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Quantum Boosting

Srinivasan Arunachalam · Reevu Maity

Keywords: [ Computational Learning Theory ] [ Learning Theory ] [ Algorithms ] [ Boosting / Ensemble Methods ]


Boosting is a technique that boosts a weak and inaccurate machine learning algorithm into a strong accurate learning algorithm. The AdaBoost algorithm by Freund and Schapire (for which they were awarded the G{\"o}del prize in 2003) is one of the widely used boosting algorithms, with many applications in theory and practice. Suppose we have a gamma-weak learner for a Boolean concept class C that takes time R(C), then the time complexity of AdaBoost scales as VC(C)poly(R(C), 1/gamma), where VC(C) is the VC-dimension of C. In this paper, we show how quantum techniques can improve the time complexity of classical AdaBoost. To this end, suppose we have a gamma-weak quantum learning algorithm for a Boolean concept class C that takes time Q(C), we introduce a quantum boosting algorithm whose complexity scales as sqrt{VC(C)}poly(Q(C),1/gamma); thereby achieving quadratic quantum improvement over classical AdaBoost in terms of  VC(C). 

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