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Workshop: Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare

Uncertainty Quantification for Amniotic Fluid Segmentation and Volume Prediction

Daniel Csillag · Lucas Monteiro Paes · Thiago Ramos · João Vitor Romano · Roberto Oliveira · Paulo Orenstein


In many medical segmentation tasks, it is crucial to provide valid confidence intervals to machine learning predictions. In the case of segmenting amniotic fluid using fetal MRIs, this allows doctors to better understand and control the segmentation masks, bound the fluid volume, and statistically detect anomalies such as cysts. In this work, we propose and evaluate different ways of creating confidence intervals for segmentation masks and volume predictions using tools from the field of conformal prediction. We show that simple but well-suited modifications of current methods, such as volume normalization and tuning of a leniency hyperparameter, lead to significant improvements, resulting in more consistent coverage and narrower confidence sets. These advances are thoroughly illustrated in the amniotic fluid segmentation problem.

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