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Reinforcement Learning

Hall F

Moderator: Roy Fox

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Tue 19 July 7:30 - 7:35 PDT

Dynamic Regret of Online Markov Decision Processes

Peng Zhao · Long-Fei Li · Zhi-Hua Zhou

We investigate online Markov Decision Processes~(MDPs) with adversarially changing loss functions and known transitions. We choose \emph{dynamic regret} as the performance measure, defined as the performance difference between the learner and any sequence of feasible \emph{changing} policies. The measure is strictly stronger than the standard static regret that benchmarks the learner's performance with a fixed compared policy. We consider three foundational models of online MDPs, including episodic loop-free Stochastic Shortest Path (SSP), episodic SSP, and infinite-horizon MDPs. For the three models, we propose novel online ensemble algorithms and establish their dynamic regret guarantees respectively, in which the results for episodic (loop-free) SSP are provably minimax optimal in terms of time horizon and certain non-stationarity measure.

Tue 19 July 7:35 - 7:40 PDT

On the Impossibility of Learning to Cooperate with Adaptive Partner Strategies in Repeated Games

Robert Loftin · Frans Oliehoek

Learning to cooperate with other agents is challenging when those agents also possess the ability to adapt to our own behavior. Practical and theoretical approaches to learning in cooperative settings typically assume that other agents' behaviors are stationary, or else make very specific assumptions about other agents' learning processes. The goal of this work is to understand whether we can reliably learn to cooperate with other agents without such restrictive assumptions, which are unlikely to hold in real-world applications. Our main contribution is a set of impossibility results, which show that no learning algorithm can reliably learn to cooperate with all possible adaptive partners in a repeated matrix game, even if that partner is guaranteed to cooperate with some stationary strategy. Motivated by these results, we then discuss potential alternative assumptions which capture the idea that an adaptive partner will only adapt rationally to our behavior.

Tue 19 July 7:40 - 7:45 PDT

Distributional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations for Continuous-Time Reinforcement Learning

Harley Wiltzer · David Meger · Marc Bellemare

Continuous-time reinforcement learning offers an appealing formalism for describing control problems in which the passage of time is not naturally divided into discrete increments.Here we consider the problem of predicting the distribution of returns obtained by an agent interacting in a continuous-time, stochastic environment. Accurate return predictions have proven useful for determining optimal policies for risk-sensitive control, learning state representations, multiagent coordination, and more.We begin by establishing the distributional analogue of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation for Ito diffusions and the broader class of Feller-Dynkin processes.We then specialize this equation to the setting in which the return distribution is approximated by N uniformly-weighted particles, a common design choice in distributional algorithms.Our derivation highlights additional terms due to statistical diffusivity which arise from the proper handling of distributions in the continuous-time setting. Based on this, we propose a tractable algorithm for approximately solving the distributional HJB based on a JKO scheme, which can be implemented in an online, control algorithm. We demonstrate the effectiveness of such an algorithm in a synthetic control problem.

Tue 19 July 7:45 - 7:50 PDT

Provable Reinforcement Learning with a Short-Term Memory

Yonathan Efroni · Chi Jin · Akshay Krishnamurthy · Sobhan Miryoosefi

Real-world sequential decision making problems commonly involve partial observability, which requires the agent to maintain a memory of history in order to infer the latent states, plan and make good decisions. Coping with partial observability in general is extremely challenging, as a number of worst-case statistical and computational barriers are known in learning Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). Motivated by the problem structure in several physical applications, as well as a commonly used technique known as "frame stacking", this paper proposes to study a new subclass of POMDPs, whose latent states can be decoded by the most recent history of a short length m. We establish a set of upper and lower bounds on the sample complexity for learning near-optimal policies for this class of problems in both tabular and rich-observation settings (where the number of observations is enormous). In particular, in the rich-observation setting, we develop new algorithms using a novel "moment matching" approach with a sample complexity that scales exponentially with the short length m rather than the problem horizon, and is independent of the number of observations. Our results show that a short-term memory suffices for reinforcement learning in these environments.

Tue 19 July 7:50 - 7:55 PDT

Optimistic Linear Support and Successor Features as a Basis for Optimal Policy Transfer

Lucas N. Alegre · Ana Lucia Cetertich Bazzan · Bruno C. da Silva

In many real-world applications, reinforcement learning (RL) agents might have to solve multiple tasks, each one typically modeled via a reward function. If reward functions are expressed linearly, and the agent has previously learned a set of policies for different tasks, successor features (SFs) can be exploited to combine such policies and identify reasonable solutions for new problems. However, the identified solutions are not guaranteed to be optimal. We introduce a novel algorithm that addresses this limitation. It allows RL agents to combine existing policies and directly identify optimal policies for arbitrary new problems, without requiring any further interactions with the environment. We first show (under mild assumptions) that the transfer learning problem tackled by SFs is equivalent to the problem of learning to optimize multiple objectives in RL. We then introduce an SF-based extension of the Optimistic Linear Support algorithm to learn a set of policies whose SFs form a convex coverage set. We prove that policies in this set can be combined via generalized policy improvement to construct optimal behaviors for any new linearly-expressible tasks, without requiring any additional training samples. We empirically show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art competing algorithms both in discrete and continuous domains under value function approximation.

Tue 19 July 7:55 - 8:00 PDT

Mirror Learning: A Unifying Framework of Policy Optimisation

Jakub Grudzien Kuba · Christian Schroeder de Witt · Jakob Foerster

Modern deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are motivated by either the general policy improvement (GPI) or trust-region learning (TRL) frameworks. However, algorithms that strictly respect these theoretical frameworks have proven unscalable. Surprisingly, the only known scalable algorithms violate the GPI/TRL assumptions, e.g. due to required regularisation or other heuristics. The current explanation of their empirical success is essentially “by analogy”: they are deemed approximate adaptations of theoretically sound methods. Unfortunately, studies have shown that in practice these algorithms differ greatly from their conceptual ancestors. In contrast, in this paper, we introduce a novel theoretical framework, named Mirror Learning, which provides theoretical guarantees to a large class of algorithms, including TRPO and PPO. While the latter two exploit the flexibility of our framework, GPI and TRL fit in merely as pathologically restrictive corner cases thereof. This suggests that the empirical performance of state-of-the-art methods is a direct consequence of their theoretical properties, rather than of aforementioned approximate analogies. Mirror learning sets us free to boldly explore novel, theoretically sound RL algorithms, a thus far uncharted wonderland.

Tue 19 July 8:00 - 8:20 PDT

Improved No-Regret Algorithms for Stochastic Shortest Path with Linear MDP

Liyu Chen · Rahul Jain · Haipeng Luo

We introduce two new no-regret algorithms for the stochastic shortest path (SSP) problem with a linear MDP that significantly improve over the only existing results of (Vial et al., 2021).Our first algorithm is computationally efficient and achieves a regret bound $O(\sqrt{d^3B_{\star}^2T_{\star} K})$, where $d$ is the dimension of the feature space, $B_{\star}$ and $T_{\star}$ are upper bounds of the expected costs and hitting time of the optimal policy respectively, and $K$ is the number of episodes.The same algorithm with a slight modification also achieves logarithmic regret of order $O(\frac{d^3B_{\star}^4}{c_{\min}^2\text{\rm gap}_{\min} }\ln^5\frac{dB_{\star} K}{c_{\min}})$, where $\text{\rm gap}_{\min}$ is the minimum sub-optimality gap and $c_{\min}$ is the minimum cost over all state-action pairs.Our result is obtained by developing a simpler and improved analysis for the finite-horizon approximation of (Cohen et al., 2021) with a smaller approximation error, which might be of independent interest.On the other hand, using variance-aware confidence sets in a global optimization problem,our second algorithm is computationally inefficient but achieves the first ``horizon-free'' regret bound $O(d^{3.5}B_{\star}\sqrt{K})$ with no polynomial dependency on $T_{\star}$ or $1/c_{\min}$,almost matching the $\Omega(dB_{\star}\sqrt{K})$ lower bound from (Min et al., 2021).

Tue 19 July 8:20 - 8:25 PDT

Learning Infinite-horizon Average-reward Markov Decision Process with Constraints

Liyu Chen · Rahul Jain · Haipeng Luo

We study regret minimization for infinite-horizon average-reward Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) under cost constraints.We start by designing a policy optimization algorithm with carefully designed action-value estimator and bonus term,and show that for ergodic MDPs, our algorithm ensures $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret and constant constraint violation, where $T$ is the total number of time steps.This strictly improves over the algorithm of (Singh et al., 2020), whose regret and constraint violation are both $O(T^{2/3})$.Next, we consider the most general class of weakly communicating MDPs. Through a finite-horizon approximation, we develop another algorithm with $O(T^{2/3})$ regret and constraint violation, which can be further improved to $O(\sqrt{T})$ via a simple modification,albeit making the algorithm computationally inefficient.As far as we know, these are the first set of provable algorithms for weakly communicating MDPs with cost constraints.

Tue 19 July 8:25 - 8:30 PDT

A State-Distribution Matching Approach to Non-Episodic Reinforcement Learning

Archit Sharma · Rehaan Ahmad · Chelsea Finn

While reinforcement learning (RL) provides a framework for learning through trial and error, translating RL algorithms into the real world has remained challenging. A major hurdle to real-world application arises from the development of algorithms in an episodic setting where the environment is reset after every trial, in contrast with the continual and non-episodic nature of the real-world encountered by embodied agents such as humans and robots. Enabling agents to learn behaviors autonomously in such non-episodic environments requires that the agent to be able to conduct its own trials. Prior works have considered an alternating approach where a forward policy learns to solve the task and the backward policy learns to reset the environment, but what initial state distribution should the backward policy reset the agent to? Assuming access to a few demonstrations, we propose a new method, MEDAL, that trains the backward policy to match the state distribution in the provided demonstrations. This keeps the agent close to the task-relevant states, allowing for a mix of easy and difficult starting states for the forward policy. Our experiments show that MEDAL matches or outperforms prior methods on three sparse-reward continuous control tasks from the EARL benchmark, with 40% gains on the hardest task, while making fewer assumptions than prior works.

Tue 19 July 8:30 - 8:35 PDT

Langevin Monte Carlo for Contextual Bandits

Pan Xu · Hongkai Zheng · Eric Mazumdar · Kamyar Azizzadenesheli · Animashree Anandkumar

We study the efficiency of Thompson sampling for contextual bandits. Existing Thompson sampling-based algorithms need to construct a Laplace approximation (i.e., a Gaussian distribution) of the posterior distribution, which is inefficient to sample in high dimensional applications for general covariance matrices. Moreover, the Gaussian approximation may not be a good surrogate for the posterior distribution for general reward generating functions. We propose an efficient posterior sampling algorithm, viz., Langevin Monte Carlo Thompson Sampling (LMC-TS), that uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to directly sample from the posterior distribution in contextual bandits. Our method is computationally efficient since it only needs to perform noisy gradient descent updates without constructing the Laplace approximation of the posterior distribution. We prove that the proposed algorithm achieves the same sublinear regret bound as the best Thompson sampling algorithms for a special case of contextual bandits, viz., linear contextual bandits. We conduct experiments on both synthetic data and real-world datasets on different contextual bandit models, which demonstrates that directly sampling from the posterior is both computationally efficient and competitive in performance.

Tue 19 July 8:35 - 8:40 PDT

Prompting Decision Transformer for Few-Shot Policy Generalization

Mengdi Xu · Yikang Shen · Shun Zhang · Yuchen Lu · Ding Zhao · Josh Tenenbaum · Chuang Gan

Human can leverage prior experience and learn novel tasks from a handful of demonstrations. In contrast to offline meta-reinforcement learning, which aims to achieve quick adaptation through better algorithm design, we investigate the effect of architecture inductive bias on the few-shot learning capability. We propose a Prompt-based Decision Transformer (Prompt-DT), which leverages the sequential modeling ability of the Transformer architecture and the prompt framework to achieve few-shot adaptation in offline RL. We design the trajectory prompt, which contains segments of the few-shot demonstrations, and encodes task-specific information to guide policy generation. Our experiments in five MuJoCo control benchmarks show that Prompt-DT is a strong few-shot learner without any extra finetuning on unseen target tasks. Prompt-DT outperforms its variants and strong meta offline RL baselines by a large margin with a trajectory prompt containing only a few timesteps. Prompt-DT is also robust to prompt length changes and can generalize to out-of-distribution (OOD) environments. Project page: \href{}{}.

Tue 19 July 8:40 - 8:45 PDT

Contrastive UCB: Provably Efficient Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning in Online Reinforcement Learning

Shuang Qiu · Lingxiao Wang · Chenjia Bai · Zhuoran Yang · Zhaoran Wang

In view of its power in extracting feature representation, contrastive self-supervised learning has been successfully integrated into the practice of (deep) reinforcement learning (RL), leading to efficient policy learning on various applications. Despite its tremendous empirical successes, the understanding of contrastive learning for RL remains elusive. To narrow such a gap, we study contrastive-learning empowered RL for a class of Markov decision processes (MDPs) and Markov games (MGs) with low-rank transitions. For both models, we propose to extract the correct feature representations of the low-rank model by minimizing a contrastive loss. Moreover, under the online setting, we propose novel upper confidence bound (UCB)-type algorithms that incorporate such a contrastive loss with online RL algorithms for MDPs or MGs. We further theoretically prove that our algorithm recovers the true representations and simultaneously achieves sample efficiency in learning the optimal policy and Nash equilibrium in MDPs and MGs. We also provide empirical studies to demonstrate the efficacy of the UCB-based contrastive learning method for RL. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first provably efficient online RL algorithm that incorporates contrastive learning for representation learning.

Tue 19 July 8:45 - 8:50 PDT

Human-in-the-loop: Provably Efficient Preference-based Reinforcement Learning with General Function Approximation

Xiaoyu Chen · Han Zhong · Zhuoran Yang · Zhaoran Wang · Liwei Wang

We study human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning (RL) with trajectory preferences, where instead of receiving a numeric reward at each step, the RL agent only receives preferences over trajectory pairs from a human overseer. The goal of the RL agent is to learn the optimal policy which is most preferred by the human overseer. Despite the empirical success in various real-world applications, the theoretical understanding of preference-based RL (PbRL) is only limited to the tabular case. In this paper, we propose the first optimistic model-based algorithm for PbRL with general function approximation, which estimates the model using value-targeted regression and calculates the exploratory policies by solving an optimistic planning problem. We prove that our algorithm achieves the regret bound of $\tilde{O} (\operatorname{poly}(d H) \sqrt{K} )$, where $d$ is the complexity measure of the transition and preference model depending on the Eluder dimension and log-covering numbers, $H$ is the planning horizon, $K$ is the number of episodes, and $\tilde O(\cdot)$ omits logarithmic terms. Our lower bound indicates that our algorithm is near-optimal when specialized to the linear setting. Furthermore, we extend the PbRL problem by formulating a novel problem called RL with $n$-wise comparisons, and provide the first sample-efficient algorithm for this new setting. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first theoretical result for PbRL with (general) function approximation.