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Affinity Workshop

Women in Machine Learning (WiML) Un-Workshop

Wenshuo Guo Β· Beliz Gokkaya Β· Arushi G K Majha Β· Vaidheeswaran Archana Β· Berivan Isik Β· Olivia Choudhury Β· Liyue Shen Β· Hadia Samil Β· Tatjana Chavdarova


The Women in Machine Learning (WiML) workshop was founded in 2006 to forge connections within the relatively small community of women working in machine learning, to encourage mentorship, exchange of ideas, and promote communication. The program features 4 invited talks, 4 breakout sessions each having 2-8 parallel webinars, a panel with discussions on β€œindustry/academic research, how to choose your path” and β€œpost-pandemic adjustment and tips”, a mentoring social and 4 sponsor expo talks. Please refer to for more information.

The workshop attracts representatives from both academia and industry, whose contributed talks showcase some of the cutting-edge research done by women. In addition to technical presentations and discussion, the workshop aims to incite debate on promising research avenues and career choices for machine learning professionals. Details about WiML’s history and past events can be found at WiML workshops are overseen by the WiML Board of Directors, who select and oversee the organizing committee for each year’s workshop.

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