Time | Session | Session Title
Session Chair | Paper Title | Authors |
Wed, 8.30-9 | 1A | Welcome | Welcome address and Best Paper Awards | Zoubin Ghahramani, Lise Getoor, Tobias Scheffer |
Wed, 9-10 | 1A | Keynote
John Platt | Embracing Uncertainty: Applied Machine Learning Comes of Age | Christopher Bishop |
Wed, 10-10.30 | | Coffee Break | | |
Wed, 10.30-12.10 | 2A | Bandits and Online Learning
John Langford | Unimodal Bandits | Jia Yuan Yu; Shie Mannor |
| | | On tracking portfolios with certainty equivalents on a generalization of Markowitz model: the Fool, the Wise and the Adaptive | Richard Nock; Brice Magdalou; Eric Briys; Frank Nielsen |
| | | Beat the Mean Bandit | Yisong Yue; Thorsten Joachims |
| | | Multiclass Classification with Bandit Feedback using Adaptive Regularization | Koby Crammer; Claudio Gentile |
| 2I | Structured Output
Mehryar Mohri | An Augmented Lagrangian Approach to Constrained MAP Inference | Andre Martins; Mario Figueiredo; Pedro Aguiar; Noah Smith; Eric Xing |
| | | Max-margin Learning for Lower Linear Envelope Potentials in Binary Markov Random Fields | Stephen Gould |
| | | Inference of Inversion Transduction Grammars | Alexander Clark |
| | | Minimal Loss Hashing for Compact Binary Codes | Mohammad Norouzi; David Fleet |
| 2E | Reinforcement Learning
Ron Parr | Structure Learning in Ergodic Factored MDPs without Knowledge of the Transition Function's In-Degree | Doran Chakraborty; Peter Stone |
| | | The Infinite Regionalized Policy Representation | Miao Liu; Xuejun Liao; Lawrence Carin |
| | | Online Discovery of Feature Dependencies | Alborz Geramifard; Finale Doshi; Joshua Redding; Nicholas Roy; Jonathan How |
| | | Doubly Robust Policy Evaluation and Learning | Miroslav Dudik; John Langford; Lihong Li |
| 2F | Graphical Models and Optimization
Nando de Freitas | Dynamic Tree Block Coordinate Ascent | Daniel Tarlow; Dhruv Batra; Pushmeet Kohli; Vladimir Kolmogorov |
| | | Approximation Bounds for Inference using Cooperative Cuts | Stefanie Jegelka; Jeff Bilmes |
| | | Convex Max-Product over Compact Sets for Protein Folding | Jian Peng; Tamir Hazan; David McAllester; Raquel Urtasun |
| | | On the Use of Variational Inference for Learning Discrete Graphical Models | Eunho Yang; Pradeep Ravikumar |
| 2G | Recommendation and Matrix Factorization
Dale Schuurmans | GoDec: Randomized Low-rank & Sparse Matrix Decomposition in Noisy Case | Tianyi Zhou; Dacheng Tao |
| | | Large-Scale Convex Minimization with a Low-Rank Constraint | Shai Shalev-Shwartz; Alon Gonen; Ohad Shamir |
| | | Linear Regression under Fixed-Rank Constraints: A Riemannian Approach | Gilles Meyer; Silvère Bonnabel; Rodolphe Sepulchre |
| | | Clustering by Left-Stochastic Matrix Factorization | Raman Arora; Maya Gupta; Amol Kapila; Maryam Fazel, |
Wed, 12.10-1.40 | | Lunch Break | | |
| | MLJ Editorial Board Luncheon | | Machine Learning Journal |
Wed, 1.40-3.20 | 3A | Neural Networks and Statistical Methods
Thore Graepel | Minimum Probability Flow Learning | Jascha Sohl-Dickstein; Peter Battaglino; Michael DeWeese |
| | | The Importance of Encoding Versus Training with Sparse Coding and Vector Quantization | Adam Coates; Andrew Ng |
| | | Learning Recurrent Neural Networks with Hessian-Free Optimization | James Martens; Ilya Sutskever |
| | | On Random Weights and Unsupervised Feature Learning | Andrew Saxe; Pang Wei Koh; Zhenghao Chen; Maneesh Bhand; Bipin Suresh; Andrew Ng |
| 3I | Latent-Variable Models
Alexander Ihler | On the Integration of Topic Modeling and Dictionary Learning | Lingbo Li; Mingyuan Zhou; Guillermo Sapiro; Lawrence Carin |
| | | Beam Search based MAP Estimates for the Indian Buffet Process | Piyush Rai; Hal Daume III |
| | | Tree-Structured Infinite Sparse Factor Model | XianXing Zhang; David Dunson; Lawrence Carin |
| | | Sparse Additive Generative Models of Text | Jacob Eisenstein; Amr Ahmed; Eric Xing |
| 3E | Large-Scale Learning
Rich Caruana | Hashing with Graphs | Wei Liu; Jun Wang; Sanjiv Kumar; Shih-Fu Chang |
| | | Large Scale Text Classification using Semi-supervised Multinomial Naive Bayes | Jiang Su; Jelber Sayyad Shirab; Stan Matwin |
| | | Parallel Coordinate Descent for L1-Regularized Loss Minimization | Joseph Bradley; Aapo Kyrola; Daniel Bickson; Carlos Guestrin |
| | | OptiML: An Implicitly Parallel Domain-Specific Language for Machine Learning | Arvind Sujeeth; HyoukJoong Lee; Kevin Brown; Tiark Rompf; Hassan Chafi; Michael Wu; Anand Atreya; Martin Odersky; Kunle Olukotun |
| 3F | Learning Theory
Sally Goldman | On the Necessity of Irrelevant Variables | Dave Helmbold; Phil Long |
| | | A PAC-Bayes Sample-compression Approach to Kernel Methods | Pascal Germain; Alexandre Lacoste; Francois Laviolette; Mario Marchand; Sara Shanian |
| | | Simultaneous Learning and Covering with Adversarial Noise | Andrew Guillory; Jeff Bilmes |
| | | Risk-Based Generalizations of f-divergences | Darío García-García; Ulrike von Luxburg; Raúl Santos-Rodríguez |
| 3G | Feature Selection, Dimensionality Reduction
Corinna Cortes | Eigenvalue Sensitive Feature Selection | Yi Jiang; Jiangtao Ren |
| | | Cauchy Graph Embedding | Dijun Luo; Chris Ding; Feiping Nie; Heng Huang |
| | | Tree preserving embedding | Albert Shieh; Tatsunori Hashimoto; Edo Airoldi |
| | | Stochastic Low-Rank Kernel Learning for Regression | Pierre Machart; Thomas Peel; Sandrine Anthoine; Liva Ralaivola; Hervé Glotin, |
Wed, 3.20-3.50 | | Coffee Break | | |
Wed, 3.50-5.30 | 4A | Invited Cross-Conference Track
Dragos Margineantu | Debt Collections Using Constrained Reinforcement Learning | Naoki Abe; Prem Melville; Cezar Pendus; David L. Jensen; Chandan K. Reddy; Vince P. Thomas; James J. Bennett; Gary F. Anderson; Brent R. Cooley; Melissa Weatherwax; Timothy Gardinier; Gerard Miller |
| | | Modeling Mutual Context of Object and Human Pose in Human-Object Interaction Activities | Bangpeng Yao; Aditya Khosla; Li Fei-Fei |
| | | Efficient Planning under Uncertainty for a Target-Tracking Micro-Aerial Vehicle in Urban Environments | Abraham Bachrach; Ruijie He; Nicholas Roy |
| | | Gesture-Based Human-Robot Jazz Improvisation | Gil Weinberg |
| 4I | Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Tomas Singliar | Learning attentional policies for tracking and recognition in video with deep networks | Loris Bazzani; Nando Freitas; Hugo Larochelle; Vittorio Murino; Jo-Anne Ting |
| | | Learning Deep Energy Models | Jiquan Ngiam; Zhenghao Chen; Pang Wei Koh; Andrew Ng |
| | | Unsupervised Models of Images by Spike-and-Slab RBMs | Aarron Courville; James Bergstra; Yoshua Bengio |
| | | On Autoencoders and Score Matching for Energy Based Models | Kevin Swersky; Marc'Aurelio Ranzato; David Buchman; Benjamin Marlin; Nando Freitas |
| 4E | Latent-Variable Models
Katherine Heller | Topic Modeling with Nonparametric Markov Tree | Haojun Chen; David Dunson; Lawrence Carin |
| | | Infinite SVM: a Dirichlet Process Mixture of Large-margin Kernel Machines | Jun Zhu; Ning Chen; Eric Xing |
| | | Piecewise Bounds for Estimating Bernoulli-Logistic Latent Gaussian Models | Benjamin Marlin*, University of British Columbia; Mohammad Khan, University of British Columbia; Kevin Murphy, University of British Columbia |
| | | A Spectral Algorithm for Latent Tree Graphical Models | Ankur Parikh; Le Song; Eric Xing |
| 4F | Active and Online Learning
Burr Settles | Speeding-Up Hoeffding-Based Regression Trees With Options | Elena Ikonomovska; João Gama; Bernard Zenko; Saso Dzeroski |
| | | Adaptively Learning the Crowd Kernel | Omer Tamuz; Ce Liu; Serge Belongie; Ohad Shamir; Adam Kalai |
| | | Bundle Selling by Online Estimation of Valuation Functions | Daniel Vainsencher; Ofer Dekel; Shie Mannor |
| | | Active Learning from Crowds | Yan Yan; Romer Rosales; Glenn Fung; Jennifer Dy |
| 4G | Ensemble Methods
Chris Burges | Efficient Rule Ensemble Learning using Hierarchical Kernels | Pratik Jawanpuria; Saketha Nath Jagarlapudi; Ganesh Ramakrishnan |
| | | Boosting on a Budget: Sampling for Feature-Efficient Prediction | Lev Reyzin |
| | | Multiclass Boosting with Hinge Loss based on Output Coding | Tianshi Gao; Daphne Koller |
| | | Generalized Boosting Algorithms for Convex Optimization | Alexander Grubb; Drew Bagnell |
Wed, 5.30-6 | 5A | Test-of-Time
Tom Dietterich | Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data | John D. Lafferty; Andrew McCallum; Fernando C. N. Pereira |
Wed, 6-10 | Evg | Poster Session | Papers from Sessions 2A-7G - Evergreen Balroom | |