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Streaming Submodular Maximization under a k-Set System Constraint

Ran Haba · Ehsan Kazemi · Moran Feldman · Amin Karbasi

Keywords: [ Combinatorial Optimization ] [ Large Scale Learning and Big Data ] [ Optimization - General ]

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel framework that converts streaming algorithms for monotone submodular maximization into streaming algorithms for non-monotone submodular maximization. This reduction readily leads to the currently tightest deterministic approximation ratio for submodular maximization subject to a $k$-matchoid constraint. Moreover, we propose the first streaming algorithm for monotone submodular maximization subject to $k$-extendible and $k$-set system constraints. Together with our proposed reduction, we obtain $O(k\log k)$ and $O(k^2\log k)$ approximation ratio for submodular maximization subject to the above constraints, respectively. We extensively evaluate the empirical performance of our algorithm against the existing work in a series of experiments including finding the maximum independent set in randomly generated graphs, maximizing linear functions over social networks, movie recommendation, Yelp location summarization, and Twitter data summarization.

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