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Thu Jul 16 11:40 PM -- 10:00 AM (PDT)
Graph Representation Learning and Beyond (GRL+)
Petar Veličković · Michael M. Bronstein · Andreea Deac · Will Hamilton · Jessica Hamrick · Milad Hashemi · Stefanie Jegelka · Jure Leskovec · Renjie Liao · Federico Monti · Yizhou Sun · Kevin Swersky · Rex (Zhitao) Ying · Marinka Zitnik

Workshop Home Page

Recent years have seen a surge in research on graph representation learning, including techniques for deep graph embeddings, generalizations of CNNs to graph-structured data, and neural message-passing approaches. These advances in graph neural networks and related techniques have led to new state-of-the-art results in numerous domains: chemical synthesis, 3D-vision, recommender systems, question answering, continuous control, self-driving and social network analysis. Building on the successes of three related workshops from last year (at ICML, ICLR and NeurIPS), the primary goal for this workshop is to facilitate community building, and support expansion of graph representation learning into more interdisciplinary projects with the natural and social sciences. With hundreds of new researchers beginning projects in this area, we hope to bring them together to consolidate this fast-growing area into a healthy and vibrant subfield. Especially, we aim to strongly promote novel and exciting applications of graph representation learning across the sciences, reflected in our choices of invited speakers.

Opening Remarks (Introduction)
Invited Talk: Xavier Bresson (Talk)
Invited Talk: Thomas Kipf (Talk)
Q&A / Discussions / Coffee 1 (Discussion)
Virtual Poster Session #1 (Poster Session)
Novel Applications: Wiki-CS: A Wikipedia-Based Benchmark for Graph Neural Networks (Spotlight)
Novel Applications: Graph Neural Networks for Massive MIMO Detection (Spotlight)
Novel Applications: Embedding a random graph via GNN: Extended mean-field inference theory and RL applications to NP-Hard multi-robot/machine scheduling (Spotlight)
Update: PyTorch Geometric (Demonstration)
Update: Deep Graph Library (Demonstration)
Update: Open Graph Benchmark (Demonstration)
Lunch Break (Break)
Original Research: Get Rid of Suspended Animation: Deep Diffusive Neural Network for Graph Representation Learning (Spotlight)
Original Research: Learning Graph Models for Template-Free Retrosynthesis (Spotlight)
Original Research: Frequent Subgraph Mining by Walking in Order Embedding Space (Spotlight)
Invited Talk: Kyle Cranmer (Talk)
Invited Talk: Danai Koutra (Talk)
Q&A / Discussions / Coffee 2 (Discussion)
COVID-19 Applications: Navigating the Dynamics of Financial Embeddings over Time (Spotlight)
COVID-19 Applications: Integrating Logical Rules Into Neural Multi-Hop Reasoning for Drug Repurposing (Spotlight)
COVID-19 Applications: Gaining insight into SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 severity using self-supervised edge features and Graph Neural Networks (Spotlight)
Invited Talk: Tina Eliassi-Rad (Talk)
Invited Talk: Raquel Urtasun (Talk)
Q&A / Discussions / Coffee 3 (Discussion)
Virtual Poster Session #2 (Poster Session)
Closing Remarks (Conclusions)
(#40 / Sess. 2) HNHN: Hypergraph Networks with Hyperedge Neurons (Poster Teaser)
(#96 / Sess. 1) Active Learning on Graphs via Meta Learning (Poster Teaser)
(#18 / Sess. 1) Hierarchical Protein Function Prediction with Tail-GNNs (Poster Teaser)
(#39 / Sess. 1) Hierarchically Attentive Graph Pooling with Subgraph Attention (Poster Teaser)
(#97 / Sess. 1) Clustered Dynamic Graph CNN for Biometric 3D Hand Shape Recognition (Poster Teaser)
(#36 / Sess. 1) A Graph VAE and Graph Transformer Approach to Generating Molecular Graphs (Poster Teaser)
(#34 / Sess. 1) Set2Graph: Learning Graphs From Sets (Poster Teaser)
(#28 / Sess. 1) Contrastive Graph Neural Network Explanation (Poster Teaser)
(#24 / Sess. 2) Degree-Quant: Quantization-Aware Training for Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#23 / Sess. 2) A Note on Over-Smoothing for Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#21 / Sess. 2) Graph Neural Networks for the Prediction of Substrate-Specific Organic Reaction Conditions (Poster Teaser)
(#19 / Sess. 1) Neural Bipartite Matching (Poster Teaser)
(#12 / Sess. 1) Deep Graph Contrastive Representation Learning (Poster Teaser)
(#9 / Sess. 1) Graph Neural Networks in TensorFlow and Keras with Spektral (Poster Teaser)
(#3 / Sess. 2) Spectral-designed Depthwise Separable Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#2 / Sess. 1) When Spectral Domain Meets Spatial Domain in Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#75 / Sess. 1) Improving Graph Neural Network Expressivity via Subgraph Isomorphism Counting (Poster Teaser)
(#74 / Sess. 2) Relation-Dependent Sampling for Multi-Relational Link Prediction (Poster Teaser)
(#63 / Sess. 2) Stay Positive: Knowledge Graph Embedding Without Negative Sampling (Poster Teaser)
(#79 / Sess. 1) TUDataset: A collection of benchmark datasets for learning with graphs (Poster Teaser)
(#27 / Sess. 2) Learning Graph Structure with A Finite-State Automaton Layer (Poster Teaser)
(#26 / Sess. 2) Message Passing Query Embedding (Poster Teaser)
(#67 / Sess. 2) Continuous Graph Flow (Poster Teaser)
(#62 / Sess. 2) Relate and Predict: Structure-Aware Prediction with Jointly Optimized Neural Dependency Graph (Poster Teaser)
(#54 / Sess. 2) SE(3)-Transformers: 3D Roto-Translation Equivariant Attention Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#51 / Sess. 1) Deep Lagrangian Propagation in Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#55 / Sess. 1) Uncertainty in Neural Relational Inference Trajectory Reconstruction (Poster Teaser)
(#43 / Sess. 2) Uncovering the Folding Landscape of RNA Secondary Structure with Deep Graph Embeddings (Poster Teaser)
(#8 / Sess. 2) Practical Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#82 / Sess. 2) Scattering GCN: Overcoming Oversmoothness in Graph Convolutional Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#15 / Sess. 2) Learning Distributed Representations of Graphs with Geo2DR (Poster Teaser)
(#10 / Sess. 2) Multi-Graph Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations (Poster Teaser)
(#31 / Sess. 2) Generalized Multi-Relational Graph Convolution Network (Poster Teaser)
(#58 / Sess. 1) Temporal Graph Networks for Deep Learning on Dynamic Graphs (Poster Teaser)
(#89 / Sess. 1) Graphs, Entities, and Step Mixture (Poster Teaser)
(#53 / Sess. 1) Scene Graph Reasoning for Visual Question Answering (Poster Teaser)
(#87 / Sess. 2) Bi-Level Attention Neural Architectures for Relational Data (Poster Teaser)
(#80 / Sess. 2) Weisfeiler and Leman go sparse: Towards scalable higher-order graph embeddings (Poster Teaser)
(#73 / Sess. 2) Evaluating Logical Generalization in Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#29 / Sess. 2) Few-shot link prediction via graph neural networks for Covid-19 drug-repurposing (Poster Teaser)
(#99 / Sess. 2) GraphNets with Spectral Message Passing (Poster Teaser)
(#20 / Sess. 1) Principal Neighbourhood Aggregation for Graph Nets (Poster Teaser)
(#70 / Sess. 2) Molecule Edit Graph Attention Network: Modeling Chemical Reactions as Sequences of Graph Edits (Poster Teaser)
(#77 / Sess. 1) SIGN: Scalable Inception Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#92 / Sess. 1) From Graph Low-Rank Global Attention to 2-FWL Approximation (Poster Teaser)
(#71 / Sess. 1) Population Graph GNNs for Brain Age Prediction (Poster Teaser)
(#66 / Sess. 2) Bi-Level Graph Neural Networks for Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction (Poster Teaser)
(#65 / Sess. 2) Software Engineering Event Modeling using Relative Time in Temporal Knowledge Graphs (Poster Teaser)
(#64 / Sess. 1) Differentiable Graph Module (DGM) for Graph Convolutional Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#76 / Sess. 1) Graph Clustering with Graph Neural Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#83 / Sess. 2) Connecting Graph Convolutional Networks and Graph-Regularized PCA (Poster Teaser)
(#84 / Sess. 2) UniKER: A Unified Framework for Combining Embedding and Horn Rules for Knowledge Graph Inference (Poster Teaser)
(#37 / Sess. 1) Geometric Matrix Completion: A Functional View (Poster Teaser)
(#86 / Sess. 2) Graph Generation with Energy-Based Models (Poster Teaser)
(#50 / Sess. 1) Graph Convolutional Gaussian Processes for Link Prediction (Poster Teaser)
(#90 / Sess. 1) Pointer Graph Networks (Poster Teaser)
(#101 / Sess. 1) Graph neural induction of value iteration (Poster Teaser)
(#46 / Sess. 2) Discrete Planning with End-to-end Trained Neuro-algorithmic Policies (Poster Teaser)
(#93 / Sess. 1) Geoopt: Riemannian Optimization in PyTorch (Poster Teaser)
(#45 / Sess. 1) Hierarchical Inter-Message Passing for Learning on Molecular Graphs (Poster Teaser)
(#94 / Sess. 2) Are Hyperbolic Representations in Graphs Created Equal? (Poster Teaser)
(#95 / Sess. 2) Graphein - a Python Library for Geometric Deep Learning and Network Analysis on Protein Structures (Poster Teaser)