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ICML Workshop on Human in the Loop Learning (HILL)

Trevor Darrell · Xin Wang · Li Erran Li · Fisher Yu · Zeynep Akata · Wenwu Zhu · Pradeep Ravikumar · Shiji Zhou · Shanghang Zhang · Kalesha Bullard

Sat 24 Jul, 4:15 a.m. PDT

Recent years have witnessed the rising need for the machine learning systems that can interact with humans in the learning loop. Such systems can be applied to computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, and human computer interaction. Creating and running such systems call for interdisciplinary research of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and software engineering design, which we abstract as Human in the Loop Learning (HILL). The HILL workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on the broad areas of HILL, ranging from the interactive/active learning algorithms for real-world decision making systems (e.g., autonomous driving vehicles, robotic systems, etc.), lifelong learning systems that retain knowledge from different tasks and selectively transfer knowledge to learn new tasks over a lifetime, models with strong explainability, as well as interactive system designs (e.g., data visualization, annotation systems, etc.). The HILL workshop continues the previous effort to provide a platform for researchers from interdisciplinary areas to share their recent research. In this year’s workshop, a special feature is to encourage the debate between HILL and label-efficient learning: Are these two learning paradigms contradictory with each other, or can they be organically combined to create a more powerful learning system? We believe the theme of the workshop will be of interest for broad ICML attendees, especially those who are interested in interdisciplinary study.

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