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Transfer/Multitask/Meta Learning

Room 318 - 320

Moderator: Wei-Lun (Harry) Chao

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Tue 19 July 7:30 - 7:35 PDT

Multi-Task Learning as a Bargaining Game

Aviv Navon · Aviv Shamsian · Idan Achituve · Haggai Maron · Kenji Kawaguchi · Gal Chechik · Ethan Fetaya

In Multi-task learning (MTL), a joint model is trained to simultaneously make predictions for several tasks. Joint training reduces computation costs and improves data efficiency; however, since the gradients of these different tasks may conflict, training a joint model for MTL often yields lower performance than its corresponding single-task counterparts. A common method for alleviating this issue is to combine per-task gradients into a joint update direction using a particular heuristic. In this paper, we propose viewing the gradients combination step as a bargaining game, where tasks negotiate to reach an agreement on a joint direction of parameter update. Under certain assumptions, the bargaining problem has a unique solution, known as the \emph{Nash Bargaining Solution}, which we propose to use as a principled approach to multi-task learning. We describe a new MTL optimization procedure, Nash-MTL, and derive theoretical guarantees for its convergence. Empirically, we show that Nash-MTL achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple MTL benchmarks in various domains.

Tue 19 July 7:35 - 7:40 PDT

Frustratingly Easy Transferability Estimation

Long-Kai Huang · Junzhou Huang · Yu Rong · Qiang Yang · Ying WEI

Transferability estimation has been an essential tool in selecting a pre-trained model and the layers in it for transfer learning, to transfer, so as to maximize the performance on a target task and prevent negative transfer. Existing estimation algorithms either require intensive training on target tasks or have difficulties in evaluating the transferability between layers. To this end, we propose a simple, efficient, and effective transferability measure named TransRate. Through a single pass over examples of a target task, TransRate measures the transferability as the mutual information between features of target examples extracted by a pre-trained model and their labels. We overcome the challenge of efficient mutual information estimation by resorting to coding rate that serves as an effective alternative to entropy. From the perspective of feature representation, the resulting TransRate evaluates both completeness (whether features contain sufficient information of a target task) and compactness (whether features of each class are compact enough for good generalization) of pre-trained features. Theoretically, we have analyzed the close connection of TransRate to the performance after transfer learning. Despite its extraordinary simplicity in 10 lines of codes, TransRate performs remarkably well in extensive evaluations on 35 pre-trained models and 16 downstream tasks.

Tue 19 July 7:40 - 7:45 PDT

Transformer Neural Processes: Uncertainty-Aware Meta Learning Via Sequence Modeling

Tung Nguyen · Aditya Grover

Neural Processes (NPs) are a popular class of approaches for meta-learning. Similar to Gaussian Processes (GPs), NPs define distributions over functions and can estimate uncertainty in their predictions. However, unlike GPs, NPs and their variants suffer from underfitting and often have intractable likelihoods, which limit their applications in sequential decision making. We propose Transformer Neural Processes (TNPs), a new member of the NP family that casts uncertainty-aware meta learning as a sequence modeling problem. We learn TNPs via an autoregressive likelihood-based objective and instantiate it with a novel transformer-based architecture that respects the inductive biases inherent to the problem structure, such as invariance to the observed data points and equivariance to the unobserved points. We further design knobs within the TNP architecture to tradeoff the increase in expressivity of the decoding distribution with extra computation. Empirically, we show that TNPs achieve state-of-the-art performance on various benchmark problems, outperforming all previous NP variants on meta regression, image completion, contextual multi-armed bandits, and Bayesian optimization.

Tue 19 July 7:45 - 7:50 PDT

A Difference Standardization Method for Mutual Transfer Learning

Haoqing Xu · Meng Wang · Beilun Wang

In many real-world applications, mutual transfer learning is the paradigm that each data domain can potentially be a source or target domain. This is quite different from transfer learning tasks where the source and target are known a priori. However, previous studies about mutual transfer learning either suffer from high computational complexity or oversimplified hypothesis. To overcome these challenges, in this paper, we propose the \underline{Diff}erence \underline{S}tandardization method ({\bf DiffS}) for mutual transfer learning. Specifically, we put forward a novel distance metric between domains, the standardized domain difference, to obtain fast structure recovery and accurate parameter estimation simultaneously. We validate the method’s performance using both synthetic and real-world data. Compared to previous methods, DiffS demonstrates a speed-up of approximately 3000 times that of similar methods and achieves the same accurate learnability structure estimation.

Tue 19 July 7:50 - 7:55 PDT

Improving Task-free Continual Learning by Distributionally Robust Memory Evolution

Zhenyi Wang · Li Shen · Le Fang · Qiuling Suo · Tiehang Duan · Mingchen Gao

Task-free continual learning (CL) aims to learn a non-stationary data stream without explicit task definitions and not forget previous knowledge. The widely adopted memory replay approach could gradually become less effective for long data streams, as the model may memorize the stored examples and overfit the memory buffer. Second, existing methods overlook the high uncertainty in the memory data distribution since there is a big gap between the memory data distribution and the distribution of all the previous data examples. To address these problems, for the first time, we propose a principled memory evolution framework to dynamically evolve the memory data distribution by making the memory buffer gradually harder to be memorized with distributionally robust optimization (DRO). We then derive a family of methods to evolve the memory buffer data in the continuous probability measure space with Wasserstein gradient flow (WGF). The proposed DRO is w.r.t the worst-case evolved memory data distribution, thus guarantees the model performance and learns significantly more robust features than existing memory-replay-based methods. Extensive experiments on existing benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods for alleviating forgetting. As a by-product of the proposed framework, our method is more robust to adversarial examples than existing task-free CL methods.

Tue 19 July 7:55 - 8:00 PDT

A Multi-objective / Multi-task Learning Framework Induced by Pareto Stationarity

Michinari Momma · Chaosheng Dong · Jia Liu

Multi-objective optimization (MOO) and multi-task learning (MTL) have gained much popularity with prevalent use cases such as production model development of regression / classification / ranking models with MOO, and training deep learning models with MTL. Despite the long history of research in MOO, its application to machine learning requires development of solution strategy, and algorithms have recently been developed to solve specific problems such as discovery of any Pareto optimal (PO) solution, and that with a particular form of preference. In this paper, we develop a novel and generic framework to discover a PO solution with multiple forms of preferences. It allows us to formulate a generic MOO / MTL problem to express a preference, which is solved to achieve both alignment with the preference and PO, at the same time. Specifically, we apply the framework to solve the weighted Chebyshev problem and an extension of that. The former is known as a method to discover the Pareto front, the latter helps to find a model that outperforms an existing model with only one run. Experimental results demonstrate not only the method achieves competitive performance with existing methods, but also it allows us to achieve the performance from different forms of preferences.

Tue 19 July 8:00 - 8:05 PDT

Sparse Invariant Risk Minimization

Xiao Zhou · Yong LIN · Weizhong Zhang · Tong Zhang

Invariant Risk Minimization (IRM) is an emerging invariant feature extracting technique to help generalization with distributional shift. However, we find that there exists a basic and intractable contradiction between the model trainability and generalization ability in IRM. On one hand, recent studies on deep learning theory indicate the importance of large-sized or even overparameterized neural networks to make the model easy to train. On the other hand, unlike empirical risk minimization that can be benefited from overparameterization, our empirical and theoretical analyses show that the generalization ability of IRM is much easier to be demolished by overfitting caused by overparameterization. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective paradigm named Sparse Invariant Risk Minimization (SparseIRM) to address this contradiction. Our key idea is to employ a global sparsity constraint as a defense to prevent spurious features from leaking in during the whole IRM process. Compared with sparisfy-after-training prototype by prior work which can discard invariant features, the global sparsity constraint limits the budget for feature selection and enforces SparseIRM to select the invariant features. We illustrate the benefit of SparseIRM through a theoretical analysis on a simple linear case. Empirically we demonstrate the power of SparseIRM through various datasets and models and surpass state-of-the-art methods with a gap up to 29\%.

Tue 19 July 8:05 - 8:25 PDT

Head2Toe: Utilizing Intermediate Representations for Better Transfer Learning

Utku Evci · Vincent Dumoulin · Hugo Larochelle · Michael Mozer

Transfer-learning methods aim to improve performance in a data-scarce target domain using a model pretrained on a data-rich source domain. A cost-efficient strategy, linear probing, involves freezing the source model and training a new classification head for the target domain. This strategy is outperformed by a more costly but state-of-the-art method -- fine-tuning all parameters of the source model to the target domain -- possibly because fine-tuning allows the model to leverage useful information from intermediate layers which is otherwise discarded by the later previously trained layers. We explore the hypothesis that these intermediate layers might be directly exploited. We propose a method, Head-to-Toe probing (Head2Toe), that selects features from all layers of the source model to train a classification head for the target-domain. In evaluations on the Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark-1k, Head2Toe matches performance obtained with fine-tuning on average while reducing training and storage cost hundred folds or more, but critically, for out-of-distribution transfer, Head2Toe outperforms fine-tuning. Code used in our experiments can be found in supplementary materials.

Tue 19 July 8:25 - 8:30 PDT

A Closer Look at Smoothness in Domain Adversarial Training

Harsh Rangwani · Sumukh K Aithal · Mayank Mishra · Arihant Jain · Venkatesh Babu Radhakrishnan

Domain adversarial training has been ubiquitous for achieving invariant representations and is used widely for various domain adaptation tasks. In recent times, methods converging to smooth optima have shown improved generalization for supervised learning tasks like classification. In this work, we analyze the effect of smoothness enhancing formulations on domain adversarial training, the objective of which is a combination of task loss (eg. classification, regression etc.) and adversarial terms. We find that converging to a smooth minima with respect to (w.r.t.) task loss stabilizes the adversarial training leading to better performance on target domain. In contrast to task loss, our analysis shows that converging to smooth minima w.r.t. adversarial loss leads to sub-optimal generalization on the target domain. Based on the analysis, we introduce the Smooth Domain Adversarial Training (SDAT) procedure, which effectively enhances the performance of existing domain adversarial methods for both classification and object detection tasks. Our analysis also provides insight into the extensive usage of SGD over Adam in the community for domain adversarial training.

Tue 19 July 8:30 - 8:35 PDT

Balancing Discriminability and Transferability for Source-Free Domain Adaptation

Jogendra Nath Kundu · Akshay Kulkarni · Suvaansh Bhambri · Deepesh Mehta · Shreyas Kulkarni · Varun Jampani · Venkatesh Babu Radhakrishnan

Conventional domain adaptation (DA) techniques aim to improve domain transferability by learning domain-invariant representations; while concurrently preserving the task-discriminability knowledge gathered from the labeled source data. However, the requirement of simultaneous access to labeled source and unlabeled target renders them unsuitable for the challenging source-free DA setting. The trivial solution of realizing an effective original to generic domain mapping improves transferability but degrades task discriminability. Upon analyzing the hurdles from both theoretical and empirical standpoints, we derive novel insights to show that a mixup between original and corresponding translated generic samples enhances the discriminability-transferability trade-off while duly respecting the privacy-oriented source-free setting. A simple but effective realization of the proposed insights on top of the existing source-free DA approaches yields state-of-the-art performance with faster convergence. Beyond single-source, we also outperform multi-source prior-arts across both classification and semantic segmentation benchmarks.

Tue 19 July 8:35 - 8:40 PDT

Model Agnostic Sample Reweighting for Out-of-Distribution Learning

Xiao Zhou · Yong LIN · Renjie Pi · Weizhong Zhang · Renzhe Xu · Peng Cui · Tong Zhang

Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) and invariant risk minimization (IRM) are two popular methods proposed to improve out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization performance of machine learning models. While effective for small models, it has been observed that these methods can be vulnerable to overfitting with large overparameterized models. This work proposes a principled method, Model Agnostic samPLe rEweighting (MAPLE), to effectively address OOD problem, especially in overparameterized scenarios. Our key idea is to find an effective reweighting of the training samples so that the standard empirical risk minimization training of a large model on the weighted training data leads to superior OOD generalization performance. The overfitting issue is addressed by considering a bilevel formulation to search for the sample reweighting, in which the generalization complexity depends on the search space of sample weights instead of the model size. We present theoretical analysis in linear case to prove the insensitivity of MAPLE to model size, and empirically verify its superiority in surpassing state-of-the-art methods by a large margin.

Tue 19 July 8:40 - 8:45 PDT

Zero-shot AutoML with Pretrained Models

Ekrem Öztürk · Fabio Ferreira · Hadi S Jomaa · Lars Schmidt-Thieme · Josif Grabocka · Frank Hutter

Given a new dataset D and a low compute budget, how should we choose a pre-trained model to fine-tune to D, and set the fine-tuning hyperparameters without risking overfitting, particularly if D is small? Here, we extend automated machine learning (AutoML) to best make these choices. Our domain-independent meta-learning approach learns a zero-shot surrogate model which, at test time, allows to select the right deep learning (DL) pipeline (including the pre-trained model and fine-tuning hyperparameters) for a new dataset D given only trivial meta-features describing D such as image resolution or the number of classes. To train this zero-shot model, we collect performance data for many DL pipelines on a large collection of datasets and meta-train on this data to minimize a pairwise ranking objective. We evaluate our approach under the strict time limit of the vision track of the ChaLearn AutoDL challenge benchmark, clearly outperforming all challenge contenders.

Tue 19 July 8:45 - 8:50 PDT

Efficient Variance Reduction for Meta-learning

Hansi Yang · James Kwok

Meta-learning tries to learn meta-knowledge from a large number of tasks. However, the stochastic meta-gradient can have large variance due to data sampling (from each task) and task sampling (from the whole task distribution), leading to slow convergence. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that integrates variance reduction with first-order meta-learning algorithms such as Reptile. It retains the bilevel formulation which better captures the structure of meta-learning, but does not require storing the vast number of task-specific parameters in general bilevel variance reduction methods. Theoretical results show that it has fast convergence rate due to variance reduction. Experiments on benchmark few-shot classification data sets demonstrate its effectiveness over state-of-the-art meta-learning algorithms with and without variance reduction.

Tue 19 July 8:50 - 8:55 PDT

Generalizing to Evolving Domains with Latent Structure-Aware Sequential Autoencoder

Tiexin QIN · Shiqi Wang · Haoliang Li

Domain generalization aims to improve the generalization capability of machine learning systems to out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Existing domain generalization techniques embark upon stationary and discrete environments to tackle the generalization issue caused by OOD data. However, many real-world tasks in non-stationary environments (e.g., self-driven car system, sensor measures) involve more complex and continuously evolving domain drift, which raises new challenges for the problem of domain generalization. In this paper, we formulate the aforementioned setting as the problem of evolving domain generalization. Specifically, we propose to introduce a probabilistic framework called Latent Structure-aware Sequential Autoencoder (LSSAE) to tackle the problem of evolving domain generalization via exploring the underlying continuous structure in the latent space of deep neural networks, where we aim to identify two major factors namely covariate shift and concept shift accounting for distribution shift in non-stationary environments. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world datasets show that LSSAE can lead to superior performances based on the evolving domain generalization setting.

Tue 19 July 8:55 - 9:00 PDT

Partial disentanglement for domain adaptation

Lingjing Kong · Shaoan Xie · Weiran Yao · Yujia Zheng · Guangyi Chen · Petar Stojanov · Victor Akinwande · Kun Zhang

Unsupervised domain adaptation is critical to many real-world applications where label information is unavailable in the target domain. In general, without further assumptions, the joint distribution of the features and the label is not identifiable in the target domain. To address this issue, we rely on a property of minimal changes of causal mechanisms across domains to minimize unnecessary influences of domain shift. To encode this property, we first formulate the data generating process using a latent variable model with two partitioned latent subspaces: invariant components whose distributions stay the same across domains, and sparse changing components that vary across domains. We further constrain the domain shift to have a restrictive influence on the changing components. Under mild conditions, we show that the latent variables are partially identifiable, from which it follows that the joint distribution of data and labels in the target domain is also identifiable. Given the theoretical insights, we propose a practical domain adaptation framework, called iMSDA. Extensive experimental results reveal that iMSDA outperforms state-of-the-art domain adaptation algorithms on benchmark datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our framework.