Aviv Tamar and Shie Mannor and Huan Xu
We consider large-scale Markov decision processes (MDPs) with parameter uncertainty, under the robust MDP paradigm. Previous studies showed that robust MDPs, based on a minimax approach to handling uncertainty, can be solved using dynamic programming for small to medium sized problems. However, due to the "curse of dimensionality", MDPs that model real-life problems are typically prohibitively large for such approaches. In this work we employ a reinforcement learning approach to tackle this planning problem: we develop a robust approximate dynamic programming method based on a projected fixed point equation to approximately solve large scale robust MDPs. We show that the proposed method provably succeeds under certain technical conditions, and demonstrate its effectiveness through simulation of an option pricing problem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to scale up the robust MDP paradigm.
Bruno Scherrer
We consider the infinite-horizon discounted optimal control problem formalized by Markov Decision Processes. We focus on several approximate variations of the Policy Iteration algorithm: Approximate Policy Iteration, Conservative Policy Iteration (CPI), a natural adaptation of the Policy Search by Dynamic Programming algorithm to the infinite-horizon case (PSDP$_\infty$), and the recently proposed Non-Stationary Policy iteration (NSPI(m)). For all algorithms, we describe performance bounds, and make a comparison by paying a particular attention to the concentrability constants involved, the number of iterations and the memory required. Our analysis highlights the following points: 1) The performance guarantee of CPI can be arbitrarily better than that of API/API($\alpha$), but this comes at the cost of a relative---exponential in $\frac{1
Travis Dick and Andras Gyorgy and Csaba Szepesvari
In this paper we consider online learning in finite Markov decision processes (MDPs) with changing cost sequences under full and bandit-information. We propose to view this problem as an instance of online linear optimization. We propose two methods for this problem: MD^2 (mirror descent with approximate projections) and the continuous exponential weights algorithm with Dikin walks. We provide a rigorous complexity analysis of these techniques, while providing near-optimal regret-bounds (in particular, we take into account the computational costs of performing approximate projections in MD^2). In the case of full-information feedback, our results complement existing ones. In the case of bandit-information feedback we consider the online stochastic shortest path problem, a special case of the above MDP problems, and manage to improve the existing results by removing the previous restrictive assumption that the state-visitation probabilities are uniformly bounded away from zero under all policies.
Jonathan Scholz and Martin Levihn and Charles Isbell and David Wingate
One of the key challenges in using reinforcement learning in robotics is the need for models that capture natural world structure. There are, methods that formalize multi-object dynamics using relational representations, but these methods are not sufficiently compact for real-world robotics. We present a physics-based approach that exploits modern simulation tools to efficiently parameterize physical dynamics. Our results show that this representation can result in much faster learning, by virtue of its strong but appropriate inductive bias in physical environments.
Timothy Mann and Shie Mannor
We show how options, a class of control structures encompassing primitive and temporally extended actions, can play a valuable role in planning in MDPs with continuous state-spaces. Analyzing the convergence rate of Approximate Value Iteration with options reveals that for pessimistic initial value function estimates, options can speed up convergence compared to planning with only primitive actions even when the temporally extended actions are suboptimal and sparsely scattered throughout the state-space. Our experimental results in an optimal replacement task and a complex inventory management task demonstrate the potential for options to speed up convergence in practice. We show that options induce faster convergence to the optimal value function, which implies deriving better policies with fewer iterations.
Mohammad Gheshlaghi azar and Alessandro Lazaric and Emma Brunskill
In this paper we consider the problem of online stochastic optimization of a locally smooth function under bandit feedback. We introduce the high-confidence tree (HCT) algorithm, a novel anytime $\mathcal X$-armed bandit algorithm, and derive regret bounds matching the performance of state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of the dependency on number of steps and the near-optimality dimension. The main advantage of HCT is that it handles the challenging case of correlated bandit feedback (reward), whereas existing methods require rewards to be conditionally independent. HCT also improves on the state-of-the-art in terms of the memory requirement, as well as requiring a weaker smoothness assumption on the mean-reward function in comparison with the existing anytime algorithms. Finally, we discuss how HCT can be applied to the problem of policy search in reinforcement learning and we report preliminary empirical results.
Yasin Abbasi-Yadkori and Peter Bartlett and Varun Kanade
We study linear control problems with quadratic losses and adversarially chosen tracking targets. We present an efficient algorithm for this problem and show that, under standard conditions on the linear system, its regret with respect to an optimal linear policy grows as $O(\log^2 T)$, where $T$ is the number of rounds of the game. We also study a problem with adversarially chosen transition dynamics; we present an exponentially-weighted average algorithm for this problem, and we give regret bounds that grow as $O(\sqrt T)$.