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Distribution Augmentation for Generative Modeling

Heewoo Jun · Rewon Child · Mark Chen · John Schulman · Aditya Ramesh · Alec Radford · Ilya Sutskever

Keywords: [ Deep Generative Models ] [ Deep Sequence Models ] [ Deep Learning - Generative Models and Autoencoders ]


We present distribution augmentation (DistAug), a simple and powerful method of regularizing generative models. Our approach applies augmentation functions to data and, importantly, conditions the generative model on the specific function used. Unlike typical data augmentation, DistAug allows usage of functions which modify the target density, enabling aggressive augmentations more commonly seen in supervised and self-supervised learning. We demonstrate this is a more effective regularizer than standard methods, and use it to train a 152M parameter autoregressive model on CIFAR-10 to 2.56 bits per dim (relative to the state-of-the-art 2.80). Samples from this model attain FID 12.75 and IS 8.40, outperforming the majority of GANs. We further demonstrate the technique is broadly applicable across model architectures and problem domains.

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