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The ICML 2011 workshops will take place July 2, 2011 at the conference venue. Registered participants are free to attend one or multiple workshops as suits your interests.

When: Saturday July 2 is the workshops day. Please see each workshop page for its schedule of events.
Where: Workshops will take place in sections of the Grand Ballroom as follows. Access to session rooms will be signed.

Room Workshop Title
Grand-A Unsupervised and Transfer Learning
Grand-B New Developments in Imitation Learning
Grand-C Online Trading of Exploration and Exploitation 2
Evergreen-AB Structured Sparsity: Learning and Inference
Grand-EF Combining Strategies for Reducing the Label Cost
Grand-G Machine Learning for Global Challenges
Grand-I Learning Architectures, Representations, and Optimization for Speech and Visual Information Processing
Grand-J Planning and Acting with Uncertain Models
Grand-K Learning from Unstructured Clinical Text
Structured Sparsity: Learning and Inference
How do the machine learning, statistics and signal processing communities tackle high-dimensional challenges using structure?
Francis Bach, Mladen Kolar, Han Liu, Guillaume Obozinski, Eric P. Xing
New Developments in Imitation Learning
This workshop is about presenting recent advances in the theory and applications of imitation learning, and building a unified view of this field.
Abdeslam Boularias, Brian Ziebart, Jan Peters
Combining Strategies for Reducing the Label Cost
This workshop is about presenting recent advances in the theory and Learning with (even) less labeled data by combining label-cost saving learning strategies: improved algorithms and unifying themes.
Hal Daume III, Piyush Rai, Burr Settles, Jerry Zhu
Learning Architectures, Representations, and Optimization for Speech and Visual Information Processing
To advance research in deep learning, including architectures, representations, and optimization techniques aimed at computer speech and vision applications.
Li Deng, Honglak Lee, Kai Yu
Online Trading of Exploration and Exploitation 2
On-line learning and optimising unknown targets: practical performance, especially in large scale applications such as web optimisation.
Louis Dorard, John Shawe-Taylor, Suzanne Weller, Dorota Glowacka, Zakria Hussain
Planning and Acting with Uncertain Models
How can agents best use knowledge about uncertainty in world models when choosing actions? When is accounting for such uncertainty helpful?
Finale Doshi, David Wingate
Learning from Unstructured Clinical Text
Multi-disciplinary workshop for ML, NLP & Medical Informatics researchers interested in problems on learning from unstructured clinical text
Faisal Farooq, Noemie Elhadad, Balaji Krishnapuram, R. Bharat Rao, Zeeshan Syed, Ozlem Uzuner, Shipeng Yu
Machine Learning for Global Challenges
How can Machine Learning be used to tackle a number of pressing global challenges that the world faces today? These challenges include Energy, Healthcare, Sustainability, Environment, Education and so on.
Arindam Banerjee, Rayid Ghani, Claire Monteleoni, Vikas Sindhwani
Unsupervised and Transfer Learning
The data you have to train is not always the data you want! Learn about exploiting the data you have and transferring knowledge from task to task.
Isabelle Guyon, Daniel Silver

The original call for workshops is here.