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Workshop: 2nd Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare (IMLH)

Invited talk #1 Cynthia Rudin (Title: Almost Matching Exactly for Interpretable Causal Inference)

Cynthia Rudin


I will present a matching framework for causal inference in the potential outcomes setting called Almost Matching Exactly. This framework has several important elements: (1) Its algorithms create matched groups that are interpretable. The goal is to match treatment and control units on as many covariates as possible, or "almost exactly." (2) Its algorithms create accurate estimates of individual treatment effects. This is because we use machine learning on a separate training set to learn which features are important for matching. The key constraint is that units are always matched on a set of covariates that together can predict the outcome well. (3) Our methods are fast and scalable. In summary, these methods rival black box machine learning methods in their estimation accuracy but have the benefit of being interpretable and easier to troubleshoot. Our lab website is here:

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