is a central problem in many domains including computational biology. Adopting a Conditional VAE framework, we show that marginal independence between the representation and a condition variable plays a key role in both of these challenges. We propose the Contrastive Mixture of Posteriors (CoMP) method that uses a novel misalignment penalty defined in terms of mixtures of the variational posteriors to enforce this independence in latent space. We show that CoMP has attractive theoretical properties compared to previous approaches, and we prove counterfactual identifiability of CoMP under additional assumptions. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on a set of challenging tasks including aligning human tumour samples with cancer cell-lines, predicting transcriptome-level perturbation responses, and batch correction on single-cell RNA sequencing data. We also find parallels to fair representation learning and demonstrate that CoMP is competitive on a common task in the field.

Tue 19 July 14:05 - 14:10 PDT

Describing Differences between Text Distributions with Natural Language

Ruiqi Zhong · Charlie Snell · Dan Klein · Jacob Steinhardt

How do two \textit{distributions} of text differ?Humans are slow at answering this, since discovering patterns might require tediously reading through hundreds of samples.We propose to automatically summarize the differences by ``learning a natural language hypothesis":given two distributions $D_{0}$ and $D_{1}$, we search for a description that is more often true for $D_{1}$, e.g., ``\textit{is military-related.}"To tackle this problem, we fine-tune GPT-3 to propose descriptions with the prompt: ``[samples of $D_{0}$] + [samples of $D_{1}$] + \textit{the difference between them is \underline{\space\space\space\space}}".We then re-rank the descriptions by checking how often they hold on a larger set of samples with a learned verifier.On a benchmark of 54 real-world binary classification tasks, while GPT-3 Curie (13B) only generates a description similar to human annotation 7\% of the time, the performance reaches 61\% with fine-tuning and re-ranking, and our best system using GPT-3 Davinci (175B) reaches 76\%.We apply our system to describe distribution shifts, debug dataset shortcuts, summarize unknown tasks, and label text clusters, and present analyses based on automatically generated descriptions.

Tue 19 July 14:10 - 14:15 PDT

Distinguishing rule- and exemplar-based generalization in learning systems

Ishita Dasgupta · Erin Grant · Thomas Griffiths

Machine learning systems often do not share the same inductive biases as humans and, as a result, extrapolate or generalize in ways that are inconsistent with our expectations. The trade-off between exemplar- and rule-based generalization has been studied extensively in cognitive psychology; in this work, we present a protocol inspired by these experimental approaches to probe the inductive biases that control this trade-off in category-learning systems such as artificial neural networks. We isolate two such inductive biases: feature-level bias (differences in which features are more readily learned) and exemplar-vs-rule bias (differences in how these learned features are used for generalization of category labels). We find that standard neural network models are feature-biased and have a propensity towards exemplar-based extrapolation; we discuss the implications of these findings for machine-learning research on data augmentation, fairness, and systematic generalization.

Tue 19 July 14:15 - 14:20 PDT

Burst-Dependent Plasticity and Dendritic Amplification Support Target-Based Learning and Hierarchical Imitation Learning

Cristiano Capone · Cosimo Lupo · Paolo Muratore · Pier Stanislao Paolucci

The brain can learn to solve a wide range of tasks with high temporal and energetic efficiency.However, most biological models are composed of simple single-compartment neurons and cannot achieve the state-of-the-art performances of artificial intelligence.We propose a multi-compartment model of pyramidal neuron, in which bursts and dendritic input segregation give the possibility to plausibly support a biological target-based learning. In target-based learning, the internal solution of a problem (a spatio-temporal pattern of bursts in our case) is suggested to the network, bypassing the problems of error backpropagation and credit assignment.Finally, we show that this neuronal architecture naturally supports the orchestration of ``hierarchical imitation learning'', enabling the decomposition of challenging long-horizon decision-making tasks into simpler subtasks.

Tue 19 July 14:20 - 14:25 PDT

A Deep Learning Approach for the Segmentation of Electroencephalography Data in Eye Tracking Applications

Lukas Wolf · Ard Kastrati · Martyna Plomecka · Jieming Li · Dustin Klebe · Alexander Veicht · Roger Wattenhofer · Nicolas Langer

The collection of eye gaze information provides a window into many critical aspects of human cognition, health and behaviour. Additionally, many neuroscientific studies complement the behavioural information gained from eye tracking with the high temporal resolution and neurophysiological markers provided by electroencephalography (EEG). One of the essential eye-tracking software processing steps is the segmentation of the continuous data stream into events relevant to eye-tracking applications, such as saccades, fixations, and blinks. Here, we introduce DETRtime, a novel framework for time-series segmentation that creates ocular event detectors that do not require additionally recorded eye-tracking modality and rely solely on EEG data. Our end-to-end deep-learning-based framework brings recent advances in Computer Vision to the forefront of the times series segmentation of EEG data. DETRtime achieves state-of-the-art performance in ocular event detection across diverse eye-tracking experiment paradigms. In addition to that, we provide evidence that our model generalizes well in the task of EEG sleep stage segmentation.

Tue 19 July 14:25 - 14:30 PDT

Minimizing Control for Credit Assignment with Strong Feedback

Alexander Meulemans · Matilde Tristany Farinha · Maria Cervera · João Sacramento · Benjamin F. Grewe

The success of deep learning ignited interest in whether the brain learns hierarchical representations using gradient-based learning. However, current biologically plausible methods for gradient-based credit assignment in deep neural networks need infinitesimally small feedback signals, which is problematic in biologically realistic noisy environments and at odds with experimental evidence in neuroscience showing that top-down feedback can significantly influence neural activity. Building upon deep feedback control (DFC), a recently proposed credit assignment method, we combine strong feedback influences on neural activity with gradient-based learning and show that this naturally leads to a novel view on neural network optimization. Instead of gradually changing the network weights towards configurations with low output loss, weight updates gradually minimize the amount of feedback required from a controller that drives the network to the supervised output label. Moreover, we show that the use of strong feedback in DFC allows learning forward and feedback connections simultaneously, using learning rules fully local in space and time. We complement our theoretical results with experiments on standard computer-vision benchmarks, showing competitive performance to backpropagation as well as robustness to noise. Overall, our work presents a fundamentally novel view of learning as control minimization, while sidestepping biologically unrealistic assumptions.

Tue 19 July 14:30 - 14:35 PDT

Self-Supervised Models of Audio Effectively Explain Human Cortical Responses to Speech

Aditya Vaidya · Shailee Jain · Alexander Huth

Self-supervised language models are very effective at predicting high-level cortical responses during language comprehension. However, the best current models of lower-level auditory processing in the human brain rely on either hand-constructed acoustic filters or representations from supervised audio neural networks. In this work, we capitalize on the progress of self-supervised speech representation learning (SSL) to create new state-of-the-art models of the human auditory system. Compared against acoustic baselines, phonemic features, and supervised models, representations from the middle layers of self-supervised models (APC, wav2vec, wav2vec 2.0, and HuBERT) consistently yield the best prediction performance for fMRI recordings within the auditory cortex (AC). Brain areas involved in low-level auditory processing exhibit a preference for earlier SSL model layers, whereas higher-level semantic areas prefer later layers. We show that these trends are due to the models' ability to encode information at multiple linguistic levels (acoustic, phonetic, and lexical) along their representation depth. Overall, these results show that self-supervised models effectively capture the hierarchy of information relevant to different stages of speech processing in human cortex.

Tue 19 July 14:35 - 14:40 PDT

Towards Scaling Difference Target Propagation by Learning Backprop Targets

Maxence ERNOULT · Fabrice Normandin · Abhinav Moudgil · Sean Spinney · Eugene Belilovsky · Irina Rish · Blake Richards · Yoshua Bengio

The development of biologically-plausible learning algorithms is important for understanding learning in the brain, but most of them fail to scale-up to real-world tasks, limiting their potential as explanations for learning by real brains. As such, it is important to explore learning algorithms that come with strong theoretical guarantees and can match the performance of backpropagation (BP) on complex tasks. One such algorithm is Difference Target Propagation (DTP), a biologically-plausible learning algorithm whose close relation with Gauss-Newton (GN) optimization has been recently established. However, the conditions under which this connection rigorously holds preclude layer-wise training of the feedback pathway synaptic weights (which is more biologically plausible). Moreover, good alignment between DTP weight updates and loss gradients is only loosely guaranteed and under very specific conditions for the architecture being trained. In this paper, we propose a novel feedback weight training scheme that ensures both that DTP approximates BP and that layer-wise feedback weight training can be restored without sacrificing any theoretical guarantees. Our theory is corroborated by experimental results and we report the best performance ever achieved by DTP on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet 32x32.

Tue 19 July 14:40 - 14:45 PDT

Content Addressable Memory Without Catastrophic Forgetting by Heteroassociation with a Fixed Scaffold

Sugandha Sharma · Sarthak Chandra · Ila R. Fiete

Content-addressable memory (CAM) networks, so-called because stored items can be recalled by partial or corrupted versions of the items, exhibit near-perfect recall of a small number of information-dense patterns below capacity and a 'memory cliff' beyond, such that inserting a single additional pattern results in catastrophic loss of all stored patterns. We propose a novel CAM architecture, Memory Scaffold with Heteroassociation (MESH), that factorizes the problems of internal attractor dynamics and association with external content to generate a CAM continuum without a memory cliff: Small numbers of patterns are stored with complete information recovery matching standard CAMs, while inserting more patterns still results in partial recall of every pattern, with a graceful trade-off between pattern number and pattern richness. Motivated by the architecture of the Entorhinal-Hippocampal memory circuit in the brain, MESH is a tripartite architecture with pairwise interactions that uses a predetermined set of internally stabilized states together with heteroassociation between the internal states and arbitrary external patterns. We show analytically and experimentally that for any number of stored patterns, MESH nearly saturates the total information bound (given by the number of synapses) for CAM networks, outperforming all existing CAM models.