Accomodation Information for ICML, COLT, UAI and MSRL
There are different types of accomodations, all within a 5-minute walk from the conference venue.
The McGill residences will continue to accomodate requests as long as rooms are available:
- New Residence Hall: this is hotel-style accomodation (the residence used to be a hotel). The price is $99CAD per room (single or double occupancy) (plus 12.5% tax). To make a reservation, please call (514) 398-3471 or e-mail and mention the International conference on Machine Learning
- Bishop Mountain Hall: This is a student-style residence. The price for a single room is $40CAD ($45.15 including tax). The washrooms are shared. To make a reservation, please call (514) 398-5200 and mention the International Conference on Machine Learning.
The Holiday Inn Midtown Montreal will still accept reservations as long as rooms are available, although the original block of rooms has expired.
The rate is $120/night for single or double occupancy, plus 12.5% tax. Call the hotel directly and mention your affiliation with ICML, and the fact that it is at McGill.