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Tue Jul 14 07:00 AM -- 07:45 AM & Tue Jul 14 07:00 PM -- 07:45 PM (PDT)
Searching to Exploit Memorization Effect in Learning with Noisy Labels
QUANMING YAO · Hansi Yang · Bo Han · Gang Niu · James Kwok

Sample selection approaches are popular in robust learning from noisy labels. However, how to properly control the selection process so that deep networks can benefit from the memorization effect is a hard problem. In this paper, motivated by the success of automated machine learning (AutoML), we model this issue as a function approximation problem. Specifically, we design a domain-specific search space based on general patterns of the memorization effect and propose a novel Newton algorithm to solve the bi-level optimization problem efficiently. We further provide a theoretical analysis of the algorithm, which ensures a good approximation to critical points. Experiments are performed on both benchmark and real-world data sets. Results demonstrate that the proposed method is much better than the state-of-the-art noisy-label-learning approaches, and also much more efficient than existing AutoML algorithms.