Sun, June 16
Deep Learning for Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (WDLASL)
Brian Kingsbury, Tara N. Sainath, Li Deng, Andrew Senior—Sun, June 16—International 6
Structured Learning: Inferring Graphs from Structured and Unstructured Inputs (WSTRUC)
Hal Daumé III, Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Lise Getoor, Kevin Murphy—Sun, June 16—International 4, 5
Thu and Fri, June 20-21 (two days)
Role of Machine Learning in Transforming Healthcare: Recent progress, Challenges and Opportunities (WHEALTH)
Noémie Elhadad, Faisal Farooq, Misha Pavel, Suchi Saria, Jimeng Sun, Shipeng Yu—Thu and Fri, June 20-21 (two days)—L508
Machine Learning for System Identification (WSYSID)
Francesco Dinuzzo, Abdeslam Boularias, Lennart Ljung—Thu and Fri, June 20-21 (two days)—L405-6
Machine Learning for Bioacoustics (WBIOAC)
Pr. H. Glotin, Pr. Y. LeCun, Dr. C. Clark, Dr. X. Halkias, Dr. Peter Dugan, Associate Pr. Jérôme Sueur—Thu and Fri, June 20-21 (two days)—L503
Thu, June 20 (one day)
Peer Reviewing and Publishing Models (WPEER)
Andrew McCallum, Aaron Courville—Thu, June 20 (one day)— L504-5
Robot Learning (WROBL)
Anca Dragan, Baris Akgun, Brian Ziebart—Thu, June 20 (one day)—M105
Divergences and Divergence Learning (WDIV)
Rong Jin, Meizhu Liu, Chunhua Shen, Jieping Ye, and Zhi-Hua Zhou—Thu, June 20 (one day)—L404
Numerical Linear Algebra in Machine Learning (WLINALG)
Haim Avron, Christos Boutsidis, Vikas Sindhwani—Thu, June 20 (one day)—M103-4
Inferning: Interactions between Inference and Learning (WINFERN)
Janardhan Rao (Jana) Doppa, Pawan Kumar, Michael Wick, Sameer Singh, Ruslan Salakhutdinov—Thu, June 20 (one day)—L401-3
Machine Learning with Test-Time Budgets (WTBUDG)
Minmin Chen, Matthew Kusner, Venkatesh Saligrama, Kirill Trapeznikov, Kilian Weinberger, Zhixiang (Eddie) Xu —Thu, June 20 (one day)—L506-7
Fri, June 21 (one day)
Challenges in Representation Learning (WREPL)
Ian Goodfellow, Dumitru Erhan, Yoshua Bengio—Fri, June 21 (one day)—L401-3
Spectral Learning (WSPECT)
Byron Boots, Daniel Hsu, Borja Balle, Ankur Parikh—Fri, June 21 (one day)—M103-4
Machine Learning Meets Crowdsourcing (WCRWD)
Paul Bennett, Xi Chen, Qihang Lin, Qiang Liu, John Platt, Dengyong Zhou—Fri, June 21 (one day)—L506-7
Prediction with Sequential Models (WSEQ)
Djalel Benbouzid, Patrick Gallinari, Ludovic Denoyer, Balazs Kegl, Gabriel Dulac-Arnold, Michele Sebag—Fri, June 21 (one day)— L504-5
Reinforcement Learning Competition 2013 (WRLCOMP)
Christos Dimitrakakis, Nikolaos Tziortziotis—Fri, June 21 (one day)— M105
Theoretically Grounded Transfer Learning (WTRANS)
Haitham Bou Ammar, Matthew E. Taylor, Karl Tuyls—Fri, June 21 (one day)—L404
Cancelled by the organizers
Scientific Workflows for Machine Learning Applications (WWORKFL)
Yan Liu, Ricky J. Sethi—Cancelled by the organizers—(no room assigned)