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MISC: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning

Room 301 - 303

Moderator: Pavel Tokmakov

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Tue 19 July 10:30 - 10:35 PDT

An iterative clustering algorithm for the Contextual Stochastic Block Model with optimality guarantees

Guillaume Braun · Hemant Tyagi · Christophe Biernacki

Real-world networks often come with side information that can help to improve the performance of network analysis tasks such as clustering. Despite a large number of empirical and theoretical studies conducted on network clustering methods during the past decade, the added value of side information and the methods used to incorporate it optimally in clustering algorithms are relatively less understood. We propose a new iterative algorithm to cluster networks with side information for nodes (in the form of covariates) and show that our algorithm is optimal under the Contextual Symmetric Stochastic Block Model.Our algorithm can be applied to general Contextual Stochastic Block Models and avoids hyperparameter tuning in contrast to previously proposed methods. We confirm our theoretical results on synthetic data experiments where our algorithm significantly outperforms other methods, and show that it can also be applied to signed graphs. Finally we demonstrate the practical interest of our method on real data.

Tue 19 July 10:35 - 10:40 PDT

Smoothed Adaptive Weighting for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning: Improve Reliability Against Unknown Distribution Data

Zhengfeng Lai · Chao Wang · Henrry Gunawan · Senching Cheung · Chen-Nee Chuah

Despite recent promising results on semi-supervised learning (SSL), data imbalance, particularly in the unlabeled dataset, could significantly impact the training performance of a SSL algorithm if there is a mismatch between the expected and actual class distributions. The efforts on how to construct a robust SSL framework that can effectively learn from datasets with unknown distributions remain limited. We first investigate the feasibility of adding weights to the consistency loss and then we verify the necessity of smoothed weighting schemes. Based on this study, we propose a self-adaptive algorithm, named Smoothed Adaptive Weighting (SAW). SAW is designed to enhance the robustness of SSL by estimating the learning difficulty of each class and synthesizing the weights in the consistency loss based on such estimation. We show that SAW can complement recent consistency-based SSL algorithms and improve their reliability on various datasets including three standard datasets and one gigapixel medical imaging application without making any assumptions about the distribution of the unlabeled set.

Tue 19 July 10:40 - 10:45 PDT

Class-Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning with Adaptive Thresholding

Lan-Zhe Guo · Yu-Feng Li

Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has proven to be successful in overcoming labeling difficulties by leveraging unlabeled data. Previous SSL algorithms typically assume a balanced class distribution. However, real-world datasets are usually class-imbalanced, causing the performance of existing SSL algorithms to be seriously decreased. One essential reason is that pseudo-labels for unlabeled data are selected based on a fixed confidence threshold, resulting in low performance on minority classes. In this paper, we develop a simple yet effective framework, which only involves adaptive thresholding for different classes in SSL algorithms, and achieves remarkable performance improvement on more than twenty imbalance ratios. Specifically, we explicitly optimize the number of pseudo-labels for each class in the SSL objective, so as to simultaneously obtain adaptive thresholds and minimize empirical risk. Moreover, the determination of the adaptive threshold can be efficiently obtained by a closed-form solution. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.

Tue 19 July 10:50 - 10:55 PDT

Meta-Learning Hypothesis Spaces for Sequential Decision-making

Parnian Kassraie · Jonas Rothfuss · Andreas Krause

Obtaining reliable, adaptive confidence sets for prediction functions (hypotheses) is a central challenge in sequential decision-making tasks, such as bandits and model-based reinforcement learning. These confidence sets typically rely on prior assumptions on the hypothesis space, e.g., the known kernel of a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS). Hand-designing such kernels is error prone, and misspecification may lead to poor or unsafe performance. In this work, we propose to meta-learn a kernel from offline data (Meta-KeL). For the case where the unknown kernel is a combination of known base kernels, we develop an estimator based on structured sparsity. Under mild conditions, we guarantee that our estimated RKHS yields valid confidence sets that, with increasing amounts of offline data, become as tight as those given the true unknown kernel. We demonstrate our approach on the kernelized bandits problem (a.k.a. Bayesian optimization), where we establish regret bounds competitive with those given the true kernel. We also empirically evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on a Bayesian optimization task.

Tue 19 July 10:55 - 11:00 PDT

A Tighter Analysis of Spectral Clustering, and Beyond

Peter Macgregor · He Sun

This work studies the classical spectral clustering algorithm which embeds the vertices of some graph G=(VG, EG) into R^k using k eigenvectors of some matrix of G, and applies k-means to partition V_G into k clusters. Our first result is a tighter analysis on the performance of spectral clustering, and explains why it works under some much weaker condition than the ones studied in the literature. For the second result, we show that, by applying fewer than k eigenvectors to construct the embedding, spectral clustering is able to produce better output for many practical instances; this result is the first of its kind in spectral clustering. Besides its conceptual and theoretical significance, the practical impact of our work is demonstrated by the empirical analysis on both synthetic and real-world data sets, in which spectral clustering produces comparable or better results with fewer than k eigenvectors.

Tue 19 July 11:00 - 11:20 PDT

Online Active Regression

Cheng Chen · Yi Li · Yiming Sun

Active regression considers a linear regression problem where the learner receives a large number of data points but can only observe a small number of labels. Since online algorithms can deal with incremental training data and take advantage of low computational cost, we consider an online extension of the active regression problem: the learner receives data points one by one and immediately decides whether it should collect the corresponding labels. The goal is to efficiently maintain the regression of received data points with a small budget of label queries. We propose novel algorithms for this problem under $\ell_p$ loss where $p\in[1,2]$. To achieve a $(1+\epsilon)$-approximate solution, our proposed algorithms only requires $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/poly(\epsilon))$ queries of labels. The numerical results verify our theoretical results and show that our methods have comparable performance with offline active regression algorithms.

Tue 19 July 11:20 - 11:25 PDT

On Finite-Sample Identifiability of Contrastive Learning-Based Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis

Qi Lyu · Xiao Fu

Nonlinear independent component analysis (nICA) aims at recovering statistically independent latent components that are mixed by unknown nonlinear functions. Central to nICA is the identifiability of the latent components, which had been elusive until very recently. Specifically, Hyv\"arinen et al. have shown that the nonlinearly mixed latent components are identifiable (up to often inconsequential ambiguities) under a generalized contrastive learning (GCL) formulation, given that the latent components are independent conditioned on a certain auxiliary variable. The GCL-based identifiability of nICA is elegant, and establishes interesting connections between nICA and popular unsupervised/self-supervised learning paradigms in representation learning, causal learning, and factor disentanglement. However, existing identifiability analyses of nICA all build upon an unlimited sample assumption and the use of ideal universal function learners---which creates a non-negligible gap between theory and practice. Closing the gap is a nontrivial challenge, as there is a lack of established ``textbook'' routine for finite sample analysis of such unsupervised problems. This work puts forth a finite-sample identifiability analysis of GCL-based nICA. Our analytical framework judiciously combines the properties of the GCL loss function, statistical generalization analysis, and numerical differentiation. Our framework also takes the learning function's approximation error into consideration, and reveals an intuitive trade-off between the complexity and expressiveness of the employed function learner. Numerical experiments are used to validate the theorems.

Tue 19 July 11:25 - 11:30 PDT

Revisiting Contrastive Learning through the Lens of Neighborhood Component Analysis: an Integrated Framework

Ching-Yun (Irene) Ko · Jeet Mohapatra · Sijia Liu · Pin-Yu Chen · Luca Daniel · Lily Weng

As a seminal tool in self-supervised representation learning, contrastive learning has gained unprecedented attention in recent years. In essence, contrastive learning aims to leverage pairs of positive and negative samples for representation learning, which relates to exploiting neighborhood information in a feature space. By investigating the connection between contrastive learning and neighborhood component analysis (NCA), we provide a novel stochastic nearest neighbor viewpoint of contrastive learning and subsequently propose a series of contrastive losses that outperform the existing ones. Under our proposed framework, we show a new methodology to design integrated contrastive losses that could simultaneously achieve good accuracy and robustness on downstream tasks. With the integrated framework, we achieve up to 6\% improvement on the standard accuracy and 17\% improvement on the robust accuracy.

Tue 19 July 11:30 - 11:35 PDT

Open-Sampling: Exploring Out-of-Distribution data for Re-balancing Long-tailed datasets

Hongxin Wei · Lue Tao · RENCHUNZI XIE · LEI FENG · Bo An

Deep neural networks usually perform poorly when the training dataset suffers from extreme class imbalance. Recent studies found that directly training with out-of-distribution data (i.e., open-set samples) in a semi-supervised manner would harm the generalization performance. In this work, we theoretically show that out-of-distribution data can still be leveraged to augment the minority classes from a Bayesian perspective. Based on this motivation, we propose a novel method called Open-sampling, which utilizes open-set noisy labels to re-balance the class priors of the training dataset. For each open-set instance, the label is sampled from our pre-defined distribution that is complementary to the distribution of original class priors. We empirically show that Open-sampling not only re-balances the class priors but also encourages the neural network to learn separable representations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms existing data re-balancing methods and can boost the performance of existing state-of-the-art methods.

Tue 19 July 11:35 - 11:40 PDT

Confidence Score for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Jonghyun Lee · Dahuin Jung · Junho Yim · Sungroh Yoon

Source-free unsupervised domain adaptation (SFUDA) aims to obtain high performance in the unlabeled target domain using the pre-trained source model, not the source data.Existing SFUDA methods assign the same importance to all target samples, which is vulnerable to incorrect pseudo-labels.To differentiate between sample importance, in this study, we propose a novel sample-wise confidence score, the Joint Model-Data Structure (JMDS) score for SFUDA.Unlike existing confidence scores that use only one of the source or target domain knowledge, the JMDS score uses both knowledge.We then propose a Confidence score Weighting Adaptation using the JMDS (CoWA-JMDS) framework for SFUDA.CoWA-JMDS consists of the JMDS scores as sample weights and weight Mixup that is our proposed variant of Mixup.Weight Mixup promotes the model make more use of the target domain knowledge.The experimental results show that the JMDS score outperforms the existing confidence scores.Moreover, CoWA-JMDS achieves state-of-the-art performance on various SFUDA scenarios: closed, open, and partial-set scenarios.

Tue 19 July 11:40 - 11:45 PDT

Gradient Based Clustering

Aleksandar Armacki · Dragana Bajovic · Dusan Jakovetic · Soummya Kar

We propose a general approach for distance based clustering, using the gradient of the cost function that measures clustering quality with respect to cluster assignments and cluster center positions. The approach is an iterative two step procedure (alternating between cluster assignment and cluster center updates) and is applicable to a wide range of functions, satisfying some mild assumptions. The main advantage of the proposed approach is a simple and computationally cheap update rule. Unlike previous methods that specialize to a specific formulation of the clustering problem, our approach is applicable to a wide range of costs, including non-Bregman clustering methods based on the Huber loss. We analyze the convergence of the proposed algorithm, and show that it converges to the set of appropriately defined fixed points, under arbitrary center initialization. In the special case of Bregman cost functions, the algorithm converges to the set of centroidal Voronoi partitions, which is consistent with prior works. Numerical experiments on real data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Tue 19 July 11:45 - 11:50 PDT

Global Optimization of K-Center Clustering

Mingfei Shi · Kaixun Hua · Jiayang Ren · Yankai Cao

$k$-center problem is a well-known clustering method and can be formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem. This work provides a practical global optimization algorithm for this task based on a reduced-space spatial branch and bound scheme. This algorithm can guarantee convergence to the global optimum by only branching on the centers of clusters, which is independent of the dataset’s cardinality. In addition, a set of feasibility-based bounds tightening techniques are proposed to narrow down the domain of centers and significantly accelerate the convergence. To demonstrate the capacity of this algorithm, we present computational results on 32 datasets. Notably, for the dataset with 14 million samples and 3 features, the serial implementation of the algorithm can converge to an optimality gap of 0.1\% within 2 hours. Compared with a heuristic method, the global optimum obtained by our algorithm can reduce the objective function on average by 30.4\%.

Tue 19 July 11:50 - 11:55 PDT

Latent Outlier Exposure for Anomaly Detection with Contaminated Data

Chen Qiu · Aodong Li · Marius Kloft · Maja Rudolph · Stephan Mandt

Anomaly detection aims at identifying data points that show systematic deviations from the majority of data in an unlabeled dataset. A common assumption is that clean training data (free of anomalies) is available, which is often violated in practice. We propose a strategy for training an anomaly detector in the presence of unlabeled anomalies that is compatible with a broad class of models. The idea is to jointly infer binary labels to each datum (normal vs. anomalous) while updating the model parameters. Inspired by outlier exposure (Hendrycks et al., 2018) that considers synthetically created, labeled anomalies, we thereby use a combination of two losses that share parameters: one for the normal and one for the anomalous data. We then iteratively proceed with block coordinate updates on the parameters and the most likely (latent) labels. Our experiments with several backbone models on three image datasets, 30 tabular data sets, and a video anomaly detection benchmark showed consistent and significant improvements over the baselines.