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Tue Aug 08 01:30 AM -- 05:00 AM (PDT) @ Gallery #34
Exact MAP Inference by Avoiding Fractional Vertices
Erik Lindgren · Alexandros Dimakis · Adam Klivans

Given a graphical model, one essential problem is MAP inference, that is, finding the most likely configuration of states according to the model. Although this problem is NP-hard, large instances can be solved in practice and it is a major open question is to explain why this is true. We give a natural condition under which we can provably perform MAP inference in polynomial time---we require that the number of fractional vertices in the LP relaxation exceeding the optimal solution is bounded by a polynomial in the problem size. This resolves an open question by Dimakis, Gohari, and Wainwright. In contrast, for general LP relaxations of integer programs, known techniques can only handle a constant number of fractional vertices whose value exceeds the optimal solution. We experimentally verify this condition and demonstrate how efficient various integer programming methods are at removing fractional solutions.