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Domain Generalization and Multi-task Learning

Moderator: Kun Zhang

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Thu 22 July 7:00 - 7:20 PDT

Domain Generalization using Causal Matching

Divyat Mahajan · Shruti Tople · Amit Sharma

In the domain generalization literature, a common objective is to learn representations independent of the domain after conditioning on the class label. We show that this objective is not sufficient: there exist counter-examples where a model fails to generalize to unseen domains even after satisfying class-conditional domain invariance. We formalize this observation through a structural causal model and show the importance of modeling within-class variations for generalization. Specifically, classes contain objects that characterize specific causal features, and domains can be interpreted as interventions on these objects that change non-causal features. We highlight an alternative condition: inputs across domains should have the same representation if they are derived from the same object. Based on this objective, we propose matching-based algorithms when base objects are observed (e.g., through data augmentation) and approximate the objective when objects are not observed (MatchDG). Our simple matching-based algorithms are competitive to prior work on out-of-domain accuracy for rotated MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, PACS, and Chest-Xray datasets. Our method MatchDG also recovers ground-truth object matches: on MNIST and Fashion-MNIST, top-10 matches from MatchDG have over 50% overlap with ground-truth matches.

Thu 22 July 7:20 - 7:25 PDT

Unified Robust Semi-Supervised Variational Autoencoder

Xu Chen

In this paper, we propose a novel noise-robust semi-supervised deep generative model by jointly tackling noisy labels and outliers simultaneously in a unified robust semi-supervised variational autoencoder (URSVAE). Typically, the uncertainty of of input data is characterized by placing uncertainty prior on the parameters of the probability density distributions in order to ensure the robustness of the variational encoder towards outliers. Subsequently, a noise transition model is integrated naturally into our model to alleviate the detrimental effects of noisy labels. Moreover, a robust divergence measure is employed to further enhance the robustness, where a novel variational lower bound is derived and optimized to infer the network parameters. By proving the influence function on the proposed evidence lower bound is bounded, the enormous potential of the proposed model in the classification in the presence of the compound noise is demonstrated. The experimental results highlight the superiority of the proposed framework by the evaluating on image classification tasks and comparing with the state-of-the-art approaches.

Thu 22 July 7:25 - 7:30 PDT

Representation Subspace Distance for Domain Adaptation Regression

Xinyang Chen · Sinan Wang · Jianmin Wang · Mingsheng Long

Regression, as a counterpart to classification, is a major paradigm with a wide range of applications. Domain adaptation regression extends it by generalizing a regressor from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. Existing domain adaptation regression methods have achieved positive results limited only to the shallow regime. A question arises: Why learning invariant representations in the deep regime less pronounced? A key finding of this paper is that classification is robust to feature scaling but regression is not, and aligning the distributions of deep representations will alter feature scale and impede domain adaptation regression. Based on this finding, we propose to close the domain gap through orthogonal bases of the representation spaces, which are free from feature scaling. Inspired by Riemannian geometry of Grassmann manifold, we define a geometrical distance over representation subspaces and learn deep transferable representations by minimizing it. To avoid breaking the geometrical properties of deep representations, we further introduce the bases mismatch penalization to match the ordering of orthogonal bases across representation subspaces. Our method is evaluated on three domain adaptation regression benchmarks, two of which are introduced in this paper. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods significantly, forming early positive results in the deep regime.

Thu 22 July 7:30 - 7:35 PDT

Personalized Federated Learning using Hypernetworks

Aviv Shamsian · Aviv Navon · Ethan Fetaya · Gal Chechik

Personalized federated learning is tasked with training machine learning models for multiple clients, each with its own data distribution. The goal is to train personalized models collaboratively while accounting for data disparities across clients and reducing communication costs.

We propose a novel approach to this problem using hypernetworks, termed pFedHN for personalized Federated HyperNetworks. In this approach, a central hypernetwork model is trained to generate a set of models, one model for each client. This architecture provides effective parameter sharing across clients while maintaining the capacity to generate unique and diverse personal models. Furthermore, since hypernetwork parameters are never transmitted, this approach decouples the communication cost from the trainable model size. We test pFedHN empirically in several personalized federated learning challenges and find that it outperforms previous methods. Finally, since hypernetworks share information across clients, we show that pFedHN can generalize better to new clients whose distributions differ from any client observed during training.

Thu 22 July 7:35 - 7:40 PDT

f-Domain Adversarial Learning: Theory and Algorithms

David Acuna · Guojun Zhang · Marc Law · Sanja Fidler

Unsupervised domain adaptation is used in many machine learning applications where, during training, a model has access to unlabeled data in the target domain, and a related labeled dataset. In this paper, we introduce a novel and general domain-adversarial framework. Specifically, we derive a novel generalization bound for domain adaptation that exploits a new measure of discrepancy between distributions based on a variational characterization of f-divergences. It recovers the theoretical results from Ben-David et al. (2010a) as a special case and supports divergences used in practice. Based on this bound, we derive a new algorithmic framework that introduces a key correction in the original adversarial training method of Ganin et al. (2016). We show that many regularizers and ad-hoc objectives introduced over the last years in this framework are then not required to achieve performance comparable to (if not better than) state-of-the-art domain-adversarial methods. Experimental analysis conducted on real-world natural language and computer vision datasets show that our framework outperforms existing baselines, and obtains the best results for f-divergences that were not considered previously in domain-adversarial learning.

Thu 22 July 7:40 - 7:45 PDT

Few-Shot Conformal Prediction with Auxiliary Tasks

Adam Fisch · Tal Schuster · Tommi Jaakkola · Regina Barzilay

We develop a novel approach to conformal prediction when the target task has limited data available for training. Conformal prediction identifies a small set of promising output candidates in place of a single prediction, with guarantees that the set contains the correct answer with high probability. When training data is limited, however, the predicted set can easily become unusably large. In this work, we obtain substantially tighter prediction sets while maintaining desirable marginal guarantees by casting conformal prediction as a meta-learning paradigm over exchangeable collections of auxiliary tasks. Our conformalization algorithm is simple, fast, and agnostic to the choice of underlying model, learning algorithm, or dataset. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach across a number of few-shot classification and regression tasks in natural language processing, computer vision, and computational chemistry for drug discovery.

Thu 22 July 7:45 - 7:50 PDT

Learning a Universal Template for Few-shot Dataset Generalization

Eleni Triantafillou · Hugo Larochelle · Richard Zemel · Vincent Dumoulin

Few-shot dataset generalization is a challenging variant of the well-studied few-shot classification problem where a diverse training set of several datasets is given, for the purpose of training an adaptable model that can then learn classes from \emph{new datasets} using only a few examples. To this end, we propose to utilize the diverse training set to construct a \emph{universal template}: a partial model that can define a wide array of dataset-specialized models, by plugging in appropriate components. For each new few-shot classification problem, our approach therefore only requires inferring a small number of parameters to insert into the universal template. We design a separate network that produces an initialization of those parameters for each given task, and we then fine-tune its proposed initialization via a few steps of gradient descent. Our approach is more parameter-efficient, scalable and adaptable compared to previous methods, and achieves the state-of-the-art on the challenging Meta-Dataset benchmark.

Thu 22 July 7:50 - 7:55 PDT