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BAMDT: Bayesian Additive Semi-Multivariate Decision Trees for Nonparametric Regression

Zhao Tang Luo · Huiyan Sang · Bani Mallick

Hall E #717

Keywords: [ MISC: General Machine Learning Techniques ] [ PM: Bayesian Models and Methods ]


Bayesian additive regression trees (BART; Chipman et al., 2010) have gained great popularity as a flexible nonparametric function estimation and modeling tool. Nearly all existing BART models rely on decision tree weak learners with axis-parallel univariate split rules to partition the Euclidean feature space into rectangular regions. In practice, however, many regression problems involve features with multivariate structures (e.g., spatial locations) possibly lying in a manifold, where rectangular partitions may fail to respect irregular intrinsic geometry and boundary constraints of the structured feature space. In this paper, we develop a new class of Bayesian additive multivariate decision tree models that combine univariate split rules for handling possibly high dimensional features without known multivariate structures and novel multivariate split rules for features with multivariate structures in each weak learner. The proposed multivariate split rules are built upon stochastic predictive spanning tree bipartition models on reference knots, which are capable of achieving highly flexible nonlinear decision boundaries on manifold feature spaces while enabling efficient dimension reduction computations. We demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method using simulation data and a Sacramento housing price data set.

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