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Security and Explanability

Moderator: Hoda Heidari

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Thu 22 July 17:00 - 17:20 PDT

Gradient Disaggregation: Breaking Privacy in Federated Learning by Reconstructing the User Participant Matrix

Maximilian Lam · Gu-Yeon Wei · David Brooks · Vijay Janapa Reddi · Michael Mitzenmacher

We show that aggregated model updates in federated learning may be insecure. An untrusted central server may disaggregate user updates from sums of updates across participants given repeated observations, enabling the server to recover privileged information about individual users' private training data via traditional gradient inference attacks. Our method revolves around reconstructing participant information (e.g: which rounds of training users participated in) from aggregated model updates by leveraging summary information from device analytics commonly used to monitor, debug, and manage federated learning systems. Our attack is parallelizable and we successfully disaggregate user updates on settings with up to thousands of participants. We quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrate significant improvements in the capability of various inference attacks on the disaggregated updates. Our attack enables the attribution of learned properties to individual users, violating anonymity, and shows that a determined central server may undermine the secure aggregation protocol to break individual users' data privacy in federated learning.

Thu 22 July 17:20 - 17:25 PDT

Provable Lipschitz Certification for Generative Models

Matt Jordan · Alexandros Dimakis

We present a scalable technique for upper bounding the Lipschitz constant of generative models. We relate this quantity to the maximal norm over the set of attainable vector-Jacobian products of a given generative model. We approximate this set by layerwise convex approximations using zonotopes. Our approach generalizes and improves upon prior work using zonotope transformers and we extend to Lipschitz estimation of neural networks with large output dimension. This provides efficient and tight bounds on small networks and can scale to generative models on VAE and DCGAN architectures.

Thu 22 July 17:25 - 17:30 PDT

HEMET: A Homomorphic-Encryption-Friendly Privacy-Preserving Mobile Neural Network Architecture

Qian Lou · Lei Jiang

Recently Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is used to implement Privacy-Preserving Neural Networks (PPNNs) that perform inferences directly on encrypted data without decryption. Prior PPNNs adopt mobile network architectures such as SqueezeNet for smaller computing overhead, but we find na\"ively using mobile network architectures for a PPNN does not necessarily achieve shorter inference latency. Despite having less parameters, a mobile network architecture typically introduces more layers and increases the HE multiplicative depth of a PPNN, thereby prolonging its inference latency. In this paper, we propose a \textbf{HE}-friendly privacy-preserving \textbf{M}obile neural n\textbf{ET}work architecture, \textbf{HEMET}. Experimental results show that, compared to state-of-the-art (SOTA) PPNNs, HEMET reduces the inference latency by $59.3\%\sim 61.2\%$, and improves the inference accuracy by $0.4 \% \sim 0.5\%$.

Thu 22 July 17:30 - 17:35 PDT

Explanations for Monotonic Classifiers.

Joao Marques-Silva · Thomas Gerspacher · Martin Cooper · Alexey Ignatiev · Nina Narodytska

In many classification tasks there is a requirement of monotonicity. Concretely, if all else remains constant, increasing (resp.~decreasing) the value of one or more features must not decrease (resp.~increase) the value of the prediction. Despite comprehensive efforts on learning monotonic classifiers, dedicated approaches for explaining monotonic classifiers are scarce and classifier-specific. This paper describes novel algorithms for the computation of one formal explanation of a (black-box) monotonic classifier. These novel algorithms are polynomial (indeed linear) in the run time complexity of the classifier. Furthermore, the paper presents a practically efficient model-agnostic algorithm for enumerating formal explanations.

Thu 22 July 17:35 - 17:40 PDT

Lossless Compression of Efficient Private Local Randomizers

Vitaly Feldman · Kunal Talwar

Locally Differentially Private (LDP) Reports are commonly used for collection of statistics and machine learning in the federated setting. In many cases the best known LDP algorithms require sending prohibitively large messages from the client device to the server (such as when constructing histograms over a large domain or learning a high-dimensional model). Here we demonstrate a general approach that, under standard cryptographic assumptions, compresses every efficient LDP algorithm with negligible loss in privacy and utility guarantees. The practical implication of our result is that in typical applications every message can be compressed to the size of the server's pseudo-random generator seed. From this general approach we derive low-communication algorithms for the problems of frequency estimation and high-dimensional mean estimation. Our algorithms are simpler and more accurate than existing low-communication LDP algorithms for these well-studied problems.

Thu 22 July 17:40 - 17:45 PDT

CRFL: Certifiably Robust Federated Learning against Backdoor Attacks

Chulin Xie · Minghao Chen · Pin-Yu Chen · Bo Li

Federated Learning (FL) as a distributed learning paradigm that aggregates information from diverse clients to train a shared global model, has demonstrated great success. However, malicious clients can perform poisoning attacks and model replacement to introduce backdoors into the trained global model. Although there have been intensive studies designing robust aggregation methods and empirical robust federated training protocols against backdoors, existing approaches lack robustness certification. This paper provides the first general framework, Certifiably Robust Federated Learning (CRFL), to train certifiably robust FL models against backdoors. Our method exploits clipping and smoothing on model parameters to control the global model smoothness, which yields a sample-wise robustness certification on backdoors with limited magnitude. Our certification also specifies the relation to federated learning parameters, such as poisoning ratio on instance level, number of attackers, and training iterations. Practically, we conduct comprehensive experiments across a range of federated datasets, and provide the first benchmark for certified robustness against backdoor attacks in federated learning. Our code is publicaly available at

Thu 22 July 17:45 - 17:50 PDT

Grey-box Extraction of Natural Language Models

Santiago Zanella-Beguelin · Shruti Tople · Andrew Paverd · Boris Köpf

Model extraction attacks attempt to replicate a target machine learning model by querying its inference API. State-of-the-art attacks are learning-based and construct replicas by supervised training on the target model's predictions, but an emerging class of attacks exploit algebraic properties to obtain high-fidelity replicas using orders of magnitude fewer queries. So far, these algebraic attacks have been limited to neural networks with few hidden layers and ReLU activations. In this paper we present algebraic and hybrid algebraic/learning-based attacks on large-scale natural language models. We consider a grey-box setting, targeting models with a pre-trained (public) encoder followed by a single (private) classification layer. Our key findings are that (i) with a frozen encoder, high-fidelity extraction is possible with a small number of in-distribution queries, making extraction attacks indistinguishable from legitimate use; (ii) when the encoder is fine-tuned, a hybrid learning-based/algebraic attack improves over the learning-based state-of-the-art without requiring additional queries.

Thu 22 July 17:50 - 17:55 PDT