International Conference on Machine Learning June 26–July 1, 2012 — Edinburgh, Scotland

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ICML 2012 Survey Results

Comments about co-location with other conferences

Conditioned on questionee being an author of an rejected paper


  2. NIPS

  3. SIAM Conference on Data Mining

  4. IEEE ICDL-Epirob

  5. Co-location seems full of potential issues, but I am partial to UAI.

  6. not ECML-PKDD! Why does RSS appear twice?

  7. None.

  8. None.

  9. Co-location does little for me. I'm too burnt out at the end of one conference to want to attend a second. I'd prefer them to be spaced out more.

  10. It'd be nice to have the submission deadline not too close to KDD.

  11. AAMAS