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Fri Jul 13 09:15 AM -- 12:00 PM (PDT) @ Hall B #3
SADAGRAD: Strongly Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Methods
Zaiyi Chen · Yi Xu · Enhong Chen · Tianbao Yang

Although the convergence rates of existing variants of ADAGRAD have a better dependence on the number of iterations under the strong convexity condition, their iteration complexities have a explicitly linear dependence on the dimensionality of the problem. To alleviate this bad dependence, we propose a simple yet novel variant of ADAGRAD for stochastic (weakly) strongly convex optimization. Different from existing variants, the proposed variant (referred to as SADAGRAD) uses an adaptive restarting scheme in which (i) ADAGRAD serves as a sub-routine and is restarted periodically; (ii) the number of iterations for restarting ADAGRAD depends on the history of learning that incorporates knowledge of the geometry of the data. In addition to the adaptive proximal functions and adaptive number of iterations for restarting, we also develop a variant that is adaptive to the (implicit) strong convexity from the data, which together makes the proposed algorithm strongly adaptive. In terms of iteration complexity, in the worst case SADAGRAD has an O(1/\epsilon) for finding an \epsilon-optimal solution similar to other variants. However, it could enjoy faster convergence and much better dependence on the problem’s dimensionality when stochastic gradients are sparse. Extensive experiments on large-scale data sets demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms in comparison with several variants of ADAGRAD and stochastic gradient method.