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What information can I provide in the author response? Can I include a PDF or update my manuscript?


The author response period is to help clarify errors in reviewers' understandings. Please limit your responses to pointing out concrete factual inaccuracies or misconceptions in the reviews, and addressing questions brought up by the reviewers. Please avoid pointing to external resources or adding "late-breaking results" that are non-responsive to the review.

The author response is a 1 page pdf file prepared using the ICML 2022 author response latex style file.

The author feedback is optional, but we highly encourage you to respond. In many cases, the feedback will play a critical role in the final decision made by the Meta-reviewers and the Reviewers. Reviewers and meta-reviewers have likely been under significant external pressure due to COVID-19 stressors, and we ask for your understanding as we move forward.