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Gaussian Processes 2

Moderator: Jacob Gardner

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Thu 22 July 20:30 - 20:35 PDT

Lenient Regret and Good-Action Identification in Gaussian Process Bandits

Xu Cai · Selwyn Gomes · Jonathan Scarlett

In this paper, we study the problem of Gaussian process (GP) bandits under relaxed optimization criteria stating that any function value above a certain threshold is ``good enough''. On the theoretical side, we study various {\em lenient regret} notions in which all near-optimal actions incur zero penalty, and provide upper bounds on the lenient regret for GP-UCB and an elimination algorithm, circumventing the usual $O(\sqrt{T})$ term (with time horizon $T$) resulting from zooming extremely close towards the function maximum. In addition, we complement these upper bounds with algorithm-independent lower bounds. On the practical side, we consider the problem of finding a single ``good action'' according to a known pre-specified threshold, and introduce several good-action identification algorithms that exploit knowledge of the threshold. We experimentally find that such algorithms can typically find a good action faster than standard optimization-based approaches.

Thu 22 July 20:35 - 20:40 PDT

Equivariant Learning of Stochastic Fields: Gaussian Processes and Steerable Conditional Neural Processes

Peter Holderrieth · Michael Hutchinson · Yee-Whye Teh

Motivated by objects such as electric fields or fluid streams, we study the problem of learning stochastic fields, i.e. stochastic processes whose samples are fields like those occurring in physics and engineering. Considering general transformations such as rotations and reflections, we show that spatial invariance of stochastic fields requires an inference model to be equivariant. Leveraging recent advances from the equivariance literature, we study equivariance in two classes of models. Firstly, we fully characterise equivariant Gaussian processes. Secondly, we introduce Steerable Conditional Neural Processes (SteerCNPs), a new, fully equivariant member of the Neural Process family. In experiments with Gaussian process vector fields, images, and real-world weather data, we observe that SteerCNPs significantly improve the performance of previous models and equivariance leads to improvements in transfer learning tasks.

Thu 22 July 20:40 - 20:45 PDT

Value-at-Risk Optimization with Gaussian Processes

Quoc Phong Nguyen · Zhongxiang Dai · Bryan Kian Hsiang Low · Patrick Jaillet

Value-at-risk (VaR) is an established measure to assess risks in critical real-world applications with random environmental factors. This paper presents a novel VaR upper confidence bound (V-UCB) algorithm for maximizing the VaR of a black-box objective function with the first no-regret guarantee. To realize this, we first derive a confidence bound of VaR and then prove the existence of values of the environmental random variable (to be selected to achieve no regret) such that the confidence bound of VaR lies within that of the objective function evaluated at such values. Our V-UCB algorithm empirically demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in optimizing synthetic benchmark functions, a portfolio optimization problem, and a simulated robot task.

Thu 22 July 20:45 - 20:50 PDT

High-Dimensional Gaussian Process Inference with Derivatives

Filip de Roos · Alexandra Gessner · Philipp Hennig

Although it is widely known that Gaussian processes can be conditioned on observations of the gradient, this functionality is of limited use due to the prohibitive computational cost of $\mathcal{O}(N^3 D^3)$ in data points $N$ and dimension $D$. The dilemma of gradient observations is that a single one of them comes at the same cost as $D$ independent function evaluations, so the latter are often preferred. Careful scrutiny reveals, however, that derivative observations give rise to highly structured kernel Gram matrices for very general classes of kernels (inter alia, stationary kernels). We show that in the \emph{low-data} regime $N

Thu 22 July 20:50 - 20:55 PDT

GP-Tree: A Gaussian Process Classifier for Few-Shot Incremental Learning

Idan Achituve · Aviv Navon · Yochai Yemini · Gal Chechik · Ethan Fetaya

Gaussian processes (GPs) are non-parametric, flexible, models that work well in many tasks. Combining GPs with deep learning methods via deep kernel learning (DKL) is especially compelling due to the strong representational power induced by the network. However, inference in GPs, whether with or without DKL, can be computationally challenging on large datasets. Here, we propose GP-Tree, a novel method for multi-class classification with Gaussian processes and DKL. We develop a tree-based hierarchical model in which each internal node of the tree fits a GP to the data using the PĆ³lya-Gamma augmentation scheme. As a result, our method scales well with both the number of classes and data size. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method against other Gaussian process training baselines, and we show how our general GP approach achieves improved accuracy on standard incremental few-shot learning benchmarks.

Thu 22 July 20:55 - 21:00 PDT