Spherical Structured Feature Maps for Kernel Approximation
Yueming LYU
Gallery #138
We propose Spherical Structured Feature (SSF) maps to approximate shift and rotation invariant kernels as well as $b^{th}$-order arc-cosine kernels~\cite{cho2009kerneldeeplearning}. We construct SSF maps based on the point set on $d-1$ dimensional sphere $\mathbb{S}^{d-1}$. We prove that the inner product of SSF maps are unbiased estimates for above kernels if asymptotically uniformly distributed point set on $\mathbb{S}^{d-1}$ is given. According to ~\cite{brauchart2015distributing}, optimizing
the discrete Riesz s-energy can generate asymptotically uniformly distributed point set on $\mathbb{S}^{d-1}$. Thus, we propose
an efficient coordinate decent method to find a local optimum of the discrete Riesz s-energy for SSF maps construction. Theoretically, SSF maps construction achieves linear space complexity and loglinear time complexity. Empirically, SSF maps achieve superior performance compared with other methods.
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