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Social Aspects

Ballroom 1 & 2

Moderator: Amartya Sanyal

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Tue 19 July 7:30 - 7:35 PDT

Differentially Private Approximate Quantiles

Haim Kaplan · Shachar Schnapp · Uri Stemmer

In this work we study the problem of differentially private (DP) quantiles, in which given dataset $X$ and quantiles $q_1, ..., q_m \in [0,1]$, we want to output $m$ quantile estimations which are as close as possible to the true quantiles and preserve DP. We describe a simple recursive DP algorithm, which we call Approximate Quantiles (AQ), for this task. We give a worst case upper bound on its error, and show that its error is much lower than of previous implementations on several different datasets. Furthermore, it gets this low error while running time two orders of magnitude faster that the best previous implementation.

Tue 19 July 7:35 - 7:40 PDT

Fairness Interventions as (Dis)Incentives for Strategic Manipulation

Xueru Zhang · Mahdi Khalili · Kun Jin · Parinaz Naghizadeh · Mingyan Liu

Although machine learning (ML) algorithms are widely used to make decisions about individuals in various domains, concerns have arisen that (1) these algorithms are vulnerable to strategic manipulation and "gaming the algorithm"; and (2) ML decisions may exhibit bias against certain social groups. Existing works have largely examined these as two separate issues, e.g., by focusing on building ML algorithms robust to strategic manipulation, or on training a fair ML algorithm. In this study, we set out to understand the impact they each have on the other, and examine how to characterize fair policies in the presence of strategic behavior. The strategic interaction between a decision maker and individuals (as decision takers) is modeled as a two-stage (Stackelberg) game; when designing an algorithm, the former anticipates the latter may manipulate their features in order to receive more favorable decisions. We analytically characterize the equilibrium strategies of both, and examine how the algorithms and their resulting fairness properties are affected when the decision maker is strategic (anticipates manipulation), as well as the impact of fairness interventions on equilibrium strategies. In particular, we identify conditions under which anticipation of strategic behavior may mitigate/exacerbate unfairness, and conditions under which fairness interventions can serve as (dis)incentives for strategic manipulation.

Tue 19 July 7:40 - 7:45 PDT

Robust Models Are More Interpretable Because Attributions Look Normal

Zifan Wang · Matt Fredrikson · Anupam Datta

Recent work has found that adversarially-robust deep networks used for image classification are more interpretable: their feature attributions tend to be sharper, and are more concentrated on the objects associated with the image’s ground- truth class. We show that smooth decision boundaries play an important role in this enhanced interpretability, as the model’s input gradients around data points will more closely align with boundaries’ normal vectors when they are smooth. Thus, because robust models have smoother boundaries, the results of gradient- based attribution methods, like Integrated Gradients and DeepLift, will capture more accurate information about nearby decision boundaries. This understanding of robust interpretability leads to our second contribution: boundary attributions, which aggregate information about the normal vectors of local decision bound- aries to explain a classification outcome. We show that by leveraging the key fac- tors underpinning robust interpretability, boundary attributions produce sharper, more concentrated visual explanations—even on non-robust models.

Tue 19 July 7:45 - 7:50 PDT

Sequential Covariate Shift Detection Using Classifier Two-Sample Tests

Sooyong Jang · Sangdon Park · Insup Lee · Osbert Bastani

A standard assumption in supervised learning is that the training data and test data are from the same distribution. However, this assumption often fails to hold in practice, which can cause the learned model to perform poorly. We consider the problem of detecting covariate shift, where the covariate distribution shifts but the conditional distribution of labels given covariates remains the same. This problem can naturally be solved using a two-sample test—i.e., test whether the current test distribution of covariates equals the training distribution of covariates. Our algorithm builds on classifier tests, which train a discriminator to distinguish train and test covariates, and then use the accuracy of this discriminator as a test statistic. A key challenge is that classifier tests assume given a fixed set of test covariates. In practice, test covariates often arrive sequentially over time—e.g., a self-driving car observes a stream of images while driving. Furthermore, covariate shift can occur multiple times—i.e., shift and then shift back later or gradually shift over time. To address these challenges, our algorithm trains the discriminator online. Additionally, it evaluates test accuracy using each new covariate before taking a gradient step; this strategy avoids constructing a held-out test set, which can improve sample efficiency. We prove that this optimization preserves the correctness—i.e., our algorithm achieves a desired bound on the false positive rate. In our experiments, we show that our algorithm efficiently detects covariate shifts on multiple datasets—ImageNet, IWildCam, and Py150.

Tue 19 July 7:50 - 7:55 PDT

A Joint Exponential Mechanism For Differentially Private Top-$k$

Jennifer Gillenwater · Matthew Joseph · andres munoz · Monica Ribero Diaz

We present a differentially private algorithm for releasing the sequence of $k$ elements with the highest counts from a data domain of $d$ elements. The algorithm is a "joint" instance of the exponential mechanism, and its output space consists of all $O(d^k)$ length-$k$ sequences. Our main contribution is a method to sample this exponential mechanism in time $O(dk\log(k) + d\log(d))$ and space $O(dk)$. Experiments show that this approach outperforms existing pure differential privacy methods and improves upon even approximate differential privacy methods for moderate $k$.

Tue 19 July 7:55 - 8:00 PDT

Transfer Learning In Differential Privacy's Hybrid-Model

Refael Kohen · Or Sheffet

The \emph{hybrid-model} (Avent et al 2017) in Differential Privacy is a an augmentation of the local-model where in addition to $N$ local-agents we are assisted by one special agent who is in fact a curator holding the sensitive details of $n$ additional individuals. Here we study the problem of machine learning in the hybrid-model where the $n$ individuals in the curator's dataset are drawn from a \emph{different} distribution than the one of the general population (the local-agents). We give a general scheme -- Subsample-Test-Reweigh -- for this \emph{transfer learning} problem, which reduces any curator-model learner to a learner in the hybrid-model using iterative subsampling and reweighing of the $n$ examples held by the curator based on a smooth variation (introduced by Bun et al 2020) of the Multiplicative-Weights algorithm. Our scheme has a sample complexity which relies on the $\chi^2$-divergence between the two distributions. We give worst-case analysis bounds on the sample complexity required for our private reduction. Aiming to reduce said sample complexity, we give two specific instances our sample complexity can be drastically reduced (one instance is analyzed mathematically, while the other - empirically) and pose several directions for follow-up work.

Tue 19 July 8:00 - 8:05 PDT

Robust Kernel Density Estimation with Median-of-Means principle

Pierre Humbert · Batiste Le Bars · Ludovic Minvielle

In this paper, we introduce a robust non-parametric density estimator combining the popular Kernel Density Estimation method and the Median-of-Means principle (MoM-KDE). This estimator is shown to achieve robustness for a large class of anomalous data, potentially adversarial. In particular, while previous works only prove consistency results under very specific contamination models, this work provides finite-sample high-probability error-bounds without any prior knowledge on the outliers. To highlight the robustness of our method, we introduce an influence function adapted to the considered OUI framework. Finally, we show that MoM-KDE achieves competitive results when compared with other robust kernel estimators, while having significantly lower computational complexity.

Tue 19 July 8:05 - 8:25 PDT

Bounding Training Data Reconstruction in Private (Deep) Learning

Chuan Guo · Brian Karrer · Kamalika Chaudhuri · Laurens van der Maaten

Differential privacy is widely accepted as the de facto method for preventing data leakage in ML, and conventional wisdom suggests that it offers strong protection against privacy attacks. However, existing semantic guarantees for DP focus on membership inference, which may overestimate the adversary's capabilities and is not applicable when membership status itself is non-sensitive. In this paper, we derive the first semantic guarantees for DP mechanisms against training data reconstruction attacks under a formal threat model. We show that two distinct privacy accounting methods---Renyi differential privacy and Fisher information leakage---both offer strong semantic protection against data reconstruction attacks.

Tue 19 July 8:25 - 8:30 PDT

Plug & Play Attacks: Towards Robust and Flexible Model Inversion Attacks

Lukas Struppek · Dominik Hintersdorf · Antonio De Almeida Correia · Antonia Adler · Kristian Kersting

Model inversion attacks (MIAs) aim to create synthetic images that reflect the class-wise characteristics from a target classifier's private training data by exploiting the model's learned knowledge. Previous research has developed generative MIAs that use generative adversarial networks (GANs) as image priors tailored to a specific target model. This makes the attacks time- and resource-consuming, inflexible, and susceptible to distributional shifts between datasets. To overcome these drawbacks, we present Plug & Play Attacks, which relax the dependency between the target model and image prior, and enable the use of a single GAN to attack a wide range of targets, requiring only minor adjustments to the attack. Moreover, we show that powerful MIAs are possible even with publicly available pre-trained GANs and under strong distributional shifts, for which previous approaches fail to produce meaningful results. Our extensive evaluation confirms the improved robustness and flexibility of Plug & Play Attacks and their ability to create high-quality images revealing sensitive class characteristics.

Tue 19 July 8:30 - 8:35 PDT

FriendlyCore: Practical Differentially Private Aggregation

Eliad Tsfadia · Edith Cohen · Haim Kaplan · Yishay Mansour · Uri Stemmer

Differentially private algorithms for common metric aggregation tasks, such as clustering or averaging, often have limited practicality due to their complexity or to the large number of data points that is required for accurate results.We propose a simple and practical tool $\mathsf{FriendlyCore}$ that takes a set of points ${\cal D}$ from an unrestricted (pseudo) metric space as input. When ${\cal D}$ has effective diameter $r$, $\mathsf{FriendlyCore}$ returns a ``stable'' subset ${\cal C} \subseteq {\cal D}$ that includes all points, except possibly few outliers, and is {\em guaranteed} to have diameter $r$. $\mathsf{FriendlyCore}$ can be used to preprocess the input before privately aggregating it, potentially simplifying the aggregation or boosting its accuracy. Surprisingly, $\mathsf{FriendlyCore}$ is light-weight with no dependence on the dimension. We empirically demonstrate its advantages in boosting the accuracy of mean estimation and clustering tasks such as $k$-means and $k$-GMM, outperforming tailored methods.

Tue 19 July 8:35 - 8:40 PDT

ViT-NeT: Interpretable Vision Transformers with Neural Tree Decoder

Sangwon Kim · Jaeyeal Nam · Byoung Chul Ko

Vision transformers (ViTs), which have demonstrated a state-of-the-art performance in image classification, can also visualize global interpretations through attention-based contributions. However, the complexity of the model makes it difficult to interpret the decision-making process, and the ambiguity of the attention maps can cause incorrect correlations between image patches. In this study, we propose a new ViT neural tree decoder (ViT-NeT). A ViT acts as a backbone, and to solve its limitations, the output contextual image patches are applied to the proposed NeT. The NeT aims to accurately classify fine-grained objects with similar inter-class correlations and different intra-class correlations. In addition, it describes the decision-making process through a tree structure and prototype and enables a visual interpretation of the results. The proposed ViT-NeT is designed to not only improve the classification performance but also provide a human-friendly interpretation, which is effective in resolving the trade-off between performance and interpretability. We compared the performance of ViT-NeT with other state-of-art methods using widely used fine-grained visual categorization benchmark datasets and experimentally proved that the proposed method is superior in terms of the classification performance and interpretability. The code and models are publicly available at

Tue 19 July 8:40 - 8:45 PDT

Fishing for User Data in Large-Batch Federated Learning via Gradient Magnification

Yuxin Wen · Jonas Geiping · Liam Fowl · Micah Goldblum · Tom Goldstein

Federated learning (FL) has rapidly risen in popularity due to its promise of privacy and efficiency. Previous works have exposed privacy vulnerabilities in the FL pipeline by recovering user data from gradient updates. However, existing attacks fail to address realistic settings because they either 1) require toy settings with very small batch sizes, or 2) require unrealistic and conspicuous architecture modifications. We introduce a new strategy that dramatically elevates existing attacks to operate on batches of arbitrarily large size, and without architectural modifications. Our model-agnostic strategy only requires modifications to the model parameters sent to the user, which is a realistic threat model in many scenarios. We demonstrate the strategy in challenging large-scale settings, obtaining high-fidelity data extraction in both cross-device and cross-silo federated learning. Code is available at

Tue 19 July 8:45 - 8:50 PDT

Public Data-Assisted Mirror Descent for Private Model Training

Ehsan Amid · Arun Ganesh · Rajiv Mathews · Swaroop Ramaswamy · Shuang Song · Thomas Steinke · Thomas Steinke · Vinith Suriyakumar · Om Thakkar · Abhradeep Guha Thakurta

In this paper, we revisit the problem of using in-distribution public data to improve the privacy/utility trade-offs for differentially private (DP) model training. (Here, public data refers to auxiliary data sets that have no privacy concerns.) We design a natural variant of DP mirror descent, where the DP gradients of the private/sensitive data act as the linear term, and the loss generated by the public data as the mirror map.We show that, for linear regression with feature vectors drawn from a non-isotropic sub-Gaussian distribution, our algorithm, PDA-DPMD (a variant of mirror descent), provides population risk guarantees that are asymptotically better than the best known guarantees under DP (without having access to public data), when the number of public data samples is sufficiently large. We further show that our algorithm has natural ``noise stability'' properties that control the variance due to noise added to ensure DP.We demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm by showing privacy/utility trade-offs on four benchmark datasets (StackOverflow, WikiText-2, CIFAR-10, and EMNIST). We show that our algorithm not only significantly improves over traditional DP-SGD, which does not have access to public data, but to our knowledge is the first to improve over DP-SGD on models that have been pre-trained with public data.

Tue 19 July 8:50 - 8:55 PDT

Low-Complexity Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Multiplexed Parallel Convolutions

Eunsang Lee · Joon-Woo Lee · Junghyun Lee · Young-Sik KIM · Yongjune Kim · Jong-Seon No · Woosuk Choi

Recently, the standard ResNet-20 network was successfully implemented on the fully homomorphic encryption scheme, residue number system variant Cheon-Kim-Kim-Song (RNS-CKKS) scheme using bootstrapping, but the implementation lacks practicality due to high latency and low security level. To improve the performance, we first minimize total bootstrapping runtime using multiplexed parallel convolution that collects sparse output data for multiple channels compactly. We also propose the imaginary-removing bootstrapping to prevent the deep neural networks from catastrophic divergence during approximate ReLU operations. In addition, we optimize level consumptions and use lighter and tighter parameters. Simulation results show that we have 4.67x lower inference latency and 134x less amortized runtime (runtime per image) for ResNet-20 compared to the state-of-the-art previous work, and we achieve standard 128-bit security. Furthermore, we successfully implement ResNet-110 with high accuracy on the RNS-CKKS scheme for the first time.

Tue 19 July 8:55 - 9:00 PDT

Robin Hood and Matthew Effects: Differential Privacy Has Disparate Impact on Synthetic Data

Georgi Ganev · Bristena Oprisanu · Emiliano De Cristofaro

Generative models trained with Differential Privacy (DP) can be used to generate synthetic data while minimizing privacy risks. We analyze the impact of DP on these models vis-a-vis underrepresented classes/subgroups of data, specifically, studying: 1) the size of classes/subgroups in the synthetic data, and 2) the accuracy of classification tasks run on them. We also evaluate the effect of various levels of imbalance and privacy budgets. Our analysis uses three state-of-the-art DP models (PrivBayes, DP-WGAN, and PATE-GAN) and shows that DP yields opposite size distributions in the generated synthetic data. It affects the gap between the majority and minority classes/subgroups; in some cases by reducing it (a "Robin Hood" effect) and, in others, by increasing it (a "Matthew" effect). Either way, this leads to (similar) disparate impacts on the accuracy of classification tasks on the synthetic data, affecting disproportionately more the underrepresented subparts of the data. Consequently, when training models on synthetic data, one might incur the risk of treating different subpopulations unevenly, leading to unreliable or unfair conclusions.