Contributed Talk
Workshop: Challenges in Deploying and monitoring Machine Learning Systems
Who is Responsible for Adversarial Defense?
Kishor Datta Gupta
We have seen a surge in research aims toward adversarial attacks and defenses in AI/ML systems. While it is crucial to formulate new attack methods and devise novel defense strategies for robustness, it is also imperative to recognize who is responsible for implementing, validating and justifying the necessity of these defenses. In particular, which components of the system are vulnerable to what type of adversarial attacks, and the expertise needed to realize the severity of adversarial attacks. Also how to evaluate and address the adversarial challenges in order to recommend defense strategies for different applications. This paper opened a discussion on who should examine and implement the adversarial defenses and the reason behind such efforts.
Authors: Kishor Datta Gupta ( University of Memphis ) Dipankar Dasgupta ( University of Memphis )