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Applications (NLP) 5

Moderator: Andrew Dai

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Thu 22 July 20:30 - 20:35 PDT

BANG: Bridging Autoregressive and Non-autoregressive Generation with Large Scale Pretraining

Weizhen Qi · Yeyun Gong · Jian Jiao · Yu Yan · Weizhu Chen · Dayiheng Liu · Kewen Tang · Houqiang Li · Jiusheng Chen · Ruofei Zhang · Ming Zhou · Nan Duan

In this paper, we propose BANG, a new pretraining model to Bridge the gap between Autoregressive (AR) and Non-autoregressive (NAR) Generation. AR and NAR generation can be uniformly regarded as to what extent previous tokens can be attended, and BANG bridges AR and NAR generation through designing a novel model structure for large-scale pre-training. A pretrained BANG model can simultaneously support AR, NAR, and semi-NAR generation to meet different requirements. Experiments on question generation (SQuAD 1.1), summarization (XSum), and dialogue generation (PersonaChat) show that BANG improves NAR and semi-NAR performance significantly as well as attaining comparable performance with strong AR pretrained models. Compared with the semi-NAR strong baselines, BANG achieves absolute improvements of 14.01 and 5.24 in the overall scores of SQuAD 1.1 and XSum, respectively. In addition, BANG achieves absolute improvements of 10.73, 6.39, and 5.90 in the overall scores of SQuAD, XSUM, and PersonaChat compared with the NAR strong baselines, respectively. Our code will be made publicly available.

Thu 22 July 20:35 - 20:40 PDT

Reasoning Over Virtual Knowledge Bases With Open Predicate Relations

Haitian Sun · Patrick Verga · Bhuwan Dhingra · Ruslan Salakhutdinov · William Cohen

We present the Open Predicate Query Language (OPQL); a method for constructing a virtual KB (VKB) trained entirely from text. Large Knowledge Bases (KBs) are indispensable for a wide-range of industry applications such as question answering and recommendation. Typically, KBs encode world knowledge in a structured, readily accessible form derived from laborious human annotation efforts. Unfortunately, while they are extremely high precision, KBs are inevitably highly incomplete and automated methods for enriching them are far too inaccurate. Instead, OPQL constructs a VKB by encoding and indexing a set of relation mentions in a way that naturally enables reasoning and can be trained without any structured supervision. We demonstrate that OPQL outperforms prior VKB methods on two different KB reasoning tasks and, additionally, can be used as an external memory integrated into a language model (OPQL-LM) leading to improvements on two open-domain question answering tasks.

Thu 22 July 20:40 - 20:45 PDT

Recovering AES Keys with a Deep Cold Boot Attack

Itamar Zimerman · Eliya Nachmani · Lior Wolf

Cold boot attacks inspect the corrupted random access memory soon after the power has been shut down. While most of the bits have been corrupted, many bits, at random locations, have not. Since the keys in many encryption schemes are being expanded in memory into longer keys with fixed redundancies, the keys can often be restored. In this work we combine a deep error correcting code technique together with a modified SAT solver scheme in order to apply the attack to AES keys. Even though AES consists Rijndael SBOX elements, that are specifically designed to be resistant to linear and differential cryptanalysis, our method provides a novel formalization of the AES key scheduling as a computational graph, which is implemented by neural message passing network. Our results show that our methods outperform the state of the art attack methods by a very large gap.

Thu 22 July 20:45 - 20:50 PDT

Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting by Bayesian Generative Regularization

PEI-HUNG Chen · Wei Wei · Cho-Jui Hsieh · Bo Dai

In this paper, we propose a new method to over-come catastrophic forgetting by adding generative regularization to Bayesian inference frame-work. Bayesian method provides a general frame-work for continual learning. We could further construct a generative regularization term for all given classification models by leveraging energy-based models and Langevin dynamic sampling to enrich the features learned in each task. By combining discriminative and generative loss together, we empirically show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a variety of tasks, avoiding catastrophic forgetting in continual learning. In particular, the proposed method outperforms baseline methods over 15%on the Fashion-MNIST dataset and 10%on the CUB dataset.

Thu 22 July 20:50 - 20:55 PDT

Bayesian Structural Adaptation for Continual Learning

Abhishek Kumar · Sunabha Chatterjee · Piyush Rai

Continual Learning is a learning paradigm where learning systems are trained on a sequence of tasks. The goal here is to perform well on the current task without suffering from a performance drop on the previous tasks. Two notable directions among the recent advances in continual learning with neural networks are (1) variational Bayes based regularization by learning priors from previous tasks, and, (2) learning the structure of deep networks to adapt to new tasks. So far, these two approaches have been largely orthogonal. We present a novel Bayesian framework based on continually learning the structure of deep neural networks, to unify these distinct yet complementary approaches. The proposed framework learns the deep structure for each task by learning which weights to be used, and supports inter-task transfer through the overlapping of different sparse subsets of weights learned by different tasks. An appealing aspect of our proposed continual learning framework is that it is applicable to both discriminative (supervised) and generative (unsupervised) settings. Experimental results on supervised and unsupervised benchmarks demonstrate that our approach performs comparably or better than recent advances in continual learning.

Thu 22 July 20:55 - 21:00 PDT