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Unsupervised Learning 1

Moderator: Graham Taylor

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Thu 22 July 5:00 - 5:20 PDT

Local Algorithms for Finding Densely Connected Clusters

Peter Macgregor · He Sun

Local graph clustering is an important algorithmic technique for analysing massive graphs, and has been widely applied in many research fields of data science. While the objective of most (local) graph clustering algorithms is to find a vertex set of low conductance, there has been a sequence of recent studies that highlight the importance of the inter-connection between clusters when analysing real-world datasets. Following this line of research, in this work we study local algorithms for finding a pair of vertex sets defined with respect to their inter-connection and their relationship with the rest of the graph. The key to our analysis is a new reduction technique that relates the structure of multiple sets to a single vertex set in the reduced graph. Among many potential applications, we show that our algorithms successfully recover densely connected clusters in the Interstate Disputes Dataset and the US Migration Dataset.

Thu 22 July 5:20 - 5:25 PDT

Systematic Analysis of Cluster Similarity Indices: How to Validate Validation Measures

Martijn Gösgens · Aleksei Tikhonov · Liudmila Prokhorenkova

Many cluster similarity indices are used to evaluate clustering algorithms, and choosing the best one for a particular task remains an open problem. We demonstrate that this problem is crucial: there are many disagreements among the indices, these disagreements do affect which algorithms are preferred in applications, and this can lead to degraded performance in real-world systems. We propose a theoretical framework to tackle this problem: we develop a list of desirable properties and conduct an extensive theoretical analysis to verify which indices satisfy them. This allows for making an informed choice: given a particular application, one can first select properties that are desirable for the task and then identify indices satisfying these. Our work unifies and considerably extends existing attempts at analyzing cluster similarity indices: we introduce new properties, formalize existing ones, and mathematically prove or disprove each property for an extensive list of validation indices. This broader and more rigorous approach leads to recommendations that considerably differ from how validation indices are currently being chosen by practitioners. Some of the most popular indices are even shown to be dominated by previously overlooked ones.

Thu 22 July 5:25 - 5:30 PDT

Local Correlation Clustering with Asymmetric Classification Errors

Jafar Jafarov · Sanchit Kalhan · Konstantin Makarychev · Yury Makarychev

In the Correlation Clustering problem, we are given a complete weighted graph $G$ with its edges labeled as ``similar" and ``dissimilar" by a noisy binary classifier. For a clustering $\mathcal{C}$ of graph $G$, a similar edge is in disagreement with $\mathcal{C}$, if its endpoints belong to distinct clusters; and a dissimilar edge is in disagreement with $\mathcal{C}$ if its endpoints belong to the same cluster. The disagreements vector, $\disagree$, is a vector indexed by the vertices of $G$ such that the $v$-th coordinate $\disagree_v$ equals the weight of all disagreeing edges incident on $v$. The goal is to produce a clustering that minimizes the $\ell_p$ norm of the disagreements vector for $p\geq 1$. We study the $\ell_p$ objective in Correlation Clustering under the following assumption: Every similar edge has weight in $[\alpha\mathbf{w},\mathbf{w}]$ and every dissimilar edge has weight at least $\alpha\mathbf{w}$ (where $\alpha \leq 1$ and $\mathbf{w}>0$ is a scaling parameter). We give an $O\left((\nicefrac{1}{\alpha})^{\nicefrac{1}{2}-\nicefrac{1}{2p}}\cdot \log\nicefrac{1}{\alpha}\right)$ approximation algorithm for this problem. Furthermore, we show an almost matching convex programming integrality gap.

Thu 22 July 5:30 - 5:35 PDT

Near-Optimal Algorithms for Explainable k-Medians and k-Means

Konstantin Makarychev · Liren Shan

We consider the problem of explainable $k$-medians and $k$-means introduced by Dasgupta, Frost, Moshkovitz, and Rashtchian~(ICML 2020). In this problem, our goal is to find a \emph{threshold decision tree} that partitions data into $k$ clusters and minimizes the $k$-medians or $k$-means objective. The obtained clustering is easy to interpret because every decision node of a threshold tree splits data based on a single feature into two groups. We propose a new algorithm for this problem which is $\tilde O(\log k)$ competitive with $k$-medians with $\ell_1$ norm and $\tilde O(k)$ competitive with $k$-means. This is an improvement over the previous guarantees of $O(k)$ and $O(k^2)$ by Dasgupta et al (2020). We also provide a new algorithm which is $O(\log^{\nicefrac{3}{2}} k)$ competitive for $k$-medians with $\ell_2$ norm. Our first algorithm is near-optimal: Dasgupta et al (2020) showed a lower bound of $\Omega(\log k)$ for $k$-medians; in this work, we prove a lower bound of $\tilde\Omega(k)$ for $k$-means. We also provide a lower bound of $\Omega(\log k)$ for $k$-medians with $\ell_2$ norm.

Thu 22 July 5:35 - 5:40 PDT

BasisDeVAE: Interpretable Simultaneous Dimensionality Reduction and Feature-Level Clustering with Derivative-Based Variational Autoencoders

Dominic Danks · Christopher Yau

The Variational Autoencoder (VAE) performs effective nonlinear dimensionality reduction in a variety of problem settings. However, the black-box neural network decoder function typically employed limits the ability of the decoder function to be constrained and interpreted, making the use of VAEs problematic in settings where prior knowledge should be embedded within the decoder. We present DeVAE, a novel VAE-based model with a derivative-based forward mapping, allowing for greater control over decoder behaviour via specification of the decoder function in derivative space. Additionally, we show how DeVAE can be paired with a sparse clustering prior to create BasisDeVAE and perform interpretable simultaneous dimensionality reduction and feature-level clustering. We demonstrate the performance and scalability of the DeVAE and BasisDeVAE models on synthetic and real-world data and present how the derivative-based approach allows for expressive yet interpretable forward models which respect prior knowledge.

Thu 22 July 5:40 - 5:45 PDT

Hierarchical Clustering of Data Streams: Scalable Algorithms and Approximation Guarantees

Anand Rajagopalan · Fabio Vitale · Danny Vainstein · Gui Citovsky · Cecilia Procopiuc · Claudio Gentile

We investigate the problem of hierarchically clustering data streams containing metric data in R^d. We introduce a desirable invariance property for such algorithms, describe a general family of hyperplane-based methods enjoying this property, and analyze two scalable instances of this general family against recently popularized similarity/dissimilarity-based metrics for hierarchical clustering. We prove a number of new results related to the approximation ratios of these algorithms, improving in various ways over the literature on this subject. Finally, since our algorithms are principled but also very practical, we carry out an experimental comparison on both synthetic and real-world datasets showing competitive results against known baselines.

Thu 22 July 5:45 - 5:50 PDT

A Scalable Second Order Method for Ill-Conditioned Matrix Completion from Few Samples

Christian Kümmerle · Claudio Mayrink Verdun

We propose an iterative algorithm for low-rank matrix completion with that can be interpreted as an iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm, a saddle-escaping smoothing Newton method or a variable metric proximal gradient method applied to a non-convex rank surrogate. It combines the favorable data-efficiency of previous IRLS approaches with an improved scalability by several orders of magnitude. We establish the first local convergence guarantee from a minimal number of samples for that class of algorithms, showing that the method attains a local quadratic convergence rate. Furthermore, we show that the linear systems to be solved are well-conditioned even for very ill-conditioned ground truth matrices. We provide extensive experiments, indicating that unlike many state-of-the-art approaches, our method is able to complete very ill-conditioned matrices with a condition number of up to $10^{10}$ from few samples, while being competitive in its scalability.

Thu 22 July 5:50 - 5:55 PDT