OSU Conference Services
100 LaSells Stewart Center
Corvallis, OR 97333
(541) 737-6439
(800) 678-6311 |
Yasemin Altun
Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago
Jeff Bilmes
University of Washington
David Blei
Princeton University
Olivier Bousquet
Google, Zurich
Corinna Cortes
Google, New York
James Cussens
University of York
Florence d'Alché-Buc
IBISC, Université d'Evry, France
Sanjoy Dasgupta
University of California, San Diego
Jennifer Dy
Northeastern University
Brendan Frey
University of Toronto
Lise Getoor
University of Maryland College Park
Tom Heskes
Radboud University Nijmegen
Tommi Jaakkola
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sham Kakade
Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago
John Langford
Yahoo! Research
Michael L. Littman
Rutgers University
Andrew McCallum
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Stephen Muggleton
Imperial College
Sayan Mukherjee
Duke University
Andrew Y. Ng
Stanford University
Partha Niyogi
University of Chicago
Doina Precup
McGill University
Carl Edward Rasmussen
University of Cambridge
Irina Rish
IBM Watson Research Center
Tuomas Sandholm
Carnegie Mellon University
Satinder Singh
University of Michigan
Nathan Srebro
Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago
Yee-Whye Teh
Gatsby Unit, UCL
Volker Tresp
Siemens AG
Naonori Ueda
NTT Communication Science Laboratories
Martin Wainwright
University of California, Berkeley
Eric Xing
Carnegie Mellon University
Tong Zhang
Yahoo! Inc, NYC
Xiaojin Zhu
University of Wisconsin-Madison |