International Conference on Machine Learning June 26–July 1, 2012 — Edinburgh, Scotland

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ICML 2012 Survey Results

Conditioned on questionee being an author of an rejected paper


1) Did you serve as an Area chair for ICML 2012?

10/267 = 4% Yes

257/267 = 96% No

2) Did you serve as a Reviewer / PC member for ICML 2012?

42/267 = 16% Yes

225/267 = 84% No

3) Are you an author of a paper submitted to ICML?

267/267 = 100% Yes

0/267 = 0% No

4) You are:

34/267 = 13% An author of an accepted paper

267/267 = 100% An author of a rejected paper

5) Are you going to attend ICML 2012 in Edinburgh?

54/267 = 20% Yes

213/267 = 80% No

Paper Assignment

6) Which information do you support using for assignment of papers to PC members? (choose all that apply)

26/ 41 = 63% Keywords

34/ 41 = 83% Toronto matching service

34/ 41 = 83% Bids

27/ 41 = 66% Choices made by the Area Chairs

7) How did you like your assignments?

4/ 42 = 10% Very interesting

37/ 42 = 88% Good fit for my expertise

1/ 42 = 2% Mostly not my area

0/ 42 = 0% Terrible

Paper Reviewing

9) Did you consult supplementary material for any of the papers you reviewed?

25/ 41 = 61% Yes

16/ 41 = 39% No

10) Did the supplementary material help you form a decision for any paper?

14/ 39 = 36% Yes

25/ 39 = 64% No

11) Did you have sufficient time to prepare your reviews?

33/ 40 = 83% Yes

7/ 40 = 18% No

12) Would you prefer if the paper submission deadline was earlier, to allow more time for the initial review period?

8/ 41 = 20% Yes, the review period should be longer.

32/ 41 = 78% The review period was fine.

1/ 41 = 2% No, in fact the review period could be shorter.

Author Response

13) Did you read the author responses for any of the papers you reviewed?

41/ 42 = 98% Yes

1/ 42 = 2% No

13_5) Was the author response informative for you?

34/ 42 = 81% Yes

8/ 42 = 19% No

14) Did you consult a new version of a paper uploaded during author response?

21/ 42 = 50% Yes

21/ 42 = 50% No

15) Did you change any of your (meta-)reviews due to the author response or new version?

10/ 42 = 24% It changed my mind about a paper.

26/ 42 = 62% It helped clarify a few questions, but did not change my mind.

6/ 42 = 14% It was not useful.

0/ 42 = 0% I did not see it.

16) Do you think the author feedback has an influence on the decision of acceptance/rejection?

26/ 42 = 62% Yes

16/ 42 = 38% No


17) Did you participate in the discussion for any of the papers you reviewed?

40/ 42 = 95% Yes

2/ 42 = 5% No

18) Did you change any of your reviews due to the discussion?

26/ 42 = 62% Yes

16/ 42 = 38% No

Assessment of Reviewing Process

19) Do you think the ICML 2012 reviews were different in quality from the reviews at previous ICMLs?

1/ 42 = 2% ICML 2012 substantially better

11/ 42 = 26% Somewhat better

16/ 42 = 38% The same

4/ 42 = 10% Somewhat worse

1/ 42 = 2% Substantially worse

9/ 42 = 21% Don't know

20) Do you think the ICML 2012 reviews were different in quality from the reviews at other similar conferences?

3/ 42 = 7% ICML 2012 substantially better

9/ 42 = 21% Somewhat better

20/ 42 = 48% The same

6/ 42 = 14% Somewhat worse

1/ 42 = 2% Substantially worse

3/ 42 = 7% Don't know

21) Compared to other conferences, how much effort was it to participate in the program committee for ICML 2012?

1/ 42 = 2% ICML 2012 substantially less

1/ 42 = 2% Somewhat less

19/ 42 = 45% The same

7/ 42 = 17% Somewhat more

8/ 42 = 19% Substantially more

6/ 42 = 14% Don't know

22) Throughout the reviewing process, was it always clear to you what needed to be done?

37/ 42 = 88% Yes

5/ 42 = 12% No

23) How many hours did you spend on the review process?

Averaged over 31 entries: 27

24) If you submitted a rebuttal during the author response period, do you believe it had some influence on the final decision?

3/262 = 1% Very strong influence

15/262 = 6% Substantial influence

108/262 = 41% Marginal influence

136/262 = 52% No influence

25) Do you prefer having the author response option?

223/264 = 84% Yes

41/264 = 16% No

26) If you uploaded a new file during the author response period, do you believe it had some influence on the final decision?

5/211 = 2% Very strong influence

15/211 = 7% Substantial influence

68/211 = 32% Marginal influence

123/211 = 58% No influence

27) The majority of the reviews of your paper were:

20/261 = 8% Right to the point

127/261 = 49% High quality

66/261 = 25% Low quality

48/261 = 18% The reviewers did not understand my paper.

28) Do you prefer the option to revise the paper during author response?

172/265 = 65% Yes

93/265 = 35% No

29) Do you think that the meta-reviews adequately summarized the reviewers' opinions and made the right decision?

45/261 = 17% Yes

81/261 = 31% Mostly

85/261 = 33% Somewhat

50/261 = 19% No, there was no justification of the decision.

Conference Format

30) With 242 accepted papers, ICML can no longer offer a full talk to all accepted papers (assuming 5 parallel tracks over 3 days). Which of the following do you support (choose all that apply):

37/255 = 15% Accept fewer papers.

83/255 = 33% Add a day.

91/255 = 36% Add an additional track.

110/255 = 43% Present some papers only as posters.

107/255 = 42% Present some papers as short talk + poster.

9/255 = 4% Other (briefly comment below)

30-c) Other

Results (12)

31) The workshop program has been extended to 2-days. What is your opinion of this new format?

46/256 = 18% Good idea, I plan on attending.

100/256 = 39% Good idea, but I won’t attend.

89/256 = 35% I don’t care.

13/256 = 5% Bad idea, ICML is too long already.

8/256 = 3% Bad idea, I don’t like workshops.

32) Which conferences would like to see in co-location with ICML in the future? (choose all that apply):

90/184 = 49% COLT

76/184 = 41% UAI

48/184 = 26% ECML-PKDD

43/184 = 23% SIGKDD

51/184 = 28% IJCAI

62/184 = 34% AAAI

11/184 = 6% ECAI

14/184 = 8% EMNLP-CoNLL

26/184 = 14% SIGIR

23/184 = 13% ACL

13/184 = 7% RSS

51/184 = 28% CVPR

12/184 = 7% RSS

6/184 = 3% Other (comment below)

32-c) Other

Results (12)

33) Feel free to enter any additional comments here:

Results (61)