random variables

  • Jun-Kun Wang and Shou-de Lin

    Robust Inverse Covariance Estimation under Noisy Measurements (pdf)

    This paper proposes a robust method to estimate the inverse covariance under noisy measurements. The method is based on the estimation of each column in the inverse covariance matrix independently via robust regression, which enables parallelization. Different from previous linear programming based methods that cannot guarantee a positive semi-definite covariance matrix, our method adjusts the learned matrix to satisfy this condition, which further facilitates the tasks of forecasting future values. Experiments on time series prediction and classification under noisy condition demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.

  • Tian Lin and Bruno Abrahao and Robert Kleinberg and John Lui and Wei Chen

    Combinatorial Partial Monitoring Game with Linear Feedback and Its Applications (pdf)

    In online learning, a player chooses actions to play and receives reward and feedback from the environment with the goal of maximizing her reward over time. In this paper, we propose the model of combinatorial partial monitoring games with linear feedback, a model which simultaneously addresses limited feedback, infinite outcome space of the environment and exponentially large action space of the player. We present the Global Confidence Bound (GCB) algorithm, which integrates ideas from both combinatorial multi-armed bandits and finite partial monitoring games to handle all the above issues. GCB only requires feedback on a small set of actions and achieves $O(T^{\frac{2

  • Mathias Niepert and Pedro Domingos

    Exchangeable Variable Models (pdf)

    A sequence of random variables is exchangeable if its joint distribution is invariant under variable permutations. We introduce exchangeable variable models (EVMs) as a novel class of probabilistic models whose basic building blocks are partially exchangeable sequences, a generalization of exchangeable sequences. We prove that a family of tractable EVMs is optimal under zero-one loss for a large class of functions, including parity and threshold functions, and strictly subsumes existing tractable independence-based model families. Extensive experiments show that EVMs outperform state of the art classifiers such as SVMs and probabilistic models which are solely based on independence assumptions.

  • Alon Vinnikov and Shai Shalev-Shwartz

    K-means recovers ICA filters when independent components are sparse (pdf)

    Unsupervised feature learning is the task of using unlabeled examples for building a representation of objects as vectors. This task has been extensively studied in recent years, mainly in the context of unsupervised pre-training of neural networks. Recently, (Coates et al., 2011) conducted extensive experiments, comparing the accuracy of a linear classifier that has been trained using features learnt by several unsupervised feature learning methods. Surprisingly, the best performing method was the simplest feature learning approach that was based on applying the K-means clustering algorithm after a whitening of the data. The goal of this work is to shed light on the success of K-means with whitening for the task of unsupervised feature learning. Our main result is a close connection between K-means and ICA (Independent Component Analysis). Specifically, we show that K-means and similar clustering algorithms can be used to recover the ICA mixing matrix or its inverse, the ICA filters. It is well known that the independent components found by ICA form useful features for classification (Le et al., 2012; 2011; 2010), hence the connection between K-mean and ICA explains the empirical success of K-means as a feature learner. Moreover, our analysis underscores the significance of the whitening operation, as was also observed in the experiments reported in (Coates et al., 2011). Finally, our analysis leads to a better initialization of K-means for the task of feature learning.

  • Masrour Zoghi and Shimon Whiteson and Remi Munos and Maarten de Rijke

    Relative Upper Confidence Bound for the K-Armed Dueling Bandit Problem (pdf)

    This paper proposes a new method for the K-armed dueling bandit problem, a variation on the regular K-armed bandit problem that offers only relative feedback about pairs of arms. Our approach extends the Upper Confidence Bound algorithm to the relative setting by using estimates of the pairwise probabilities to select a promising arm and applying Upper Confidence Bound with the winner as a benchmark. We prove a sharp finite-time regret bound of order O(K log t) on a very general class of dueling bandit problems that matches a lower bound proven in (Yue et al., 2012). In addition, our empirical results using real data from an information retrieval application show that it greatly outperforms the state of the art.

  • Issei Sato and Hiroshi Nakagawa

    Approximation Analysis of Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics by using Fokker-Planck Equation and Ito Process (pdf)

    The stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) algorithm is appealing for large scale Bayesian learning. The SGLD algorithm seamlessly transit stochastic optimization and Bayesian posterior sampling. However, solid theories, such as convergence proof, have not been developed. We theoretically analyze the SGLD algorithm with constant stepsize in two ways. First, we show by using the Fokker-Planck equation that the probability distribution of random variables generated by the SGLD algorithm converges to the Bayesian posterior. Second, we analyze the convergence of the SGLD algorithm by using the Ito process, which reveals that the SGLD algorithm does not strongly but weakly converges. This result indicates that the SGLD algorithm can be an approximation method for posterior averaging.

  • Risi Kondor and Nedelina Teneva and Vikas Garg

    Multiresolution Matrix Factorization (pdf)

    The types of large matrices that appear in modern Machine Learning problems often have complex hierarchical structures that go beyond what can be found by traditional linear algebra tools, such as eigendecompositions. Inspired by ideas from multiresolution analysis, this paper introduces a new notion of matrix factorization that can capture structure in matrices at multiple different scales. The resulting Multiresolution Matrix Factorizations (MMFs) not only provide a wavelet basis for sparse approximation, but can also be used for matrix compression (similar to Nystrom approximations) and as a prior for matrix completion.

  • Kacper Chwialkowski and Arthur Gretton

    A Kernel Independence Test for Random Processes (pdf)

    A non-parametric approach to the problem of testing the independence of two random processes is developed. The test statistic is the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC), which was used previously in testing independence for i.i.d. pairs of variables. The asymptotic behaviour of HSIC is established when computed from samples drawn from random processes. It is shown that earlier bootstrap procedures which worked in the i.i.d. case will fail for random processes, and an alternative consistent estimate of the p-values is proposed. Tests on artificial data and real-world forex data indicate that the new test procedure discovers dependence which is missed by linear approaches, while the earlier bootstrap procedure returns an elevated number of false positives.

  • Anastasia Pentina and Christoph Lampert

    A PAC-Bayesian bound for Lifelong Learning (pdf)

    Transfer learning has received a lot of attention in the machine learning community over the last years, and several effective algorithms have been developed. However, relatively little is known about their theoretical properties, especially in the setting of lifelong learning, where the goal is to transfer information to tasks for which no data have been observed so far. In this work we study lifelong learning from a theoretical perspective. Our main result is a PAC-Bayesian generalization bound that offers a unified view on existing paradigms for transfer learning, such as the transfer of parameters or the transfer of low-dimensional representations. We also use the bound to derive two principled lifelong learning algorithms, and we show that these yield results comparable with existing methods.

  • Karol Gregor and Ivo Danihelka and Andriy Mnih and Charles Blundell and Daan Wierstra

    Deep AutoRegressive Networks (pdf)

    We introduce a deep, generative autoencoder capable of learning hierarchies of distributed representations from data. Successive deep stochastic hidden layers are equipped with autoregressive connections, which enable the model to be sampled from quickly and exactly via ancestral sampling. We derive an efficient approximate parameter estimation method based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle, which can be seen as maximising a variational lower bound on the log-likelihood, with a feedforward neural network implementing approximate inference. We demonstrate state-of-the-art generative performance on a number of classic data sets: several UCI data sets, MNIST and Atari 2600 games.

  • Diederik Kingma and Max Welling

    Efficient Gradient-Based Inference through Transformations between Bayes Nets and Neural Nets (pdf)

    Hierarchical Bayesian networks and neural networks with stochastic hidden units are commonly perceived as two separate types of models. We show that either of these types of models can often be transformed into an instance of the other, by switching between centered and differentiable non-centered parameterizations of the latent variables. The choice of parameterization greatly influences the efficiency of gradient-based posterior inference; we show that they are often complementary to eachother, we clarify when each parameterization is preferred and show how inference can be made robust. In the non-centered form, a simple Monte Carlo estimator of the marginal likelihood can be used for learning the parameters. Theoretical results are supported by experiments.

2013-2014 ICML | International Conference on Machine Learning