International Conference on Machine Learning June 26–July 1, 2012 — Edinburgh, Scotland

Student Support

There are two programs that provide financial support for students who attend ICML. All students may apply. A student does NOT need to have an accepted paper at the conference in order to participate in the programs. Both programs have the same deadline.

  • Applications Due: 6 May 2012, midnight PST. Absolutely no late applications will be accepted!

You can apply for both programs at once by applying for the travel scholarship and answering yes to the question that asks about the volunteer program.

Student Travel Scholarship

The student travel scholarship provides funding for students to subsidize travel, conference registration, and housing expenses for ICML 2012. To help students be integrated into the conference, each sponsored student will have a poster on their research.

For details see

Volunteer Program

In the volunteer program, students receive free registration in exchange for agreeing to help with the organization of the conference.

For details see