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Private Query Release Assisted by Public Data

Raef Bassily · Albert Cheu · Shay Moran · Aleksandar Nikolov · Jonathan Ullman · Steven Wu

Keywords: [ Privacy-preserving Statistics and Machine Learning ] [ Statistical Learning Theory ]

Abstract: We study the problem of differentially private query release assisted by access to public data. In this problem, the goal is to answer a large class $\mathcal{H}$ of statistical queries with error no more than $\alpha$ using a combination of public and private samples. The algorithm is required to satisfy differential privacy only with respect to the private samples. We study the limits of this task in terms of the private and public sample complexities. Our upper and lower bounds on the private sample complexity have matching dependence on the dual VC-dimension of $\mathcal{H}$. For a large category of query classes, our bounds on the public sample complexity have matching dependence on $\alpha$.

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