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{Dis}Ability and Queer in AI Workshop at ICML 2024

B.V. Alaka · Maria Skoularidou · Maximilian Vötsch · Vishal Dey · Michelle Lin · Amanda Bertsch · Yanan Long · William Agnew · Pranav A · Arjun Subramonian

Stolz 2

Mon 22 Jul, midnight PDT

{Dis}Ability and Queer in AI Workshop at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024. There are a sizable number of Queer and Disabled researchers in the AI community, and providing them with a space for discussion of issues relating specifically to their identities and experiences is paramount. As one of the central venues for AI/ML research, ICML provides an ideal setting for discussion and raising awareness of the issues posed by AI/ML and the associated industry and scholarly practices that are faced by diverse communities. This workshop, jointly hosted by Queer in AI and {Dis}Ability in AI, aims to bring together voices from these communities to share their experiences rooted in collective solidarity in an open, critical, and community-centric manner. We believe it is more important than ever to raise awareness about how the technologies we research impact the lives of Queer, Disabled, multiply-marginalized identities, and Global South communities.

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
