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Data Poisoning Attacks in Multi-Party Learning

Saeed Mahloujifar · Mohammad Mahmoody · Ameer Mohammed

Pacific Ballroom #160

Keywords: [ Computational Learning Theory ] [ Robust Statistics and Machine Learning ] [ Theory and Algorithms ]

Abstract: In this work, we demonstrate universal multi-party poisoning attacks that adapt and apply to any multi-party learning process with arbitrary interaction pattern between the parties. More generally, we introduce and study (k,p)-poisoning attacks in which an adversary controls k[m] of the parties, and for each corrupted party Pi, the adversary submits some poisoned data Ti on behalf of Pi that is still "(1p)-close" to the correct data Ti (e.g., 1p fraction of Ti is still honestly generated).We prove that for any "bad" property B of the final trained hypothesis h (e.g., h failing on a particular test example or having "large" risk) that has an arbitrarily small constant probability of happening without the attack, there always is a (k,p)-poisoning attack that increases the probability of B from μ to by μ1pk/m=μ+Ω(pk/m). Our attack only uses clean labels, and it is online, as it only knows the the data shared so far.

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