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Workshop: Theoretical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning

Learning to price under the Bass model for dynamic demand - Shipra Agrawal

Shipra Agrawal


We consider a novel formulation of the dynamic pricing and demand learning problem, where the evolution of demand in response to posted prices is governed by a stochastic variant of the popular Bass model with parameters (α, β) that are linked to the so-called "innovation" and "imitation" effects. Unlike the more commonly used i.i.d. demand models, in this model the price posted not only effects the demand and the revenue in the current round but also the evolution of demand, and hence the fraction of market potential that can be captured, in future rounds. Finding a revenue-maximizing dynamic pricing policy in this model is non-trivial even when model parameters are known, and requires solving for optimal non-stationary policy of a continuous-time, continuous-state MDP. In this paper, we consider a more challenging problem where dynamic pricing is used in conjunction with learning the model parameters, with the objective of optimizing the cumulative revenues over a given selling horizon. Our main contribution is an algorithm with a regret guarantee of O (m^2/3), where m is mnemonic for the (known) market size, along with a matching lower bound.

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