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Does Data Augmentation Lead to Positive Margin?

Shashank Rajput · Zhili Feng · Zachary Charles · Po-Ling Loh · Dimitris Papailiopoulos

Pacific Ballroom #155

Keywords: [ Adversarial Examples ] [ Deep Learning Theory ] [ Information Theory and Estimation ] [ Robust Statistics and Machine Learning ] [ Statistical Learning Theory ]


Data augmentation (DA) is commonly used during model training, as it significantly improves test error and model robustness. DA artificially expands the training set by applying random noise, rotations, crops, or even adversarial perturbations to the input data. Although DA is widely used, its capacity to provably improve robustness is not fully understood. In this work, we analyze the robustness that DA begets by quantifying the margin that DA enforces on empirical risk minimizers. We first focus on linear separators, and then a class of nonlinear models whose labeling is constant within small convex hulls of data points. We present lower bounds on the number of augmented data points required for non-zero margin, and show that commonly used DA techniques may only introduce significant margin after adding exponentially many points to the data set.

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