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Mon Aug 07 01:30 AM -- 05:00 AM (PDT) @ Gallery #132
State-Frequency Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
Hao Hu · Guo-Jun Qi

Modeling temporal sequences plays a fundamental role in various modern applications and has drawn more and more attentions in the machine learning community. Among those efforts on improving the capability to represent temporal data, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) has achieved great success in many areas. Although the LSTM can capture long-range dependency in the time domain, it does not explicitly model the pattern occurrences in the frequency domain that plays an important role in tracking and predicting data points over various time cycles. We propose the State-Frequency Memory (SFM), a novel recurrent architecture that allows to separate dynamic patterns across different frequency components and their impacts on modeling the temporal contexts of input sequences. By jointly decomposing memorized dynamics into state-frequency components, the SFM is able to offer a fine-grained analysis of temporal sequences by capturing the dependency of uncovered patterns in both time and frequency domains. Evaluations on several temporal modeling tasks demonstrate the SFM can yield competitive performances, in particular as compared with the state-of-the-art LSTM models.