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Optimization: Convex

Room 307

Moderator: Martin Takac

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Tue 19 July 7:30 - 7:50 PDT

Exact Optimal Accelerated Complexity for Fixed-Point Iterations

Jisun Park · Ernest Ryu

Despite the broad use of fixed-point iterations throughout applied mathematics, the optimal convergence rate of general fixed-point problems with nonexpansive nonlinear operators has not been established. This work presents an acceleration mechanism for fixed-point iterations with nonexpansive operators, contractive operators, and nonexpansive operators satisfying a H\"older-type growth condition. We then provide matching complexity lower bounds to establish the exact optimality of the acceleration mechanisms in the nonexpansive and contractive setups. Finally, we provide experiments with CT imaging, optimal transport, and decentralized optimization to demonstrate the practical effectiveness of the acceleration mechanism.

Tue 19 July 7:50 - 7:55 PDT

Fast Convex Optimization for Two-Layer ReLU Networks: Equivalent Model Classes and Cone Decompositions

Aaron Mishkin · Arda Sahiner · Mert Pilanci

We develop fast algorithms and robust software for convex optimization of two-layer neural networks with ReLU activation functions. Our work leverages a convex re-formulation of the standard weight-decay penalized training problem as a set of group-l1-regularized data-local models, where locality is enforced by polyhedral cone constraints. In the special case of zero-regularization, we show that this problem is exactly equivalent to unconstrained optimization of a convex "gated ReLU" network. For problems with non-zero regularization, we show that convex gated ReLU models obtain data-dependent approximation bounds for the ReLU training problem. To optimize the convex re-formulations, we develop an accelerated proximal gradient method and a practical augmented Lagrangian solver. We show that these approaches are faster than standard training heuristics for the non-convex problem, such as SGD, and outperform commercial interior-point solvers. Experimentally, we verify our theoretical results, explore the group-l1 regularization path, and scale convex optimization for neural networks to image classification on MNIST and CIFAR-10.

Tue 19 July 7:55 - 8:00 PDT

NysADMM: faster composite convex optimization via low-rank approximation

Shipu Zhao · Zachary Frangella · Madeleine Udell

This paper develops a scalable new algorithm, called NysADMM, to minimize a smooth convex loss function with a convex regularizer. NysADMM accelerates the inexact Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) by constructing a preconditioner for the ADMM subproblem from a randomized low-rank Nystrӧm approximation. NysADMM comes with strong theoretical guarantees: it solves the ADMM subproblem in a constant number of iterations when the rank of the Nystrӧm approximation is the effective dimension of the subproblem regularized Gram matrix. In practice, ranks much smaller than the effective dimension can succeed, so NysADMM uses an adaptive strategy to choose the rank that enjoys analogous guarantees. Numerical experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that NysADMM can solve important applications, such as the lasso, logistic regression, and support vector machines, in half the time (or less) required by standard solvers. The breadth of problems on which NysADMM beats standard solvers is a surprise: it suggests that ADMM is a dominant paradigm for numerical optimization across a wide range of statistical learning problems that are usually solved with bespoke methods.

Tue 19 July 8:00 - 8:05 PDT

FedNew: A Communication-Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Newton-Type Method for Federated Learning

Anis Elgabli · Chaouki Ben Issaid · Amrit Singh Bedi · Ketan Rajawat · Mehdi Bennis · Vaneet Aggarwal

Newton-type methods are popular in federated learning due to their fast convergence. Still, they suffer from two main issues, namely: low communication efficiency and low privacy due to the requirement of sending Hessian information from clients to parameter server (PS). In this work, we introduced a novel framework called FedNew in which there is no need to transmit Hessian information from clients to PS, hence resolving the bottleneck to improve communication efficiency. In addition, FedNew hides the gradient information and results in a privacy-preserving approach compared to the existing state-of-the-art. The core novel idea in FedNew is to introduce a two level framework, and alternate between updating the inverse Hessian-gradient product using only one alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) step and then performing the global model update using Newton’s method. Though only one ADMM pass is used to approximate the inverse Hessian-gradient product at each iteration, we develop a novel theoretical approach to show the converging behavior of FedNew for convex problems. Additionally, a significant reduction in communication overhead is achieved by utilizing stochastic quantization. Numerical results using real datasets show the superiority of FedNew compared to existing methods in terms of communication costs.

Tue 19 July 8:05 - 8:10 PDT

Unraveling Attention via Convex Duality: Analysis and Interpretations of Vision Transformers

Arda Sahiner · Tolga Ergen · Batu M Ozturkler · John Pauly · Morteza Mardani · Mert Pilanci

Vision transformers using self-attention or its proposed alternatives have demonstrated promising results in many image related tasks. However, the underpinning inductive bias of attention is not well understood. To address this issue, this paper analyzes attention through the lens of convex duality. For the non-linear dot-product self-attention, and alternative mechanisms such as MLP-mixer and Fourier Neural Operator (FNO), we derive equivalent finite-dimensional convex problems that are interpretable and solvable to global optimality. The convex programs lead to block nuclear-norm regularization that promotes low rank in the latent feature and token dimensions. In particular, we show how self-attention networks implicitly clusters the tokens, based on their latent similarity. We conduct experiments for transferring a pre-trained transformer backbone for CIFAR-100 classification by fine-tuning a variety of convex attention heads. The results indicate the merits of the bias induced by attention compared with the existing MLP or linear heads.

Tue 19 July 8:10 - 8:15 PDT

Pairwise Conditional Gradients without Swap Steps and Sparser Kernel Herding

Kazuma Tsuji · Ken'ichiro Tanaka · Sebastian Pokutta

The Pairwise Conditional Gradients (PCG) algorithm is a powerful extension of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm leading to particularly sparse solutions, which makes PCG very appealing for problems such as sparse signal recovery, sparse regression, and kernel herding. Unfortunately, PCG exhibits so-called swap steps that might not provide sufficient primal progress. The number of these bad steps is bounded by a function in the dimension and as such known guarantees do not generalize to the infinite-dimensional case, which would be needed for kernel herding. We propose a new variant of PCG, the so-called Blended Pairwise Conditional Gradients (BPCG). This new algorithm does not exhibit any swap steps, is very easy to implement, and does not require any internal gradient alignment procedures. The convergence rate of BPCG is basically that of PCG if no drop steps would occur and as such is no worse than PCG but improves and provides new rates in many cases. Moreover, we observe in the numerical experiments that BPCG’s solutions are much sparser than those of PCG. We apply BPCG to the kernel herding setting, where we derive nice quadrature rules and provide numerical results demonstrating the performance of our method.

Tue 19 July 8:15 - 8:35 PDT

Continuous-Time Analysis of Accelerated Gradient Methods via Conservation Laws in Dilated Coordinate Systems

Jaewook Suh · Gyumin Roh · Ernest Ryu

We analyze continuous-time models of accelerated gradient methods through deriving conservation laws in dilated coordinate systems. Namely, instead of analyzing the dynamics of $X(t)$, we analyze the dynamics of $W(t)=t^\alpha(X(t)-X_c)$ for some $\alpha$ and $X_c$ and derive a conserved quantity, analogous to physical energy, in this dilated coordinate system. Through this methodology, we recover many known continuous-time analyses in a streamlined manner and obtain novel continuous-time analyses for OGM-G, an acceleration mechanism for efficiently reducing gradient magnitude that is distinct from that of Nesterov. Finally, we show that a semi-second-order symplectic Euler discretization in the dilated coordinate system leads to an $\mathcal{O}(1/k^2)$ rate on the standard setup of smooth convex minimization, without any further assumptions such as infinite differentiability.

Tue 19 July 8:35 - 8:40 PDT

Only tails matter: Average-Case Universality and Robustness in the Convex Regime

LEONARDO CUNHA · Gauthier Gidel · Fabian Pedregosa · Damien Scieur · Courtney Paquette

The recently developed average-case analysis of optimization methods allows a more fine-grained and representative convergence analysis than usual worst-case results. In exchange, this analysis requires a more precise hypothesis over the data generating process, namely assuming knowledge of the expected spectral distribution (ESD) of the random matrix associated with the problem. This work shows that the concentration of eigenvalues near the edges of the ESD determines a problem's asymptotic average complexity. This a priori information on this concentration is a more grounded assumption than complete knowledge of the ESD. This approximate concentration is effectively a middle ground between the coarseness of the worst-case scenario convergence and the restrictive previous average-case analysis. We also introduce the Generalized Chebyshev method, asymptotically optimal under a hypothesis on this concentration and globally optimal when the ESD follows a Beta distribution. We compare its performance to classical optimization algorithms, such as gradient descent or Nesterov's scheme, and we show that, in the average-case context, Nesterov's method is universally nearly optimal asymptotically.

Tue 19 July 8:40 - 8:45 PDT

Batch Greenkhorn Algorithm for Entropic-Regularized Multimarginal Optimal Transport: Linear Rate of Convergence and Iteration Complexity

Vladimir Kostic · Saverio Salzo · Massimiliano Pontil

In this work we propose a batch multimarginal version of the Greenkhornalgorithm for the entropic-regularized optimal transport problem. This framework is general enough to cover, as particular cases, existing Sinkhorn and Greenkhorn algorithms for the bi-marginal setting, and greedy MultiSinkhorn for the general multimarginal case. We provide a comprehensive convergence analysis based on the properties of the iterative Bregman projections method with greedy control.Linear rate of convergence as well as explicit bounds on the iteration complexity are obtained. When specialized to the above mentioned algorithms, our results give new convergence rates or provide key improvements over the state-of-the-art rates. We present numerical experiments showing that the flexibility of the batch can be exploited to improve performance of Sinkhorn algorithm both in bi-marginal and multimarginal settings.

Tue 19 July 8:45 - 8:50 PDT

Approximate Frank-Wolfe Algorithms over Graph-structured Support Sets

Baojian Zhou · Yifan Sun

In this paper, we consider approximate Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithms to solve convex optimization problems over graph-structured support sets where the linear minimization oracle (LMO) cannot be efficiently obtained in general. We first demonstrate that two popular approximation assumptions (additive and multiplicative gap errors) are not applicable in that no cheap gap-approximate LMO oracle exists. Thus, approximate dual maximization oracles (DMO) are proposed, which approximate the inner product rather than the gap. We prove that the standard FW method using a $\delta$-approximate DMO converges as $O((1-\delta) \sqrt{s}/\delta)$ in the worst case, and as $O(L/(\delta^2 t))$ over a $\delta$-relaxation of the constraint set. Furthermore, when the solution is on the boundary, a variant of FW converges as $O(1/t^2)$ under the quadratic growth assumption. Our empirical results suggest that even these improved bounds are pessimistic, showing fast convergence in recovering real-world images with graph-structured sparsity.

Tue 19 July 8:50 - 8:55 PDT

Neural Fisher Discriminant Analysis: Optimal Neural Network Embeddings in Polynomial Time

Burak Bartan · Mert Pilanci

Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis (FLDA) is a statistical analysis method that linearly embeds data points to a lower dimensional space to maximize a discrimination criterion such that the variance between classes is maximized while the variance within classes is minimized. We introduce a natural extension of FLDA that employs neural networks, called Neural Fisher Discriminant Analysis (NFDA). This method finds the optimal two-layer neural network that embeds data points to optimize the same discrimination criterion. We use tools from convex optimization to transform the optimal neural network embedding problem into a convex problem. The resulting problem is easy to interpret and solve to global optimality. We evaluate the method's performance on synthetic and real datasets.

Tue 19 July 8:55 - 9:00 PDT

Active Sampling for Min-Max Fairness

Jacob Abernethy · Pranjal Awasthi · Matthäus Kleindessner · Jamie Morgenstern · Chris Russell · Jie Zhang

We propose simple active sampling and reweighting strategies for optimizing min-max fairness that can be applied to any classification or regression model learned via loss minimization. The key intuition behind our approach is to use at each timestep a datapoint from the group that is worst off under the current model for updating the model. The ease of implementation and the generality of our robust formulation make it an attractive option for improving model performance on disadvantaged groups. For convex learning problems, such as linear or logistic regression, we provide a fine-grained analysis, proving the rate of convergence to a min-max fair solution.