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Workshop: Spurious correlations, Invariance, and Stability (SCIS)

Causal Discovery using Model Invariance through Knockoff Interventions

Wasim Ahmad · Maha Shadaydeh · Joachim Denzler

Keywords: [ Nonlinear time series ] [ Model invariance ] [ Causal Inference ]


Cause-effect analysis is crucial to understand the underlying mechanism of a system. We propose to exploit model invariance through interventions on the predictors to infer causality in a non-linear multivariate system of time series. We model non-linear interaction in time series using DeepAR and then expose the model to different environments using knockoff intervention to test model invariance. Knockoffs are in-distribution null variables generated without knowing the response. We test model invariance where we show that the distribution of the response residual does not change significantly upon interventions on non-causal features. We use synthetically generated time series to evaluate and compare our approach with other causality methods. Overall our proposed method outperforms other widely used methods.

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